


It was a calm month in Arrandy and Vangua but these will not stay long. Everyone could feel that the clouds are gathering and it is about rain down

Plots and machination of war has started the moment Arial declare to his vassal's lord that war is coming. 

Harald also has been preparing himself and his army waiting for Arial strikes as his spies has informed him of the lord intentions.

On the other hand Silas is returning from the Holy Land with great news concerning the petition that Arial had made on behalf of his claim to the land of Vangua.

The report has been sent to Arial and Arial is satisfied with Silas work with the Church in convincing them of their stance and rights.

Silas made a general case on the Church based on notions of hereditary right and the Arrandian system of bequest and then introduced the irrelevant matter of Harald's perjury in 1021.