
After training for 1,000 years, it's time for me to collect my harem

A man, delusion with the thought of having a harem, bringing himself to the peak of humanity in both career and skill, yet he died before he fulfilled his dream. Warning! This story doesn't contain NTR, be warned before you got butthurt. (It's been resurrected)

TricksterDrasvel · 漫画同人
70 Chs

Master Lee-Lee's Advice


There was a silence, I knew from here on that he's our enemy, however, Master Lee-Lee wasn't someone who was fickle, he knew what he's doing and definitely aware of the consequence, and he didn't need to die to be stopped but should be wise enough to know when to shut up.

"Master Lee-Lee, may I ask a question?" Celestine beside me said.

"Of course, my dear."

His tone when speaking to Celestine didn't have the air of reverie, instead a doting tone akin to a grandfather.

"Is it true? Will Nyx break out of its seal?"

"... I am afraid, that is true..." Master Lee-Lee sighed.

"Nyx... what the hell is this thing?" Ruu-Ruu frowned.

Nyx, according to the church and Olga, was a being that ruled this world before the arrival of Larentia and Pangu, it was so strong that Larentia and Pangu had to sacrifice their life to seal it.

'The original habitant perhaps? Cause I had never heard of its name before...' I thought. I knew the name of Immortals, Asgardians, Olympus, and Deities, but this Nyx was a missing note.

"It's an envoy of Chaos, Nyx was originally a Vanadis, but she had gotten too close with Chaos and became twisted, it loves nothing but spreading disaster and causing trouble," Master Lee-Lee said.

Chaos... the origin of magic, a power to defy and modify reality, in one of my past worlds, magic was originally used by witches to summon demons and usurp the throne of God. It was said that Chaos taught them the power to control demons, and through the demon's teaching, the witches would learn many spells.

"By the way, how do you know the seal is about to break?" I asked, please don't be prophecy bullshit.

"It's prophecy," Master Lee-Lee said, Goddamn it!

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, it's not I didn't trust prophecy, it just so overused that it became lame to me.

"Okay, a prophecy, got it, what are the signs?"

"When the power of darkness and the power of light is equally pathetic, Nyx is coming."

"Seriously? It used the word 'pathetic'?" I couldn't help but frown, didn't prophecy usually cryptic as shit? However, Master Lee-Lee nodded.

"Okay, if the power of darkness means Olga, then her power does regress according to her, but who's the power of light mean? Celestine?" I glanced to the High Elf beside me.

Master Lee-Lee shook his head, "What it means is the overall darkness and light, the Dark Elf Queen's circumstance is a small glimpse of it."

"So... the entire universe darkness and light are weakening, thus it will disturb Nyx's seal? Isn't that kind of impossible? I mean... how big the universe is? And what are darkness and light? Why would they get weaken?"

Master Lee-Lee looked at the ceiling, he said, "When a warrior from another dimension cross so many fucking worlds, it destroys the balance of the universe and causing the darkness and light to be unstable."

Eh? So... it's my fault?! Well, sort of, I mean... it's not like I crossed over on my own, Also, gramps, why the hell did you use 'fuck'?!

"That's what written... I don't know anything else..." Master Lee-Lee faced us and groomed a smile.

"Master Lee-Lee is that why you agree with the church's plan?" Celestine said, she looked a tad sad, "but they organize such hideous plan."

"What is the worth of lives compared to the whole world? My dear, sometimes we have to make a tough choice..."

"Oi, what tough choice? Tell me, whose idea to resurrect Larentia with such a convoluted scheme?" I sneered.

Master Lee-Lee glanced at Celestine, said, "It's the idea of the Elf Chief."

"Ah?! The Elf Chief is..." Celestine gasped, covering her pink lips, and stared in disbelieve.

"He's a moron."

"Husband?" Celestine startled at my words, even Master Lee-Lee wrinkled his eyebrows, I saw Ruu-Ruu's shoulders trembled a bit.

"There is no resurrections, once someone goes through reincarnation, their whole life will be reset, Larentia is Celestine now, and I don't know who is Pangu's reincarnated persona, so whatever you do, Larentia is not coming back, neither Pangu."

"You speak as if someone who knows the detail about this subject..." Master Lee-Lee said.

Haha... of course, I know.

However, I could maintain my memory and now, my strength from the past... no, I don't think they were crossing with me, it's most likely someone modified the body I inhabited, giving it my memory, my look, even my strength...

But who? Jac? This guy was that powerful?

"I don't care if you trust me or not, but your effort is useless, Larentia is not coming back, best make peace with it. Even if she did return, what do you think she can do with Nyx? In the past, she needs to fight her together with Pangu, what can she do now alone?"

"It's an effort worth trying... after all, we are even in more no point to struggle once Nyx breaks free," Master Lee-Lee said.

"Why don't we just find the guy who crosses over the world so many times and kills him? Won't the problem solve?" Ruu-Ruu curled her lips, ahem, you want to kill me? Ha, in your dream, kiddo!

"Ruu-Ruu, if he's someone who can cross over the worlds, wouldn't you think it will be impossible to find him?" Celestine made a point, actually no, she didn't, because in reality, the person was already here.

I pretend didn't hear their words and said, "Maybe there is another way to kill Nyx..."

"There is a way, however, it is more impossible..." Master Lee-Lee shook his head.

"Well, I am an open-minded person, do tell."

"This is not the words of Goddess Larentia, but the master of the master of the master of my master..." Master Lee-Lee said, then he started taking a deep breath, performing a motion with his arms, and the candles in the room all of a sudden intensified, what a cool effect...

"When the Primordial Dragon thrust into Heaven's hole, the flame from its mouth and Heaven's grace shall mix with one another, thus born a miracle no has ever seen before..."

... I thought about the words, why did I feel strange?

"What the master talks about is when a man with the special physique is having an intercourse with a woman with special physique, their engagement shall create a miracle that will defeat Nyx once and for all."

"So to save the universe, a man and a woman need to have sex?" I frowned, "is that also the reason behind your plan to have Celestine sleep with Lu-Bu?"

"Yes," Master Lee-Lee nodded.

"Well, I am sorry, but I can't let that happen, also, what kind of special physique?"

"The master mention about a man who is..." Master Lee-Lee hesitated, it was the first time I saw doubt in his old face. And then he continued, "a man who is having unique penis; it is alive and when a woman tastes it, they feel no pain, only pleasure."



Isn't he talking about my cock?