
The Beloved of the Lady of the Lake

He said to the Lady of the lake,

'Lady of the Lake, why were you the one stationed here when the other Gods and Goddesses would not hesitate to do what you hesitated to do? The reason is because they also could not do it'

'They fear the fortune of fate upon my being. Fear that they would be swallowed by the tribulation that envelops them if they attacked me'

Even then from the words that is being uttered by this king, it shows how he did not even have a shred of respect toward the deities as he called them they and him in a casual language of the pure tongue

The King then explained the reason why he was giving the pointer to the Lady of the Lake

  'The difference between you and them is the fact that they have no benevolent heart, exploiting those who pray to them and even set a rule of human sacrifice that angers the Heaven and Earth. But you were different'