
Against the Goddess, Kayla's counterattack

Kayla, a "normal" high school student is dragged into a summon to another world along with her classmates. But contrary to what Kayla first thought, her life wouldn't be easy in this new world! Kayla quickly realized that fact when, instead of opening her eyes to a castle with people eagerly waiting for her, she woke up to a town on fire! At that moment, Kayla's only reaction was to curse the fucking big-breasted kidnapper who brought her into this world! Swearing that one day he would get revenge! So what's in store for Kayla in this new world? Come and find out! ...... Hello dear readers! This is a revamped synopsis because my intentions with this book have changed! Now I come with every intention of staying and I will prove it by publishing a daily chapter! I hope you enjoy this journey with me in which you will find epic battles and even more importantly, curses towards the big-breasted kidnappers (Goddesses)!

litlefox4_5 · 奇幻
120 Chs

Goblin hunting... ¡And trouble!

[¡You have killed a Lv5 goblin!]

[+20 experience]

[+10 For killing a higher level enemy]

[You have leveled up!]

"Hah..." Kayla breathed out as she wiped the blood off her face. "With this one goes four out of a hundred... Haha"

Kayla felt like crying, but if she wanted to change her reality, the reality of these people who are dying, she had to be strong and swallow her tears.

"¡Oh right, since it's level 5 I get a skill point!" Kayla remembered the words that appeared on her status the first time she checked it.

"But..." Kayla suddenly hesitated as she moved in her state. "¿Which skill should I level up?"

Although street fighting had improved her fighting skills, she still remembered the throw she made with the spear when the three goblins attacked her.

If she were able to kill the goblins from a distance… A sinister thought began to form in Kayla's mind.

With a heavy heart, Kayla invoked her state, hoping that her decision would not condemn her.

[...Skills: Running Lv4. Climb Lv6. Swimming Lv5. Street fighting Lv9. Archery Lv4.


Strength: 19




Free Stat Points:0

Skill Points: 0]

"Yes, the best thing will be to trust my knife and I... Besides, archery skill will not necessarily increase my aim by throwing mini spears" Kayla smiled as she looked at the knife that looked more like a dagger due to its size of 26 centimeters.

Plus I have a feeling that something good will happen when she reaches level 10... Kayla wasn't sure, but at least that's how it happened in all the games she played.

"Okay..." Kayla stopped as the flow of warmth and knowledge settled into her body. "It's time for a hunt..."

Kayla approached the door of the house she was currently in and looked around the town.

After the three goblins attacked her, she went out to hunt goblins who were alone and the last one was looting this house. And on her hunting trip, she noticed several things.

First of all. This town was quite large, although she was not sure, she had seen about a hundred houses that could accommodate at least four people.

Secondly, Kayla could swear that she had seen people with animal features, like ears and tails.

And lastly and most importantly... That there were no adult men. She had only seen children and women the entire time she was here.

¿Did they kill all the men first or...? A hopeful idea popped into Kayla's mind, but a scream caught her attention immediately.

"¡Nooo! ¡Please!" A girl, who couldn't have been more than 8 years old, was being pulled by the hair by two goblins as they dragged her across the floor.

¡Those bastards! Kayla, who had been putting up with seeing the carnage outside, could no longer hold it in.

¡I would no longer be human if I overlooked this!

Kayla, with quick movements, opened the door as quietly as possible and silently approached the two goblins.

Despite her anger, Kayla was still able to think rationally. She knew that she could only save as many people as possible if she used her head, no matter how stupid she was (which she wasn't).

And she, like every Assassin's Creed player, walked up behind the goblin pulling the screaming girl's hair, and stuck her knife cleanly into the back of her neck while covering her mouth with her hand, killing him before he could make a sound.

"¿¡Guark?!" The other goblin turned around in surprise when he heard the sound of a body falling!

But all she saw was a knife rapidly approaching her right eye!

The girl, who had been screaming, suddenly fell silent when she felt that her hair was no longer being pulled and that a hot liquid was splashing a little on her face, but her fear of her prevented her from opening her eyes while she trembled...

"Girl, everything is okay now... You can open your eyes"

But an incredibly warm hand, at least for her, made her shaking stop immediately. All his fears had disappeared in an instant.

"¿Who are you...?" The girl tried to ask something, but her words got stuck in her mouth when she saw the beautiful girl in front of her.

The girl, with black hair and eyes, had a kind expression as she stroked her head. Her face, which was stained with green blood, had a unique charm...

"¿Umm? ¿What's wrong, the cat bit your tongue?" Kayla joked as she picked her up. "And what's your name, ¿little one?"

The girl was still a little stunned, but she had already recovered enough to respond. "Elli..."

"¡Nice name!" Kayla clapped her hands, trying to lighten her mood. "And Elli, do you have parents, ¿do you know where they could be?"

"My dad went out somewhere this morning... As for my m-mom..." Elli's eyes began to fill with tears.

¡Idiot, how can you ask that!

"Oh huh well, then we will find your father when he finishes killing all these goblins and saving everyone your friends!" Kayla moved her hands nervously, trying to stop Elli from crying.

"¿R-really?...Sniff" Elli sniffled as he looked at Kayla with hopeful eyes, as if she was her last hope...

Kayla, the recipient of that look... She almost trembles.

She felt as if the entire weight of the world fell on her, the weight of a child's hopes... were on his shoulders.

¿¡What, how am I supposed to save everyone if I'm already fighting to kill the goblins?! ¡I had to come out with my big mouth...!

"¡Of course, I will! ¡I am an incredibly strong person after all!" Kayla smiled exaggeratedly.

¡Yes, I and my big mouth had to come!

While she cried inside, Kayla took a good look at Elli.

Elli was an almost human girl. With light red hair and a face full of freckles, wearing a pretty country dress now stained with blood.

The only thing that differentiated her from normal humans was her vertical, cat-like eyes.

"¿W-something's wrong?" Elli stuttered at Kayla's look.

"No... Come on, the next trip is going to be complicated..." Kayla had decided to take Elli. Her conscience did not allow him to leave her alone...

...I just hope it's the right decision.


[¡You have killed goblin Lv3 x12!]

[¡You have killed goblin Lv4 x9!]

[¡You have killed goblin Lv6 x15!]

[¡You have killed goblin Lv7 x19!]

[+20 experience...]

"¡Thank you, thank you very much indeed!" A woman with wolf ears bowed constantly as she thanked Kayla.

Kayla, already a little used to this, just stopped her and smiled. "Don't worry, you don't need to thank me so much, I'm doing this of my own free will."

The woman was dazzled by Kayla's smile. After a few more awkward thanks, she stopped and went with the rest of the group after Kayla.

Kayla just smiled bitterly. I still can't get used to people thanking me so sincerely... Especially considering what it was like on Earth...

Kayla's mood fell a little when she thought about her life on earth, but her bad mood disappeared into thin air when she saw the dozens of people behind her.

There were both humans and people with animal characteristics. And as she had observed before, there were only women and children without the ability to fight.

Hah... This is being harder than I thought. Exhaustion had already built up in Kayla's body.

It had been almost three hours since he saved Elli and he spent the entire time killing goblins. Her physical resistance had reached its end.

Not to mention her mental resistance one. Kayla had recently started having a horrible migraine. She suspected that it was from abusing her Foresight ability...

But I have no choice, I have to save these people... Plus there were fewer goblins than I originally thought.

Kayla could see the end of the road, she couldn't give up now...


Suddenly, a lone goblin saw the pack of prey and became excited. So many women for him alone!

And in his foolish, ignorant excitement, he ran towards them with his puny knife in hand.

"¡No, no don't come closer, p-please!"

Kayla frowned when she heard that scream. She knew who she belonged to. It was from the 12-year-old girl she saw at the beginning that she lost both legs...

She had rescued her recently, although unfortunately, she had not arrived in time... And not knowing what to do with her, she asked the woman to carry her until it was all over.

And although since she joined she had only been encountering solitary goblins, the poor thing always screamed desperately...

Kayla bit her lip to the point that she drew blood and hoped the goblin was three meters away.

Then, with terrifying precision, he swung the knife at the goblin's leg, causing it to fall forward.

And in the middle of his fall, an angry Kayla appeared before him with her leg extended behind her… And she kicked with all her strength, causing the goblin's head to fly away!

¡From the headless body of the goblin, a stream of blood shot into the sky, bathing Kayla in it!

[You have killed Lv8 goblin!]

[+20 experience]

And without saying a word, Kayla spat on the goblin's body and retrieved the knife from it.

Tsk, idiots. If it weren't for the fact that they were so greedy that they dared to come one by one, maybe killing them wouldn't be so easy... Kayla despised the goblins with all her being.

"¡Wow, as expected of her older sister, a simple goblin is no problem for her!" A boy broke away from the crowd and ran around Kayla.

The boy's name was Yong. He was the second person she saved and it just so happened that he was the...

"¡That's obvious Yong! ¿¡Don't you remember when Big Sister Kayla defeated four goblins at the same time?!"

...Elli's best friend.

"¡Yeah, but at that time he didn't do something as cool as this!" Yong shouted excitedly.

And Elli nodded at that, Kayla hadn't actually done that tactic yet.

Well, obviously I didn't... At that time I hadn't discovered that street fighting also improved my knife throwing. Although Kayla didn't know the logic behind it, she didn't care one bit.

"Come here, girl, you're all dirty." An old woman suddenly approached Kayla and wiped the blood from her face. "You are always so reckless that you always end up covered in blood..."

Kayla just et the old lady scold her and cleaned up with a smile. Since she saved her, this had become routine.

"Hehe, maybe you're right grandma, it's going to be a pain to get all this blood out of my hair." Kayla touched her hair full of green blood with resignation.

"Well, you don't have to worry daughter, because this old lady has a homemade soap that will do wonders with it" the old lady smiled proudly.

Kayla smiled. She was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, arriving at this ruined village wasn't as bad as she thought...

However, that thought would soon change...


A distinctive goblin cry suddenly sounded. But this one was different from the rest, this one had a savagery inside that injected fear into people's beings.

The children, who had been running around Kayla, froze. Even the old woman turned pale. Not to mention the legless girl who couldn't even scream now as she made meaningless sounds...

Even Kayla, the strongest in the room, felt her hands trembling.

...¿W-what was that? Kayla quickly turned to where the scream was coming from, stunned by what she saw...

A goblin, no, that monster couldn't be called a goblin.

Although what was approaching looked like a goblin with its green skin and loincloth, Kayla refused to accept that this two-meter-tall humanoid being full of muscles was of the same race as goblins.

The two-meter being, covered in wounds that healed at a glance, looked Kayla in the eyes with its pair of crimson orbs.

"Shit..." Desperation began to germinate from the depths of Kayla's being...


Kayla's status at the end of the episode


Name: Kayla Gale

Human race

Level: 9

Exp: 120/300

Class: No class (go to level 25 to receive a class)

Innate Skills: Foresight Lv1, #€π¢§¥

Skills: Running Lv4. Climb Lv6. Swimming Lv5. Street fighting Lv9. Archery Lv4.


Strength: 27




Free Stat Points:0

Skill Points: 0]


here your rookie author.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And I come to warn you that this and the next chapter are a little long, but don't get used to it, that creation is difficult and this and the next chapter took up a good part of my time.

But complaints aside, I hope you enjoy~

And prepare yourselves, things are coming strong tomorrow~

litlefox4_5creators' thoughts