
A Group Of Kids Can Trap A Rabbit, But Cannot Kill A Tiger II

The other people in the tavern look at the trio but they did not interfere. Nobody going to interfere in your business unless you interfere with them.

Arial was checking the man pulse. He feels the thrumming of energy inside Sanaa from the pulse that he is touching

The energy is slightly deviated but his internal energy is quite good. 

I guess I will feel safe leaving Ana to him.

He thinks of this as he could feel the pulse beating

Then confirming all this in but a fraction of seconds he tossed Sanaa back and Sanaa landed gracefully, not sprawled on the tavern floor.

'What are you-'Ana was about to nag Arial but Sanaa hold her arms and stop her. 

'He was checking my internal energy' he said.

'What?' Ana asked then she looked at Arial and then blushed.