
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · 现代言情
180 Chs

Chapter 58 (Part 2)

Three hours have passed, why haven't they come? Meng Qian waited very anxiously in the office. Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, she couldn't help but go out and ask what happened before she saw anyone from the TV station call her.

At this moment, when she heard the door being pushed open, she raised her head in surprise: "Director, has it been arranged?"

However, Tang Tian walked in with an iron face, staring at her with anger, completely different from the gentle and polite man from earlier, and looked like he had a deep hatred of her.

Meng Qian couldn't figure it out, she stood up subconsciously and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Do you dare to ask me what's wrong? Do you know who I am? I am Tang Rou's father!" The veins on Tang Tian's neck are almost bursting out. He knows that Meng Qian has to be settled by the Zhong family. But he really couldn't control his anger at this time.

When he heard that other people's children were hurt, he could stay calm and arrange the reporters under his hands to interview, but when it was his daughter's turn to get a little scalded, the anger in his heart blew up, almost wanting to kill.

"Tang Rou..." Meng Qian murmured, reacting suddenly, her face pale instantly.

Tang Rou, Meng Qian knew that it was the other little girl who was accidentally burned by the stupid girl Fei Yun after she failed to frame Zhong Youyou's.

Why is she so unlucky? Why did you run into Tang Rou's father? If she knew that this station leader was Tang Rou's father, she would never dare to come here!

Meng Qian was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed her bag and didn't dare to say anything about going on the show. She hurriedly moved towards the door and wanted to walk faster and faster.

But as soon as she walked to the door, the door was suddenly pushed open, and several bodyguards in black came in, lining up.

They are like airtight walls, blocking her way.

Meng Qian breathed, her face was as pale as the painted wall, and then, behind the bodyguard, Zhong Youyou and another slender, handsome young man walked in.

"Aunt Meng, long time no see."

Zhong Youyou!

Now the expression on Meng Qian's face is completely the same as seeing a ghost! She stared at Chief Tang Tian suddenly. Did this person inform Zhong Youyou immediately when he first saw her? Otherwise, how could Zhong Youyou come over so quickly!

Zhong Youyou was still wearing a school uniform, but her expression was frighteningly cold.

"Let me out!" Meng Qian yelled in panic: "You are a nest of snakes and rats, what do you want to do, I warn you not to mess around!"

She is now extremely afraid of Zhong Youyou. She has always said that she is still a teenage girl, what can she do? So, in the past ten years, she treated this girl like a pet that can be abandoned at any time. She beats when she is upset and insults when she is unhappy. Anyway, this girl is always gloomy and has no expression, but now, she is really terribly afraid of the current Zhong Youyou. The current Zhong Youyou, as if she had come to take revenge on her, her whole personality had changed, and became fearless.

She would rather be retaliated against by Director Tang than against Zhong Youyou.

She panicked and turned her head and said, "Taiwan Chief Tang, I apologize for your daughter's affairs. I will kowtow to you. Please let me go!"

Seeing Zhong Youyou and the man behind her walking in with bodyguards, Tang Tian was really surprised. His TV station is not a place where anyone can come in. He told the people below, that if a girl named Zhong Youyou came up, he would just let it go, but she didn't say that so many bodyguards could come up.

If I want to come, it is this Qin Yao who is quite influential, and he has come to the city with his hands open.

But at this moment, Tang Tian also has a private grudge against Meng Qian, and he will naturally not interfere with Zhong Youyou's doing anything. So, he ignored Meng Qian, went straight to the door of the office, dispersed the assistant and several other employees, and pulled down the blinds.

"Taiwan Chief Tang, you…" Meng Qian saw this, her legs trembling in fright.

She didn't want to understand, how could she be so unlucky after living for most of her life, is it possible that all her luck was spent on changing the child eighteen years ago? She successfully sent her daughter into a wealthy family, but after that, all her luck was taken away and her life was ruined.

Now she hates Zhong Youyou so much, she can't wait to rush up to scrape Zhong Youyou's cold and inhuman face. What is the look in the eyes of a normal person, it is clearly a devil, a cold-blooded monster.

The young man behind her is also intimidating, this pair is vicious.

"Zhong Youyou, what on earth do you want to do?" Meng Qian asked tremblingly.

Zhong Youyou sneered softly: "I want to ask you, what do you want to do? What are you doing at the TV station? Do you want to reverse black and white and pour dirty water on me, Meng Qian, are you still a person?"

In a few words, Meng Qian was scared to run away by her aura.

Meng Qian looked at the right time and rushed towards the door. Who knows that the group of bodyguards was brought to surround her were capable? One of the bodyguards hurriedly pushed her over, and easy back-cutting, easily pressed her down on her knees.

Meng Qian pinched her nails tightly on the bodyguard's arm, pinching out bloodstains from his strong muscles, but this bodyguard was very professional, and he didn't even move without frowning.

"Look, this is my foster mother." Zhong Youyou sneered.

Qin Yao stood beside her; his face was so cold that he was staring at Meng Qian as if he wanted to kill.

She grew up in such an environment.

She is...

"Zhong Youyou, you bitch." Meng Qian was irritated by Zhong Youyou's ridicule and finally couldn't help it. The accumulated hatred spewed out like a volcanic eruption. She cursed angrily: "You are a broom star. Heartless thing, I have raised you for so many years, without the grace of childbirth and the grace of nurturing, you unexpectedly…"

Before she finished speaking, Zhong Youyou stepped forward suddenly, slapped her face mercilessly.

The sound was very crisp, and the air was quiet.

Meng Qian was stunned!

"Hit me? Zhong Youyou! I am an elder! Do you dare to hit me? Are you crazy? Believe it or not, I go to the media to report you, you are lawless!"

Even Tang Tian was taken aback and looked at Zhong Youyou in astonishment. He only knew that this girl had excellent grades, but he didn't expect that her character would be so cruel. Only Qin Yao's expression remained unchanged, staring at the bodyguard and motioning to the bodyguard to press Meng Qian tighter.

"Zhong Youyou knelt down in front of Meng Qian, lightly mocking: "But now, you can't even move for half a step. Where can you find the media?"

For some reason, when she stood in front of Meng Qian, a lot of things rushed through her mind, which was a very bad memory. Her reason told herself that this should not belong to her own memory, but belong to the original owner, but the anger still boils from her chest. It belongs to the original owner's emotions who has been despised, trampled, insulted and tossed for fifteen years.

The door was suddenly pushed open, breaking the stalemate and tense atmosphere.