
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

Hard Feelings




The lady then spent her day next to her family, being her mother's comfort, entertaining her brothers, and checking on her father's pulse every now and then. Thankfully, due to the Imperial doctor's arrival, the Marquess' pulse was getting much better and going back to normal. Throughout, Ezekiel remained by her side although there was no exchange of words between the two.

"Aelia, darling, go rest now. You've done enough." Her mother advised as it was getting late.

"Alright, mother." 

She said goodnight to them all before leaving the room. Aelia continued to ignore the man even as it got late at night. She retired to her room. He kept following her, waiting for a chance to be able to speak to her. The lady sighed and let him inside.

"What is it, your grace?" 

"Please, don't call me as such.. I wish not to be demoted as a stranger in your eyes." His voice was raw with emotion.

"If you do not wish to explain what the issue is then you may leave, your grace." She remained cold.

"You know, that's not fair." 

Aelia looked at him blankly, "What's not fair?"

"I come to your aid at just one mention of you being in trouble. I ask for an Imperial doctor to be sent over for your family's help. I bring the best knights and mages to assist in the investigation. I even let you investigate alongside us. And this is what I get? I'm not asking for much, Aelia. I have never, not even once, asked for your love in return to what I feel. So, please.. please, don't break my heart like this." The man got on his knees. "I apologise, Aelia Perez, for my harsh words. I should not have said that."

Aelia was stunned as she looked at him kneel in front of him. She crouched down, puting her hands on his shoulders.

"Please, get up."

"Not until you forgive me.

"Your gra-"

"Ezekiel. It's Ezekiel for you." He looked up at her, his eyes slightly watery.

This caused Aelia to tear up as well, "I'm sorry, Ezekiel. You're right. You helped me out immediately. If not for the Imperial doctor, father's situation would not have gotten better like this. Thank you so much.. I'm really sorry." She stifled a sob as she threw her arms around him. "I'm so sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. You were only concerned for me, I took it the wrong way. Please, forgive me." Her voice shook as tears streamed down her face.

A tear rolled down his face as he softly smiled, cupping her face with his hands, "Don't cry, darling. You need not apologise, it's okay." He kissed her tear drops as they fell, gently rubbing the rest away with his thumbs. "Inhale, exhale.. you'll be okay, my dear. You're only exhausted and stressed out because of this ordeal. You should sleep." 

She looked up at him, her tears stopping slowly. "It's really late, you should stay."

"I couldn't possibly bother you to accommodate me for the night."

"It's okay.. you can remain in my room." 

His cheeks turned red as he looked at her with his eyes widened, "I couldn't possibly-"

"We'll just sleep. Nothing more to it. We are engaged, aren't we? So.. it shouldn't be a problem." She paused, looking away, "And I need comfort tonight.. please."

"Alright." He agreed reluctantly.

The two then stood up and she walked off to her wardrobe to get her nightgown out. Aelia then disappeared into the bathroom to change into her sleeping clothes. When she walked back in her room, she saw that he had taken off his upper garments. Ezekiel now remained only in his white shirt and wide pants.

"Won't they be uncomfortable?" Aelia asked, pointing to his pants.

"It's alright."

She nodded before getting on her bed and lying on one side. Aelia then patted the space besides her, inviting him. He laid down next to her, facing her.

"So, would you like to be comforted by me telling stories, or what?"

"This," Aelia held out her arms towards him, asking for an embrace.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, "Alright, alright." 

He wrapped his muscular arms around her waist, enveloping her body with his warmth. Aelia soon drifted to sleep in his embrace, feeling protected and comforted.


