

Peng Li heard his question and paused. Then, he raised his head to meet Luo Ying's gaze. "Wasn't it because you're beautiful?" he smiled.

"Answer me honestly." Lin Shu said, his face serious as he stared at Peng Li's eyes.

Peng Li didn't answer for a long time. However, when he finally spoke, he awkwardly moved his gaze and stammered. "I thought, that time, I wanted you to become mine." He answered. He looked away, only to reveal his ears that reddened.

Lin Shu. "…" for real? He thought as he watched Peng Li's face, only for Peng Li's face and ears redden more. Then, at that moment, he remembered something important that he forgot.

That time, he looked wretched with soaked clothes and his hair is stuck to his morbid pale face with sunken cheeks and bloodless lips. His injured body was profusely bleeding because of his wounds he got from the wrecked ship and the monsters in seas he crossed.