
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

The Start




Ezekiel had not heard from her in weeks and it left an unpleasant feeling. Acting on an impulse, he embarked his horse and rushed to the Perez Manor. Upon his impromptu arrival, he had a rather hurried greeting with the Marquess and his sons before he rushed in and went straight to Aelia's bedroom.


He bursted in to see Aelia standing near her window in her white nightgown.


She was haggard, it was evident by her pale face and dark circles under her eye. He couldn't help but envelope her in a hug.

"Is everything okay? I didn't hear anything from you.. I got worried."

Ezekiel admitted as he rubbed her back. He soon felt her body shaking and he knew that she was crying but in soft whimpers and low sobs.

"Let it all out."

Aelia hugged him back tightly and kept crying, Ezekiel did not want her to exhaust herself so he picked her up and took her towards the bed where they remained in embrace. He patted her hair and back, not really saying a thing. Ezekiel lightly kissed her head, hoping he was not crossing a line. He just did not want her to cry and be in such pain. It was enough to make him angry and wish a tortorous death upon every single person who had let his lady cry. Aelia remained in his arms, he hoped that she was getting comforted even a little. Ezekiel stroked her back, making circles on it as she let it all out.




Aelia's last straw was when he asked her if everything was okay. The woman who pretended to be strong and never wanted anyone to see this side of her let him, Ezekiel, see her most vulnerable self. She sobbed and wailed as she held onto him, getting comforted by his mannerisms. She really did not want to cry in front of everyone but the care and concern in his voice made her melt and her heart began to trust him slightly. Aelia soon calmed down, her eyes all puffy.

"..." She chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry... I-I made your shirt a-all wet..." Aelia pointed at the tear stained part of his shirt.

She was met with laughter, matching hers. His deep voice was soothing and calm as he spoke, "Well, my dear lady.. I would fully submerge myself in the deepest depths of the ocean if it was for you." A smile remained painted on his face.

Aelia could feel her cheeks getting warm, he always had such a way with words which would leave her speechless. But this behaviour of his made her feel rather conflicted. She stayed quiet, however, a polite smile etched upon her face. 

"Would you want to stay for dinner, sire?" 

"Sire?" Ezekiel inquired, raising an eyebrow, "And I'm afraid I'll have to go back... as I left quite a good amount of work unattended."

Aelia looked stunned. "Then.. why would you come here if you had so much work?"

Ezekiel looked at her, smiling, "Aelia, I had a feeling something was wrong. You had not corresponded with me in ages. I was worried for you." His voice went down and came out as a whisper as he gently took a strand of her long hair, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it.


