
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · 现代言情
180 Chs

Chapter 82 (Part 2) The End

Li Dongping was so excited on the phone, "My God, you really got No. 1 in the province, you got No. 1 in the province in the college entrance examination, and the top prize in science!"

Li Dongping has been teaching for so many years, and he has never had a provincial champion under his hand. He is about to die of excitement. For him, it is even more exciting than Zhong Youyou's victory in the national final. After all, it was a game. The quiz show has nothing to do with him, but now it is the college entrance examination!

Once he speaks out later, he brings out a student who has passed the top pick, and his reputation will rise!

Compared to his excitement, Zhong Youyou seemed extremely calm, as if everything was expected, but Zhong Youyou was still very happy after she had accomplished his goal.

She began to choose from several universities, which one to go to.

She passed the provincial champion, of course, which school let her choose.

After that, the students from Class 19 called to congratulate her. Zhong Youyou only learned that many of his classmates had done well in the exam, especially Sun Man. After the scores came out, they were good enough to go to a special political and law university. It is liberal arts.

However, Xu Xiaoyue and Ren Zian actually applied to the same university, which is a comprehensive university and the top 10 in the country.

Others, like Shi Yimeng, he was also admitted to a good University, which was unexpected by Li Dongping.

Zhong Youyou called and asked Xi Yuqi again. Xi Yuqi was a bit nervous during the college entrance examination and did not pass the exam, but in the end, she also got a score from a second-choice college, so this is already good for Xi Yuqi.

Xi Yuqi almost cried on the phone. I had never thought that he would experience the college entrance examination in this way.

After asking about the grades of these classmates, Zhong Youyou's phone still kept ringing. She took a look and saw that father Zhong and Zhong Xiyou had the most caller IDs.

After hesitating, she still answered Zhong's father's call.

The three Zhongs were extremely happy on the phone.

Father Zhong's face flushed with excitement: "Youyou, your teacher told us that you are the number one in the province."

Zhong Youyou said: "Yes."

"Sister, you are too good!" Zhong Xiyou exaggerated and said, can't blame him, he is so excited, it seems that the more powerful Zhong Youyou, the farther and higher he goes, he will have some kind of compensation. Lost psychology.

He hoped that Zhong Youyou in this life would not be so miserable by Meng Shixuan's mother and daughter and their family as in the previous life. Originally his sister should be like this, sparkling and dazzling.

Father Zhong and Mother Zhong looked at each other with mixed feelings. After so many things happened, Zhong Youyou's college entrance examination results may be the most comforting thing for them. In the future, Zhong Youyou will fly farther and higher. But...

There are so many phone calls that Zhong Youyou can't handle, but of course, she wants to share the news with Qin Yao the most after the college entrance examination.

Two days later, she and Qin Yao moved together and went to the capital.

There, two people spent two days looking at a house. Zhong Youyou likes to have large floor-to-ceiling windows, so Qin Yao bought it in the best section near the scientific research institute subway line, where you can see the mountains and rivers. A set of more than two hundred flat houses.

The living room has large floor-to-ceiling windows, an open kitchen, three large rooms, and a transparent sunroom.

The next step is to buy all kinds of flowers and put them in the sunroom, and the furniture is also waiting for them to pick. Zhong Youyou suddenly feels that life is fulfilled.

The furniture was selected, and the workers were asked to help deliver the goods to the home. However, she and Qin Yao were shopping empty-handed, and passing by the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qin Yao couldn't help but look inside.

Zhong Youyou laughed at him: "You are too impatient. I am not yet of the legal age for marriage, so I am impatient to eat hot tofu."

Qin Yao also smiled: "Is my feet sour?"

"Somewhat." Before Zhong Youyou finished speaking, Qin Yao took the initiative to squat down in front of her and motioned to her: "Come up."

"Qin Yao, you are too good!" Zhong Youyou immediately jumped up with the ice cream and whispered in his ear: "I love you to death!"

Qin Yao's ears were red.

He slowly carried Zhong Youyou home on his back, time was still slow, and there was still a far future waiting for them.

Zhong Youyou will continue to show her intelligence in the scientific research institute, and she will also begin to deploy industries in the capital.

At this moment, Qin Yao felt that he was the happiest person in the world. He might never wonder why Zhong Youyou asked him to go to Zhong's house to help move in that summer last year, and then began to look back on him...

He was just very grateful for that moment, which gave him the life he would spend with Zhong Youyou in the future.

For Zhong Youyou, Qin Yao would never be angry, would not refuse, would not turn his head, and leave.

He is always waiting, always full of heart.