
AH After Hours

Noah rubbed his temple and remarked, "So I see you're growing close with him." Dixie could tell he was tense as the clothing fit him well and his eyebrows were furrowed. "You're not allowed to do that," she said "We're not in a relationship." She spat and slapped the papers on the desk, saying, "You're fucking someone else." "We didn't fuck, how many times do I have to tell you that? Tell me you haven't messed with him or you haven't been on a date?" He leapt to his feet and took a step forward, pushing her into the corner. She remained still. "Exactly, don't lecture me about it when you're doing it yourself." "Whatever, is that the reason you've been ignoring me?" You don't have the fucking right to tell me what to do, whether you're my boss or not. You want me some days and don't want me other days. Make up your fucking mind before I leave," he stood there silently, enraged by her tone and thinking about the words she uttered.. Dixie, the ideal woman to everyone else, yet everything was wrong with her. She hides behind the mask of being a flawless girl, despite her deep hatred for herself and her image. Men were never an issue for her because they were continually falling at her feet, lusting for her. The impending internship with Noah will completely transform her life but for the better or worse? On the other hand, Noah is regarded as a sex icon. A possessive, dominant, sage, arrogant, well-behaved and well-dressed businessman who owns the largest firm in New Your City, Beck Telecommunications Limited. What will happen when the two worlds encounter, with both containing stubbornness, want, desire, lust, and perhaps even a little framework for love and passion? With him, everything appears to be in proportion...but is there anything different beneath the surface? Will the secrets she worked so hard to bury and forget surface when the two meet? Will he succumb to the shadows of his past?

jmwreads · 现代言情
10 Chs



I just left and went to school to meet Abigail. That was too much to process. I couldn't understand why he'd be so upset about a stupid payroll and I can't understand why we keep having those moments of silence where I feel like I'm trapped in the most imaginable universe. I feel like time stops but then something happens and breaks me out of it.

Pushing all this side, I saw Abigail running toward me. She looked amazing with her newly red hair and not to mention how perfect her body's always been.

"Abigail Ann," I shouted excitedly. I never know how much I miss someone until they're standing right infront of me.

"Azzy" she said and ran to hug me. We engulfed in the softest hug ever and I just melted in her arms, especially because she has softer, bigger breasts than I do.

"You look great. I'm so happy to see you," I said while laughing and grabbing her hand.

"Ah," she sighed with content "what can I say? Time away was definitely great but I missed you more my girl. How's it been?"

She missed a lot but there's no need for past run downs right now. "It's been really stable recently. I got an internship and we're finishing college soon," I squealed.

"Yes finally," she responded and we made our way to the main office.

It was fun being on campus today especially because everyone would've been here. I saw a few people I knew and a few teachers too. When we got to the front desk, the process was definitely easier than expected. The Secretary approved our volunteerism hours and she gave us the completion receipts. The only thing left to do was complete internship, do the final exit exam which lasts four hours and finally, the one I've been waiting on the most, collecting my diploma and walking across that stage.

"How's Joshua?" I asked her.

"He's good. We're good too, just a bit complicated as usual," she giggled.

Joshua Hemmings. He's been affiliated with Abigail since we were in the 8th grade and now we're in college and they are still a thing. It's crazy how people can commit for long because I personally could never. The whole commitment forte wasn't a me thing but I'm glad it worked out great for my friend.


"We both want each other but we just won't admit it," she stated.

"Go for what you want before you don't have it anymore," I advised her.

She smiled and leaned in to hug me. The time was getting very late; I had to head back to work and she had to go get her business done. We parted ways and went on our different journeys.

No matter what other significant event happened, I couldn't forget the occurrences this morning. Mr. Xander was so different and a lot rougher with his employees and over what? Something as silly as me not being on the payroll. I just couldn't understand.

"Mara hey," I said as I saw her sitting at her desk.

"Azzaria," she exclaimed "hello. How are you?"

"I'm good but can I ask you something?" The best person to ask about Mr. Xander was Mara— they seemed to be alot closer than anyone knew.

"In private or?"

"Private please."

We left the lobby and walked into my office space.

"What's up?"

"Is Mr. Xander okay?"

She gave me a confused facial expression and then asked, "what do you mean?"

"Well this morning, he got the payroll to sign and apparently he was going through the pages and didn't see my name on the roster. So he called me to ask if I had removed it and I said no. Then he told me to get HR and accounts on the line and then he completely blew up," I explained. I was only hoping that made sense to her.

"Blew up meaning?"

"He got so annoyed at them and was being a lot rougher than expected. I just wanted to know if that's normal or if he's okay?"

"He has anger spasms," she said with a nervous chuckle "I'll check on him though and thanks for telling me."

Mara left the office and walked over to Mr. Xander's. Hopefully he was fine and that was just one of his many spasms.


"Ronan," I said and put my hand at my temple. Having a bestfriend was too much work. "Why are you calling me?"

He chuckled. "Because I love you. Why else?"

I groaned in displeasure. "Ronan please leave me alone, I have businesses to run and so do you."

"You free tonight?"

"I'm flattered." I chuckled. "But I don't like you like that."

He laughed. "Firstly, shut up and secondly, the guys and I wanted to hang out with you, we haven't done it in a while."

"Yeah, we haven't because you're always out of the continent but I can't, I have business trips tonight."

"Business trips as in actual work or are you fucking someone in your office so you call it business?"

"The former. Anything else?"


"Goodbye then."

I hung up. As I said earlier, having a best friend is a lot of work and I should know, I have five, if we count Bryce, then that's six but he's kind of been acting weird to all of us now. I peeped through the glass and saw that Ms. Willis was back in office. Looking at it, five is a lot, I have a really big friend group.

"Mara," I said in a happy tone "are you okay?" I'm always so glad to see my sister but based on the look on her face, I don't think she's in a good mood.

"Do you like Azzaria?" She whispered aggressively.

Here we fucking go again with her and this topic. When will it end? I sat up in my chair, looking at her with annoyance in my eyes"What happened now?"

"Answer the question," she urged me. These pregnancy hormones are really stressing me out.

"As a person, yes. She's a good employee," I said.

"Don't be smart with me. I mean romantically."

"No," I laughed. "If this is some attempt to set me up with someone, I assure you that's not the way to do it. Plus I'm more than ca-"

"Alright, I believe you." No, she doesn't. She just thinks that if she stops asking me about it now, I'll give her a better answer next time.

"When's your baby due again?" This has nothing to do with anything she just asked but I just needed a distinct way to change the conversation.

"July 3rd, why?"

"Aren't you to be off for maternity leave?"

"I should be, but then I get bored sitting down at home with nothing to do because my husband works and my brother works."

"What about your friends?"

"I'm looking at my only friend right now." I'm going to end this conversation before it ends up getting long and boring as the rest of the conversations we have.

"True," I said and chuckled.

"Ok, I'm going now. Don't miss me too much," she dramatically stated.

"Don't worry...I won't," I responded. Such an asshole.

I couldn't help but wonder why Mara asked him that question, nor help but wonder if she was actually right. I don't know what feelings are because the last time I got them, it didn't work out. It wasn't real. None of it was real. And you know what, it never will. I'm not one to be fully confused when it comes to knowing what I want but I'm also one who tends to miss the bigger picture. I have a deep fear of falling in love and I have no one but Annalise to blame.

A heavy knock pulled me out of a deep trance. I've got to stop spacing out every ten seconds. "Sir," she said as she approached the door "I'm gonna head out."

"Safe travel Ms. Willis," he said looking up from the black book and smiling.

A smile. Something so normal but so significant.

A heart. Something so vital but it only takes one person to discontinue the functions.

A brain. Something so useful but easily forgotten when it comes to love.

And lastly a human. The binding agent of it all.

I should really get back into painting and poetry, I'm not too shabby if I should say so myself.