
Aeternitatem Genesis

Humanity has entered an almost entirely digital age. After the turn of the 22nd century, games and entertainment have become something ordinary people may live on. The year is 2143, and a new VR game has entered the market. Not one that stands out in every conceivable way. Not one that breaks and reinvents the wheel of modern VRMMORPGS. What makes Aeternitatem Genesis unique is its gameplay. Most modern fantasy games circle around classes. But what makes a player stand out is their choices. The decisions and outcomes of a quest. This is what's in store for Aeternitatem Genesis. The achievements they garner in their time. A class and the grade it carries hold little weight, not the end all, and be all of a player's existence. Reputation with the inhabitants of Aeternitatem Genesis is integral to the progress and standing in one's time. It allows ordinary players. Ordinary people. Not the rich with unlimited resources and time. To become someone special in Aeternitatem Genesis. The story of such a person begins on the day of it's release.

easyread · 游戏
45 Chs

Red's Hold III

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Storeroom, Red's Hold, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 3:11 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

The single Copper coin rests in my palm as I slowly raise my body to look outside the small metal bars again. Luring enemies into an ambush isn't necessarily an advanced tactic, but it's useful nonetheless. 

Once I can see them again, I use my index and middle fingers like tweezers to hang the coin outside the opening. The second I release it from my fingers, I pull my hand back in and wait right behind the door.




The coin clatters on the ground just a little bit, and the conversation between the two bandits near the table ends. I can only guess they're looking in the direction of the door. Seeing the Copper coin on the ground.

"What the..."

One of the voices confirms they definitely heard it. After a moment, two sets of footsteps approach the door. I listen to the subtle shifting of the armor. One bends down, and the Copper coin scraping against the ground as he picks it up is lightly heard.

"A Copper coin..."

Show time.

At blazing speeds, I take a step back and coil my leg. Throwing it forward with all my might, but the results aren't what I expect. The door flies off its hinges and knocks Jeroy onto the ground. Groaning as he lays there.

The other man is sent back several feet as he tries to hold the heavy door, ultimately falling with it on top of him.


There is a sickening crack from the direction of the door on top of the man, but I unsheath (Monument of Sin) and dash forward. Shoving the blade through the door and into the man's chest.

As this happens, there is no scream or groan, but I get 100 EXP for my player level. It's added to the bar, signaling that I've killed the man. I turn around and see Jeroy slowly trying to get up. 

"Who the fuck are you!? Do you have any idea who you're messing with?!? If you think you can get out of here alive, you're a bigger idi-!"


He can't finish his empty threat as I reach him in a burst of speed and uppercut him while he's still trying to get up. He lifts into the air at the impact and slams into an empty bookshelf. Causing it to crash down and cover him.

Since no EXP is being added, I know he's still alive. I walk up to the fallen bookshelf and lift it off him. He's got blood coming out of his nose and mouth. Barely conscious.

This fight is my first time in combat since my class change. I'm way stronger and faster physically than I thought I'd be. (Monument of Sin) is making me as strong as a Tier 1 individual. I'll have to control my strength better.

I lift him by the collar and drag him to an empty chair next to the table they were standing over with the large map.

"Tell me everything I want to know, and I'll let you live."

I'm lying, of course. Letting bandits live has never been something I've done in past VRMMORPGs. They're despicable and cruel people who thrive on the absolute suffering of others. In many ways, they're the worst monsters you can encounter.

Killers of their own kind.

He's still in a daze from the looks of it. I look around the room for anything that can help wake him up. Luckily, there are a few beer tankards on the table. You can expect bandits to always have something to drink around.

Picking up the full tankard and turning back to Jeroy, a deep numbness enters me. I lift the tankard over his head and pour the cold drink on him. It seems to wake him from his daze as I see his eyes blink.

Having back his consciousness, I watch him enter a state of panic. Taking a deep breath, about to scream. Before he can, an open palm grips the entire bottom half of his face. Crushing it as I do.

He groans and releases muffled screams as I continue to squeeze. That numb feeling continues to spread throughout me as this continues.

"Make a fucking sound other than answering my questions, and I'll rip your head off your shoulders. Blink your eyes twice if you understand."

My grip continues to tighten, and tears are running from his eyes now. Creaks and cracks are coming from the location of my hand as I continue tightening my grip. I watch the desperation in his eyes grow, and the numbness ultimately dulls any mercy he's looking for.

In a fight for survival, he manages to control his eyes and give me two blinks. I wait a moment longer than I should to let him go, and I see his fear blossoms even more. When I see that, I release him from my grip.

He coughs a few times as he spits up some blood. The snot that's leaking from his nose is tinted red; his features are severely deformed from the beating I've given him.

"Now, you'll answer all the questions I have. If you want to live, you'll be quick about it."

He hesitates momentarily, but I open my hands and strain my fingers. Veins and muscles in my hands and wrists flex. I watch him gulp down saliva and blood.

"Okay, okay! Please, I'll answer anything you ask. Just don't kill me!"

He's being louder than I want him to, so I slap him across the face with the back of my hand. The impact site immediately starts to swell, and I watch him weakly cough up some molars and teeth.

"Be quiet."

It's my last warning, and he knows it. I watch him gather his strength and readjust so he can look at me. Absolute terror has infected his body. He's shaking, and a large yellow stain has appeared between his legs as liquid drops onto the floor.

"Now that you understand your situation, we can move on to business."

I pull up an extra chair and sit right across from him. One of his pupils is blown, and the other has a broken blood vessel. Causing the white of his eye to turn red. I feel nothing for this man. He's responsible for being here and should be ready for the consequences.

"How many are there in the fortress."

The first question doesn't come out in the tone and form of a question. The demand and solidness of my words make Jeroy think carefully.

"Around 100. There are tents and makeshift cabins in the training yard. The only ones allowed to sleep in the fortress are Mack and his slaves."


You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

If these are the captured people in Step 4 of the quest, I will kill every last bandit in this place. I don't know the laws of AG yet. In games I've played in the past, slaves have been legal and illegal in different parts of their worlds.

In most cases, this is what I'd expect. I've never partaken in slavery, and I've always made it a point to PK when I came across players with slaves in VRMMORPGs. 

"How many people are being held here who aren't bandits."

This question will clarify whether the captured people in Step 4 are the slaves alone or if there are more. I've already learned the number of enemies and where the target of my quest is currently located.

"The only ones are the slaves..."

That settles another decision. I'm killing every bandit in this place. I don't care if they're young, old, male or female. All of them are dying.

It's now that I notice the look of sheer terror on the features of Jeroy as I boil beneath the surface. His eyes are wide and shaking. I can't stomach talking to this piece of garbage anymore.

I stand up, and before he can even register what's happening. I slam my fist down on the top of his head and crush his skull. Brains, bones, and blood splatter on me and everything nearby. One could say it's too brutal, even for a game.

And 100 EXP is added to my player level.

But this is how I treat monsters.

Like a monster. 

I'm not a perfect person, and I don't try to be. The dark streak I carry in me isn't one I have alone.

It's genetic.

My family is just like me.

A breath fills my lungs as I have everything I need to take on this quest. All the bandits should be in one location except for Mack, who stays inside with his... Anyway, it's time for some retribution.

Once I leave the area where I interrogated Jeroy, I take a few minutes to find the door that leads outside into the training yard. There are tents and makeshift cabins. I'm looking through a damaged part of the wall and can see many bandits.


What I'm about to do to them will be fun.

If only Blake and Lil's were here for this. It'd be a real family moment.