
After practicing 100,000 years, I became immortal

Lin Fen is a student at a university, he works as a food delivery person, he is hardworking and likes to learn new things, for a year, he has been chasing beautiful girls and spending quite a lot of money from work, one day the girl dumped Lin Fen because she found a rich second generation and made Lin Fen heartbroken, heartbroken Lin Fen went near the forest to reflect, at that time he suddenly met a beautiful fairy who fell from the sky, after saving the fairy he received an extraordinary gift. he started training to become better and made the people who once dared to underestimate him because he was poor regret it.

Day_adventure · 玄幻
30 Chs

Chen Mengyan wanted to feed Lin Fen

"My eyes don't deceive me, do they, he just paid for it all, where did he get that much money?" Su Jia naturally would not easily believe what she saw now. 

How Lin Fen managed to earn so much money was simply unreasonable. 

Su Jia has known Lin Fen for a long time, as a licking dog who always tries to please Su Jia, Su Jia knows best that Lin Fen is very poor, he even only has tens of dollars in his wallet, so how could he buy something like that, it was an unreasonable thing for Su Jia. 

"This guy, where did he get people from and be so arrogant?" Not only was Su Jia upset about what happened, but it also seemed that Cao Pi was upset about what happened. 

"Don't you think this is strange?" Su Jia said to Cao Pi. 

"It's clear that this is very strange, it doesn't make sense," Cao Pi said to Su Jia.

"except . . . " Cao Pi thought for a while. 

"except what?" Su Jia asked Cao Pi, she wanted to know what possibilities Lin Fen had.

"Unless he just won a lottery" Cao Pi thought Lin Fen had just won. 

"You are absolutely right. It is likely that he just won a lottery, at most it was only a few hundred thousand dollars, and he just spent it all on a woman. What a pity." Su Jia felt sorry for Ling Fen. Lin Fen had just spent the gambling money so easily at the slightest provocation. 

Su Jia, who was initially angry, quickly became happy. 

she managed to make Lin Fen spend a lot of money, which was pleasant. 

"hahaha" they both laughed, they seemed to be enjoying it, even though they were just hallucinating fools. 

Su Jia and Cao Pi decided to leave, they walked around for a while before they returned to campus.

Lin Fen and Chen Mengyan went out to get something to eat after buying many clothes for Lin Fen. 

They just went straight to buy food. 

"Lin Fen, isn't this a bit much?" Chen Mengyan told Ling Fen that she felt this was quite a lot for her. 

"It's okay, I bought this for you, just think of it as a birthday present," Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

"But this is expensive" Chen Mengyan said to Lin Fen, Chen Mengyan knew that Lin Fen didn't have much money, instead of buying this for Chen Mengyan, Lin Fen should use the money for his needs. 

"I just earned money, so it's fine," Lin Fen told Chen Mengyan. 

"But . . " Chen Mengyan said to Lin Fen. 

"No problem, trust me" Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

"Okay. . " Chen Mengyan understood, and she would accept this. 

Chen Mengyan was quite happy because she had received a gift from Lin Fen; she was curious about where Lin Fen got the money.

it would be impolite if Chen Mengyan asked that. 

Chen Mengyan didn't care about this, she liked Lin Fen as she was. 

"what do you want ?" Lin Fen asked Chen Mengyan. 

"I want the small portion of roast chicken that is famous around here," Chen Mengyan told Lin Fen. 

"Why the small portion, are you di. . " Before Lin Fen finished speaking, Chen Mengyan covered Lin Fen's mouth. 

"That's rude," Chen Mengyan said to Lin Fen. It seemed like Chen Mengyan already knew what Lin Fen was going to say.

Chen Mengyan was sure that Lin Fen would say that Chen Mengyan was on a diet. 

Chen Mengyan is not on a diet, she just reduces her food portions slightly. 

"There's no need to be embarrassed like that." Lin Fen was not angry, he felt that Chen Mengyan was very cute. 

Chen Mengyan pouted, she was embarrassed when she listened to what Lin Fen said.

"come on" Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

Lin Fen invited Chen Mengyan to leave right away. 

Chen Mengyan came with Lin Fen, they went to buy two portions. 

Chen Mengyan and Lin Fen joined the queue and got their desired food. 

"It looks so delicious. " Chen Mengyan couldn't wait; she thought it might be. 

Lin Fen saw Chen Mengyan, he was happy when he saw Chen Mengyan eating. 

Today's Chen Mengyan looks so beautiful, Lin Fen will not get bored of seeing the beauty that Chen Mengyan has. 

"Why don't you start eating ?" Chen Mengyan asked Lin Fen. Could it be that Lin Fen didn't like it 


"I was looking at you, you are really cute" Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

Chen Mengyan's face turned red when she listened to what Lin Fen said. 

"Please don't tease me; it's very embarrassing," Chen Mengyan told Lin Fen. She told Lin Fen not to do that, because it was embarrassing. 

Lin Fen smiled, with a new set of clothes and hair, Lin Fen was so handsome that it made Chen Mengyan feel embarrassed. 

Chen Mengyan felt confused when she was in front of Lin Fen, she became embarrassed and didn't know what to do. 

"Here, do you want some?" Chen Mengyan gave her share to Lin Fen. 

Chen Mengyan wanted to feed Lin Fen. 

Lin Fen was surprised by what Chen Mengyan was trying to do. This was the first time a woman wanted to feed Lin Fen. 

"Come on, open your mouth" Chen Mengyan said to Lin Fen, she told Lin Fen to open her mouth. 

Chen Mengyan was embarrassed to do this, but she wanted to do it for Lin Fen. 

This was a date she had to give something interesting to Lin Fen. 

This was the first time Chen Mengyan had a male boyfriend, so it was not strange that she was still very stuttering about the matter. 

Lin Fen opened his mouth, he accepted a mouthful from Chen Mengyan. 

"Hmmm, delicious," Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

"That's right, the food here is delicious," Chen Mengyan told Lin Fen. 

Chen Mengyan was happy because Lin Fen said that the food in this place was delicious. 

"Then it's your turn, it's not fair if you're the only one doing it" Lin Fen wanted to retaliate. 

"Eh . . " Chen Mengyan was shocked, and Lin Fen wanted to reply to what had happened. 

"I . . . " Chen Mengyan tried to find an excuse. 

"I will not let you escape," Lin Fen said to Chen Mengyan. 

Lin Fen would not let Chen Mengyan escape. 

Chen Mengyan could not escape from this matter; she was the one who started it, so she had to accept it. 

Chen Mengyan opened her mouth and accepted a mouthful from Lin Fen. 

Chen Mengyan's face became so red with embarrassment. 

"So how?" Lin Fen asked Chen Mengyan. 

Lin Fen wanted to know what opinion Chen Mengyan had. 

"This is so embarrassing," Chen Mengyan said to Lin Fen. 

Chen Mengyan felt so embarrassed; somehow, this felt so embarrassing for Chen Mengyan.

Lin Fen just smiled, he enjoyed Chen Mengyan's reaction. 

People around them are jealous, be they women or men, they feel that the world is unfair to them. 

They also wanted to do it, this man was treated like Lin Fen, while women wanted to be treated the same as Chen Mengyan. 

The gazes around were unfriendly, and the visitors looked at Chen Mengyan and Lin Fen. 

Lin Fen could only ignore the gazes around these people who seemed so angry and annoyed with Lin Fen, it was like they had a problem with Lin Fen. 

Sorry, there was a chapter error, so I changed it

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