
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

A Sudden Visitation




The next morning was busy. After getting up from a deep slumber at the brink of dawn, the lady immediately set out of her room to start the preparations for 'Operation; Sign a Contract with the Grand Duke.' She rushed to inform the house that she was going to go out that day, leaving out the most important bit of information that she was meeting with the Grand Duke as her father and brothers would most likely freak out. The only one who knew of this was her lady-in-waiting, also her closest aide whom she confided into a lot, who painted it as her meeting a very important person to the rest of the maids so they would dress her up accordingly. Aelia had escaped to the kitchen while the lady-in-waiting gathered the maids and they made preparations and got out the lady's best dresses to choose from. She had asked the chef to help her bake a cake and spent the next hour working side by side and following his every step. The chef gave her tips throughout on how to be able to make the cake rise and taste sweet but not too sweet and etc. Aelia had a lot of fun whilst prepping the cake batter. She had never expected to be in the kitchen and cooking one day but here she was and she quite enjoyed it. The lady made up her mind to frequent the kitchen often to learn more recipes and cook for her family and friends. 'And maybe even Ezekiel....' She shook her head free from such thoughts and went back to focusing on the task at hand. And with the chef's guidance she was able to complete her task.

"There!" Aelia wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead after she had placed the cake tin filled with batter inside the warm oven, feeling accomplished.

She gave the chef a high five and thanked him profusely to which in response he stammered and mumbled that it was not a problem. Aelia giggled and left for her room, already getting a feeling of apprehension as to what would happen next which was proven to be true as soon as she stepped inside. She became a target for all of her maids and was soon shoved in the bath tub where she was scrubbed clean from head to toe with rose water. Then they shrouded her with sweet smelling perfume, slipped her into a gorgeous light blue gown with lace and tiny gems fixed at the hems. The dress was perfect for summer wear with its short puffed sleeves. She was adorned with jewellery, a choker like necklace with a bow and earrings of the same fasion. All the while her cheeks were brushed with powder and colouring her lips with extracted strawberries. 'I think they went too far... I only am going to go for discussing a contract.' She let out a sigh but still was impressed at their work as she looked stunning. Aelia gave one last look at herself in the mirror then left her room. She once again arrived at the kitchen to retrieve the cake she had made in the beginning of the day. After arriving, she realised that her baked good looked far too bland and decided to frost and decorate it with icing and chocolate. She took help from the chef once more and finished designing the cake.

"Wow, this looks spectacular! You are the best chef in the world!! Thank you for helping me with this again!" The young lady of the house smiled at the chef who blushed with pride.

"It was no problem. I'm honoured to be of help, young lady! You need not thank me, it was my pleasure."

Aelia gave him another smile before leaving for the garden to pick up some flowers. 'He wouldn't be too harsh on me if I have prepared all of these, right?' She softly smiled to herself, completely forgetting what her and his grace had decided on the night prior. She made extra care with regards to which flowers she picked. The lady remembered that white roses and daisies both symbolised a new beginning and wished to gift the Grand Duke such thoughtful flowers rather than just getting any and making do with them. After gathering everything and packing it all in a basket, the lady put on a sun hat as she made her way to the family carriage which had been waiting for her only for her to stop in her tracks as she saw a carriage parked besides it. She looked closely, wondering whose it would be, and recognised the emblem on it as the Grand Duke's. Her eyes widened, 'Wait.....' Hazy memories of last night's farewell turned sharp and she rushed in the direction of the front door. She burst inside but it was too late, Ezekiel had already greeted her father and brothers. 'Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!' With a fastened pace she reached the man, grabbed his arm and raced towards her room. After shutting the two inside her room, panting as she was out of breath she turned towards him. Her hat slipped off her head as she leaned against the door, catching her breath. Although she was completely breathless, his grace was totally fine.

"I was just about to come to your place!" Aelia blurted out.

"But my dear lady, I thought we had agreed that I was to make a visit." The Grand Duke looked at her with an eyebrow raised, amused at her actions.

Aelia let out a big sigh and walked towards the sofa and table. 'Oh, well. We have met again, let's just discuss the terms and conditions and finish a contract. No need for me to be picky about whether I went to him or he came to me.'

"These are for you, my lady." Ezekiel suddenly handed her a bouquet of pale red and pink carnations.

"Ah, t-thank you." She had not expected to receive flowers and placed them in an empty vase before turning to him and giving him her freshly picked bunch of white roses and daisies. "And these are for you."

The Grand Duke looked surprised before accepting her gift, "Thank you. I'll cherish them."

The lady was slightly stunned by his remark but did her best not to show it. "Please, do sit your grace." She gestured to the sofa before setting up the table with the cake she had made and some tea which she brewed herself.

"You needn't do this, shan't you call for a maid?" Ezekiel asked as he walked towards the sofa and sat down. "And do call me Ezekiel, we already agreed upon it my lady."

"No need to trouble the maids over something so trivial. Plus, this is my sincerity to you." Aelia placed a cup of tea in front of him along with a slice of cake. "If you wish for me to call you as Ezekiel then do the same and call me Aelia, please." She sat down besides him as she finished pouring herself a cup.

"Alright, Aelia." He took up the cup to his lips for a sip. "This is delicious. Who made this? I have never had such tea."

"I did. Glad you like it."

"You did? Then you must have made the cake as well?" He looked at the items on the table then at her.


"Haha, my lover truly does have many charms~" Ezekiel smiled at her.

In response, she looked away feeling a bit shy. She was weak to compliments and often got embarrassed and shy whenever anyone would praise her. The lady cleared her throat. "Um, so the reason why I asked for an audience was so that we could decide on a contract."

"A contract?" His attention was wholly on her as he had finished his slice and tea.


