

Him guk was a normal student, he played a lot of games and he liked them especially rpg games, but one day was woken up in a frail and failing body and unlike what he thought the owner of the body was still there and he himself had a very faint presence in the body but day by day the orignal soul started to disappear and he started to have a more permanent existence and as he had expected the world was no ordinary world and he also found out the body's ne was :₹-#;_?"!#..... read the book for more information.....

Chilled_duck_ · 漫画同人
19 Chs


It only took one glance for Asahi to realise why the skill is called so. The skill 'eye of judgement' was a skill unlocked due to Asahi judging everything too much around him. If you haven't guessed it yet, then let me tell you the skill is unlocked when Asahi does some kind of activity which is related to the skill so this basically got unlocked because of him judging and analysing every thing in the store while shopping.

After the realisation struck him, it was easy for him to unlock new skill or so did he think. You see the skill unlocked according to the user's level,eans if you are of level 2 then you can't unlock skills of level 3 or above, and even if you somehow manage to obtain high leveled skill then you won't be able to use, it is like giving coconut to the monkey.

After buying the stuff Asahi went back to his home and after eating a proper meal, he went to his room and started to dig through his clothes, and because of him not owning many clothes he found what he was searching for quickly. He finally found the sock, yes.. a sock but it was no ordinary sock, it was a money sock which he used to hide his money from his sister because if there was to be any extra cash left then his sister would spend it all.

So he would take some money and hide it from his sister. And the reason why he needed the money was because he was going to buy some clothes for him because the only functional clothes for him was his work clothes and his t-shirt and jeans. Now he was going to buy some training clothes for himself and he needed the money for it.

He would normally avoid buying clothes for himself because he had a very shitty taste for clothing fashion and the store owners always tried to exploit it. But this time he had enough courage to go and buy it. When he went to a nearby local clothes store he didn't like the products do he had to go to super market. As he went in the sports section he has various chooses to choose from but there were two major problem. One the price was very heavy for his pocket and two, he was not sure on what to buy so he directly chose to pick something which he thought would do for him.

He ended up with a loose tanktop with shorts and also a camouflage trousers with black boots and some sport shoes. As Asahi looked at what he just purchased and said, "I will never financially recover from this choise."

Asahi currently had about three skills which were definitely not enough for him to go to the dungeon, so he was currently thinking of unlocking new skills as he was thinking he got a message in his phone and it was from the awakener's association. He was called in the association for his decision to wether work as a hunter or not. And he also got a map for the way to the association and as he was about to see it the phone switched off.

He damned himself for his luck. There was a certain time limit for him or the association would automatically assume that he didn't want to be hunter. As he thought of a way to reach the association in time he remembered that the association was right in the centre of the city. He then on his assumption ran towards the association.

After three hours of running here and there he finally reached his destination. Infront of him stood a huge skyscraper with a huge logo and name of the association. The logo was basically a ruin character, which acted as both show and as a defensive barrier. As a tired and huffing Asahi went in the association, he was asked to show his awakener badge and after showing it he was finally let in.

With a dying tone, Asahi went to the help desk and said, "may I please get a form to decide wether to be a hunter or not" as soon as.he finished his sentence the lady in the help desk gave Amori a form with no surprise to his dying tone.

After filling his form, he handed it to the lady and after checking everything in the form, she gave him a badge and a card with the hunter's association's logo in it and signalled Asahi to go to another building.

When he went to the next building. He was told to give his badge and card to the man in the desk, who would verify and activate his hunter privilege. After the activation he was now officially registered and licensed as a hunter and was now able to join public raids and get some privileges as a hunter.

With all the registration and verification done, Asahi was about to ho home but then he realised that he lost his bags which he put his clothes in. He couldn't remember where he lost his bags. As he tried to remember it he was suddenly introduced with a purple screen with about 32 boxes in it and on the top there was written, system user's privileges.

He then with a huge sigh of relif started to walk off and he knew what was infront of him, it was the inventory and it was one of the system user's privileges. He then saw three slots occupied with the bags he was searching for.

And then he ran into another problem, and it was he didn't know his house's way from this place and he cannot call a cab due to him not having sufficient money. He then again got back to finding his way out. And finally after five hours of going here and there, getting lost for almost fifty times. He finally got to his place and as soon as he got in he hugged his bed and instantly fell asleep and in his sleep he got a notification, this time he was again in the dark abyss but this time there was a screen in front of him.

[congratulations to player for earning enough exp in a specific sect to gain the new skill 'path finding' ]

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