
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

Stirring Trouble




The next few days went by in a blur for Aelia as the manor's mail was filled with letters from all sorts of families inviting the future Grand Duchess to many parties, ceremonies, etc. Aelia was tired of the incessant attention she was receiving but due to her insight she had already known this was to happen if she had went through with her plan. Hence, she selected only a few important parties to attend and replied to the rest with a letter of apology. The woman had not been in contact with her fiancé since. She had been slightly worried as she had never wanted to inconvenience the man. Alas! Not all goes as planned and not everything will go as you want it to in this world. If that was the case then wouldn't she still be with her ex-lover, Javier? A soft sigh escaped her lips as she stared outside the window in her bedroom. Sitting near it and looking at nothing in particular was not really how she wanted to spend her day but what else could she have done? As her eyes wandered, they landed on a man, just outside of the manor gates, who was shouting. Her pupils widened as she identified the man to be....


The accursed name slipped out of her mouth in shock. Her thoughts ran through her head, 'Why is he here...?? What business does he have?!' The lady got on her feet and ran out despite her maids protesting her not to go out in such a state. The woman, of course was still enveloped in her past feelings. Despite everything, that was still her first love who had not been completely faded from her heart. What she felt was bittersweet, although running straight into his arms she did want at the same time she wished to plunge a dagger straight through his chest. But at the same time, she wished to never see him again. Oh, how the heart works! The rationality which was in her left as she stood there breathless staring straight into the eyes of that man. Her hair scattered, her eyes tired, her body shivering. How it hurt to look him in the eye, the man who betrayed her as so. The man who just threw her feelings away without a care in the world. How it broke her. It broke her because deep down she knew a part of her still longed for him. For the heart plays a nasty trick, she couldn't unlove him immediately. She did not know how. A million thoughts went through her mind and she stood there pondering what to do next.

"Aelia! Please..!"

His voice interrupted her train of thought and her heart ached at how he sounded. But now that she snapped back to reality she turned her back on him, promising to herself to never be swayed again. Not by his face or the way he looked at her or the way he called out her name. She will never let her past feelings come in between her current life. Aelia would only be at peace once she has completed her revenge.


