
Chapter 6

Now I was sitting on my bed gazing over the haunted teddy bear as the aunt said. It was so hard to convince aunt Jennifer. It took me almost half an hour to explain to her that teddy is not haunted.

I told her that it is mine but she was not convinced. She said that haunted things pass their negative vibes to people and consider them as their own. And when I asked who told her this, her answer made me laugh but I held it in because she was so serious about it. She told me that she saw it in the last episode of some horror show.

I think she is watching lots of horror shows and when I asked her which horror show, her answer was ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’ and this time it was very hard to hold my laughter so I bit my lower lip to suppress it. Excuse me, a correction, I think nowadays she is watching lots of horror cartoon shows.

Maybe it’s because she is missing her son a lot as he was good at scaring people. Now you all might think why I'm saying like that. It is because he used to scare all my friends away whenever they used to come home to study with me. But he was never able to scare Nina, my high school best friend. Thinking of her made me miss her so much. I think she is coming next month from her pre-graduation internship program.

Aunt Jennifer was still not allowing me to keep this teddy. Only when I told her that it was a gift from someone close to me did she quit protesting and allowed me to keep it. I was so happy when she did that so I hugged and thanked her happily to which she simply smiled. I went to my room and stared at my teddy. Finally, I have my first gift from my first friend in New York.

I was still staring at my teddy….. "Did he do this to it?"

I had just started to go to my new high school and Jack used to frequently visit my home to meet me, we became very good friends. Whenever I used to talk with Jack or laugh with him I used to get lots of cold stares from him. Obviously, I ignored all of them. On that day Jack stayed for dinner with us because they were working on their final assignment which they were expected to submit on Monday.

After dinner, we were all sitting in the living room when Jack asked me if I wanted to see a movie with him tomorrow. I said yes because the next day was Sunday and I don't want to sit at home and get bored to death. Once I said yes, I turned my gaze expecting to see his pissed expression but he didn't show any sign of anger nor did he pass me his super-famous cold glare. He just stood up and said goodbye to Jack and went to his room. Strange.

Did something happen to him? He didn't give me the-you are going to regret it-look. It’s good maybe, he finally understood that he cannot rule my life.

After Jack left I went to my room. I was feeling sleepy, so I quickly changed into my nightdress. I was wearing black boy shorts and a cropped T-shirt. I was ready to sleep when I heard my door opening sound, but my room door was locked from the inside so I turned around to see who barged into my room. Well, guess who, there he was standing in my room with all his glory. He locked the door from inside, but how he managed to open it in the first place was a question that was eating my brain.

“How many times have I told you not to lock your room?” he stated as he turned around after locking the door from inside.

I was standing there like a statue. How did he open that door, “Answer me, Jane,” came his angry voice? Now he had turned completely towards me, he eyed me up and down.

Wait, was that a smirk on the corner of his mouth I see? Did he just smirk at me?

I was trying to figure it out when I saw him take one step in my direction, involuntarily I took one step back. He started coming in my direction whilst I started moving back. My back hit something hard, only then I realized that it was the wall. Now I can't move back anymore. In a flash of a second, he was in front of me, I tried to run from the side but I was too slow that he caught me and now my both hands were pinned to the side of my head on the wall and his face was mere inches away from mine.

“How many times I have told you not to lock your door and why did you lock it? answer me,” came his cold angry voice, to which I just questioned him how he opened my room door. “Did you forget that this is my house? I have my methods,” he said as he released my one hand. He put his free hand in the pocket of his jeans and removed something. He held his hand in front of me. My eyes widened in shock to see a key in his hand.

Holyshit he has the keys to my room! My one hand was free so taking it as an opportunity I tried to snatch those keys from his hand but he was fast. Before I was able to grab it he kept it back in his pocket.

He was so fast and he smirked at me again while I was in shock. Then his face inched closer to me “Now your turn. Why did you lock your door and why did you say yes to Jack?,” now this was the reason behind his anger, but I thought he was not angry. Well I was wrong, it seems like the silence back there was the silence before the storm and now the storm is coming.. “Answer me” he shouted.

“Because I want to see the movie” came my weak voice. His eyes became colder after hearing my answer. “You know I don't like it when you go out with him, still you said yes to him. Do you like to piss me off?” came his angry voice.

Wait a moment. Why is HE pissed here? I should be the one to get pissed. He has barged into my room. I should be the angry one.

Anger roused in me as I said, “I can go wherever I want to go with my friend. I don't need your permission for that. You don't ask me before going out with your friends,” with anger flowing in my every word.

His grip on my hands became more strong as his eyes became ice-cold. He clenched his teeth and he pushed me on the bed. Now he was on top of me. Seeing his actions made my eye pupils get dilated, his face was so near to mine and he was looking so handsome in that angry face. I swallowed hard and scolded myself ‘remove those thoughts from your mind, Jane, he is bullying you’. He was staring straight into my eyes with his sea-colored ones, then he brushed his fingers on my stomach. His mere touch made my whole body shiver as he started kissing me on my neck and my jawline as my cheeks turned red. I was in complete shock.

What is he doing?....

He stopped kissing and stared straight into my eyes “Don’t go!” He said in his cold angry voice. Is he requesting me because it doesn’t sound like a request? Now his eyes moved down to my lips and he started moving his face down in the direction of my lips

Holy batman, is he going to kiss me? No. I can't let him kiss me…

His lips were just inches far from mine and his grip on my hands became loose, so I took it as my chance. With all my strength I pushed him hard. He fell on the floor while I jumped from my bed and ran straight in the direction of the bathroom and before slamming the door I took one last glance at him to see him fuming in anger with a pissed expression.

Sure he didn’t like my rejection.

I slammed the door of the bathroom and locked it. I slid down with my back pressed against the door and sat down on the floor. My heart was beating so fast. Now he is going to be so angry at me… he doesn’t like rejections. It was written all over his face.

What am I going to do now?

Then I heard some smacking sound on the wall and after five minutes I heard the door slamming sound. He is so angry, what will he do to me…...

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