"This evening, I received a report. Some soldiers from the battalion arrived at the site. Given what you described, things seem fine"
"The citizens there, they didn't see any abnormalities in the area. What do you think?" All the while, his eyes were absorbed in the constantly changing illuminated screen.
Finally, he turned to her thoughtfully.
"Below 500 km, the natives have been relocated"
"As far as I remember, it took at least 3 years to comb the area"
"In other words, more precisely.." "It was a foothold for the followers there, making it easier for them to conduct night operations"
Every time she spoke, she would pause to think.
Her eyes darted around the room before settling on the double-lit facade, taking a deep sip from her cup.
In return, Nam Shin's face actually darkened.
“That was almost 10 years ago. I don’t know” She looked at him with innocent crescent eyes, only for him to curl his lips into a straight line and remain silent.