
AGK: The Fanfiction's Extra

If there is a Novel's Extra, why can't there be a Fanfiction's extra? ======= A boy named Sirius came from humble origins and fell to a boy who lost everything. He was reading his favorite fanfiction with a couple of plot twists based in the world of Akame Ga Kill. Being chased by a gang he offended, he got hit by a drunk truck driver and got sent into a new world which just happened to be the fanfiction he read, but the biggest twist was... It was not the normal Akame Ga Kill, but one that has more empires, more enemies, more allies, and mysterious foes, and lastly... "I need to avoid Esdeath!" Follow Sirius in the new world of old and new characters that turn out to be even more dangerous than the original and watch him grow as a person that has to survive in this world. ====== The cover is not mine, but the title is. There is a ton of OCs so be warned. This world is in the world of Akame Ga Kill. I focus more on the character development of my MC and the other characters as well as try to further improve my own writing to become a better author. Enjoy!

MisterRE · 漫画同人
14 Chs


Jeff looked at him curiously and asked, "So what is the story with you and the tattoo?"


"Where?" Sirius wondered.

"It is on your arm. We found it when we took care of you when we had to change your clothes. I was curious as to why a young boy like you would get such a big tattoo around his arm."

After hearing what Jeff said, Sirius tried to look at his arm under my sleeves, but He was too weak. Even so, He kept trying as he could consider it a small exercise.

Jeff just silently watches Sirius as he tries to look at his tattoo under his long sleeves.

After some momentary practice, Sirius finally pulls back his sleeve far enough to see part of the tattoo.

'A snake?'

Sirius then tried to pull the whole sleeve up to his shoulders.

'No. Not a snake.' Sirius paused and looked at the entirety of the tattoo.

'A dragon.'

Specifically, a dragon coiling his entire arm and a crown around his shoulder on top.

'The hell is this?'

"It is really manly." Jeff gave a big smile.

Sirius weakly chuckled at this situation. 'The tattoo is really the least of my problems. This world of Akame Ga Kill is the buffed version and even more, people die, and Empires fall. The Main Character of this world also suffers from the tragedy of losing loved ones.

'There is so much to do'




Then right on cue...

"Who is hungry?" A shout came from the kitchen.

Jeff and Sirius looked at each other and chuckled from the moment his stomach growled.

Rose brings him the soup she has made for Sirius and puts a small table on top of him and then sets the soup on it.

It was a bit difficult for Sirius to move his arm all the way up, but he kept trying and he did it! But the problem was he needed to carry the spoon all the way to his mouth, and it was also tiring to bring his mouth to the spoon.

A helpless sigh escapes Sirius's mouth.

He looks over to Rose and Jeff and makes a wry smile, "I'm not really 'that' hungry."

Rose looked a bit troubled and then a brilliant idea came to her mind!

She tilts her head and puts her finger to her cheek. "Do you want me to feed it to you?"

A few minutes later Sirius could be seen with a face red as a tomato from embarrassment. Not long after he finished eating, he decided to go to rest and think about his situation. Rose and Jeff retired to their bedroom seeing that Sirius wanted to be alone and rest.

Two weeks passed.

Sirius was now doing some light workouts outside but nothing too crazy as he had been in a coma for a year.

He was wearing a coat that he got from Jeff to keep himself warm from the freezing cold though it was a bit too big on him for sure

A sigh came out of Sirius's mouth as he reviewed the situation he was in. 'I need to get stronger since a buffed Akame Ga Kill world like this one would result in my death the moment I go out into the capital or any city.'

'It's not like I don't want a peaceful life right now. I just want to survive. All I wanted was a better life but unfortunately, it is not possible in this world, especially with what happens in the Colifin Empire later down the story. I need to find out the situation in the world I am in right now and at all costs...'

'I need to avoid Esdeath but thankfully she hasn't gone to the empire yet. so that means I have time.

'It was a no-brainer. The author and all of his/her glory decided to make Esdeath even more powerful. I had no problem with it and thought it was interesting when I was reading it but now being in this situation, I'm honestly quite scared for the future.'

'While there is a normal chance of meeting Esdeath since I am in the same empire, I rather do everything I can to avoid it since I know that she had the same mentality of "Strong over the weak" even as a child and that the unexpected happens a lot in these kinds of worlds.'

Sirius wipes off the sweat on his head and then brushes his hair back with his hand.

I am sure you are wondering what Sirius looks like.

Sirius has black hair like it was dipped in the deepest pits of darkness. His eyes are black as something you would find in the abyss that seems to have some incomprehensible mystery to it.

That is what you wanted me to say right?

He has black hair and eyes with no blemishes on his face. Nothing more to say.

Sirius currently lived in a medium size village that had a considerable distance from the capital of the Colifin Empire. There is a small forest near that is clear of any dangerous beasts that people can fish or whatever, but it still has normal animals. It is also the forest where Rose and Jeff found 'my' body.

'Though I have to say, with my physical skills and the fact that a lot of the powerful people in this world have a teigu, there is a saying that could describe my situation right now.'

'Well, they are powerful because they have a teigu but that's not my point. My point is...

'I'm screwed.'

'I don't have a cheat skill or system. I don't even have any martial arts or high intelligence. I was a thief and a homeless child. Well, I do have knowledge of the fanfiction I read but because it was a fanfiction, they didn't really get into the cultures and geography and other stuff.'

Sirius sighs hopelessly, 'Maybe it would have been better to die by a truck than getting sliced in half, starving to death, getting blown up, having my whole body eating up from the inside which is something that could happen in this world...'

"Sirius, come eat dinner!" Sirius heard Rose shout from inside the house.

'Why do I feel like I'm getting called to eat dinner by my mom.' A bitter smile showed on Sirius's face then turned into a gentle one, 'Well, I don't dislike it.

A moment passed and now Sirius was sitting with Rose and Jeff at the dinner table.

"Hey Sirius," Rose said in a serious tone, "I noticed that you have been asking us a lot about what this world is like and the Empires and everything, so I was wondering if you wanted to leave and go to the capital or wander around the world?"

Sirius's head dropped down a little in shame as he wanted to leave despite the care and comfort these people had given him.

Seeing Sirius like that, Rose showed a bitter smile, "So you really do huh."

Jeff stayed silent on the side but even a blind person could tell he was sad and had the same expression as Rose.

"It's alright. We understand. We used to be just like you and wanted to see the world and see what your future could become. I just hope that one day... you will come back." Rose had tears in her eyes as her voice broke with every word, she said.

Sirius was not an indifferent or cold person who wouldn't care for those that have taken care of him. His eyes also started to drop at the sound of Rose's voice breaking up in sadness.

Jeff patted Rose's back and said to Sirius, "You are always welcome here. Maybe next time in the future you come here, you would have a girl in hand but maybe you can stay for a few more weeks if that is fine with you?" Jeff laughed a bit.

Sirius smiled, "Of course"