
Treasure Hunt 3/3

A/N: Haha - You did not expect this. Neither did I! 5.25k words more for my dear readers.

What did Aegon gain from this terrible pain?

25.3k/40k words - Deadline: 6/11-22 at 10 pm CET.




POV | Aegon Targaryen

"Urgh. Fuck. That hurt like a bitch." Grumbled the disgruntled hidden prince.

"Language." Sounded a sweet melodious voice accompanied by a giggle, attracting Aegon's attention and making him retreat five steps and pulling out his spear from his weapon's pouch.

"Who are you?!" he gritted out through the pain. His pain tolerance was insane, but whatever Brandon the Builder's statue had done to him, had seriously messed with his head and his senses. His sight was slowly returning, and the only thing he could see for now, was the silhouette of a longhaired individual in front of him.

"I am Nysreah Sand." Answered the now identified girl. 'Nysreah? What kind of weird ass name is that?'

"Thanks for the name, but I'm going to need more detail than that. Where is my brother and our friends? How did you get into the Crypt of Winterfell? And what is a bastard of Dorne even doing here? It's against the laws to enter here, you could lose your head for this." Rambled Aegon, the disorientation, scrambling of his senses and slowly receding pain made him spew out all his questions at once.

'I'll escort her out if she isn't a thief. Or kill her if she was sent here on a contract to kill. Ugh. It fucking sucks getting my senses scrambled.' After having lived as a superhuman for two years, it was horrendous to lose it. He blinked a few times, and now he could discern a few of her features. Full lips, large eyes, and dark hair. 'Maybe not kill her… Huff, Aegon don't fucking simp on her. If she is an assassin, then she dies. Though she does look kind of small for that. Then again, Arya was kind of small until she killed a huge family of weasels.'

She giggled again. "You're rambling a bit, but I guess I can answer your questions anyway. Though a proper gentleman would introduce himself first."

"I'm a bastard, not a gentleman. There is no need for me to be gentle. Explanation. Now." Just as he said it, he regretted his harsh tone, but he was feeling supremely pissed at that moment. 'I am not even in the chamber anymore…' He looked around and realized that the room was large and open. No walls in sight. 'Where the fuck are we? Oh no. Nysreah Sand.' He tried moving the letters around to turn it into the name of a goddess, but with no luck.

'Nys. Reah. Reah. Nys. Rhaenys! Oh. OH. Dang!' He felt the pain receding faster and his heart was beating rapidly. 'Is this a Dragon Dream?' Suddenly he remembered an episode that he had put aside two years ago and had slowly let slip into his subconscious.

He could see her physically deflating, but before she could say more he exclaimed.

"You're the Dream Girl!"

She perked up fast at that and her large purple eyes met his own. He froze in shock at the familiar eyes on an unfamiliar face. His vision was back to eagle-clarity as he took in her features. His first thought was 'absolutely adorable.'

She tilted her head cutely, "you remember me?" the hope in her voice was palpable and he felt his heart clench. He nodded as he continued eternalizing her features in his mind. 'If it's really her, then I am going to remember so I can actually find her in real life.' The mere thought of seeing her and walking by without recognizing her felt like hell to him.

She was walking closer to him with slow steps, as if she was scared of making him flee. He smiled and sheathed his spear back into his pouch.

"You bandaged me and helped save my life. I don't know how you managed to do that in a dream, but I am grateful, nonetheless. I am Gaeon Snow."

She smiled and moved up right in front of him. She stood at 5' and she had to tilt her head slightly to look him into the eyes. "Gaeon Snow." She chuckled. "That's a dumb name for a northern bastard."

Aegon smiled broadly. "So is Nysreah."

She pushed his shoulder and pouted. "No, it's not. It's a perfectly normal name!"

Aegon hummed noncommittedly. "I'll call you Rhae from now on." He saw her stiffen, but she tried to compose herself fast. 'It's her for sure.'

"Then I'll call you…" She scrunched her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose in concentration. "Hey! That's not your name!" Her eyes were wide in hope and slight apprehension.

"You tell me, Princess?" said Aegon with a small smirk. He had an overwhelming need to annoy her.

"Aegon?" she asked, as she used her left hand to brush his hair away from his face as she took in his face entirely. "You really are a prince. It really is you, isn't it?"

He chuckled at that. "What's that about, have you been imagining me as a prince?" his grin grew exponentially as he bit into his own lip to prevent himself from laughing outright.

Rhaenys blushed at that. "Stop being so annoying. You're more of a rogue than a prince."

"Hmm. Aegon the Rogue Prince? It's got a decent ring to it. Especially when I already have beautiful princesses dreaming about me."



"Shut up."

"… I'll think about it. Might tell you about my decision when you dream about me."

"Ugh, you're incorrigible." The princess stomped her foot into the ground and turned away. "I'll just leave, if you're going to annoy me."

She stomped away in a huff, but Aegon grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. He hugged her tightly to himself, she stiffened for a second before she put her arms around his neck and melted into his embrace. "I've agonized about your death for so long. I've prayed and begged the Old and Valyrian Gods for your survival, and it seems that my prayers have been answered."

She hugged him tighter at his words and whispered: "I am not alone anymore. We are not alone." She kissed his cheek and pulled back to look him into his eyes. Crystalized amethyst met warm purple eyes and she asked.

"Can you come visit?"

Some of her hair was sticking to her face due to the tears escaping her eyes. He used both his hands to clear it away from her face before he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Tell me the location and I promise you I will come by."

Her face brightened up in a smile and Aegon could not help but reciprocate the smile. Belatedly he realized that Rhaenys was the first girl close to his own age that he had ever interacted with. 'Damn, I'm setting high standards.' Not that he could see how anyone would ever compare. He imagined that she looked similar to Ashara Dayne at the same age.

They embraced again, trying to make up for all the years where they could not be there for each other. All their suppressed feelings of loss, loneliness, longing and belonging.

'A Targaryen alone in the world is indeed a terrible thing. I even had Grandpa Aemon for the last two years, Rhaenys had no one. Though I highly doubt that the Martells have treated her badly. '

"The Water Gardens in Dorne. Come find me, please. I need to know that this isn't just a figment of my imagination."

"I will." He smiled down at her and kissed her on her cute little nose. "Is Arthur Dayne there with you?" She nodded as she blushed, and he soldiered on. "Tell him I send my greetings and tell him that his words at the Tower of Joy were premature."

She tilted her head. "What did he say?"

He answered her swiftly. "Now it begins. I was doubting whether I had an older brother or not, but it seems I do not. This means my path has been determined, and his words to my uncle from nine years ago are now valid. I highly doubt that you would have known before now, and he'll have to see that your dreams are true."

She nodded against his chest, and they stood still for a while longer, just basking in each other's presence. The feeling of being home was overwhelming for both of them. Especially Aegon, who had two sets of memories of being an orphan, despite the second set being much better.

It was Rhaenys who broke the silence this time. "You called me Dream Girl." Her smile turned mischievous, and she looked like the cat that got the canary as she continued. "Doesn't that mean you have been dreaming about me as well?"

Aegon, having not expected the retaliation from the cute girl in his arms, started blushing heavily at her unexpected inquiry. Being slightly lost for words, he decided to use the strategy he used on any girl who had ever questioned him cheekily. That would be Sansa, Arya, Freya, Hel, and Gere. 'Damn, I only know two human girls… I have issues.'

He tickled her sides. The attack was so unexpected, especially since Aegon had just gotten his blush under control, and an impassive look on his face. Rhaenys had just taken a breath so she could continue her teasing when Aegon attacked.

"Hahahaha! Please! Hahahaaaah, I'll stop!" she buckled over and started writhing around in his grasp in a futile attempt to escape the demon dragon's tickling attack.

"I-I-I pr-promise to stop. Hahahaha please!" She was lying on the ground gasping for breath as Aegon finally relented. He had straddled her waist, with a hand on each side of her face. He leant down close to her face and said. "What are the magical words, little Princess?"

"I-I'm s-." *Lick*

"EW! Seriously, are you a dog, Rhaenys?!" He hurriedly moved away from her as he tried to dry off the saliva from his face. "Come on!"

Meanwhile the little Princess seemed entirely unrepentant, based on the supremely smug grin on her face. "Humph. That's what you get for trying to torture me into giving you an apology. Your face tastes like sweat, by the way."

Aegon looked at her incredulously. "Do you lick the face of everyone who annoys you? Also, please don't comment on the taste of my face."

She looked almost affronted. "Of course not, you're the only one who has had the honour of being licked by yours truly." Why her smug smile seemed to grow even more than before, Aegon would never know. "What, have others licked your face before, little Rogue?" Why her face grew menacing for a few seconds would remain a mystery as well.

Aegon felt slightly relieved that it was not something she did usually, though her second question did make him think of all the times he had ever been licked on the face. "Well, I've been licked by Freya, Hel, Fenris, Freke and Gere, I guess." He scratched his head. 'Yeah, that's about it.'

Rhaenys face scrunched up in disgust as she used her hands to try to clean her tongue. "You're just as bad as Oberyn, deviant rogue. Getting licked by girls AND boys."

Aegon paled dramatically at that. "No! You misunderstood! Those are my pets! Hel and Freya are felines and the other three are canines! That's why I asked you if you were a dog." 'Phrasing!'

Both stilled as they looked at each other, one trying to convey his sincerity and the other trying to gauge the truth. A few seconds passed before they both broke into laughter and moved closer to each other again.

"So, did you dream about me as well?" asked Rhaenys.

"Once, we had been ambushed by Wildlings, and I almost died during the encounter. Whatever you did during my sleep, along with the help of Freya, ended saving me. Thank you." He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head as she snuggled into his side again. "I only really remembered the shape of your head and face though, so it took me some time to recall you correctly."

"Where were you during the last two years? I couldn't see you in my dreams like I had been used to." Her questioning continued.

"The Wall, I was training and learning from Gramps, Aemon Targaryen and a loyal knight who fought for our father, Ser Alliser Thorne. I've been at Winterfell for a moon now." He answered with a fond tone.

"We have family at The Wall?" She asked enthusiastically. He nodded and the motion rubbed her head and allowed her to know that it was an affirmative.

"I'll take you to meet him someday." The tightened embrace told him that she would like that very much.

"That would mean I couldn't dream of you, whilst you were at The Wall. Are you returning there, anytime soon?" she asked with slight trepidation colouring her tone.

He nodded again. "I'm afraid I will. I still have things to learn there. We can send letters if you wish?" the thought of not being able to see her for a long time, made him melancholic, but some sort of communication would be better than nothing.

She had tears in her eyes as she answered. "I would like that, but ravens are so slow?"

"Then I will find a faster bird. Just wait for a letter from me. The stamp will be black and white." He answered promptly. 'I have been holding of on that for too long anyway. If I strengthen a bearded vulture, peregrine falcon, or a harpy eagle, I should have a perfect messenger. Might call it Hermod, because Hermóðr is too annoying to use.'

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I hope we will one day be free and able to live with each other without fear of using our real names." She sighed deeply.

The air around Aegon changed as those words left her lips, and she stiffened slightly as she looked into the eyes of the Dragon Prince. He grabbed her face in one hand and tilted her head up a little, so he was sure that she missed nothing of what he was about to say.

"We will one day be free. We will live without fear, and we will use our real names, and no one will be able to do anything about it." His spirit was steel, his will indomitable, and the fire burned passionately in his amethyst eyes.

She could not help but believe every word that he said. Such was the power of his confidence, and she felt the hope bloom in her heart.

"When you hear the name Khal Gaeon whispered from the lips of nobles, you will know that our return has commenced. Oh, and that reminds me. If your cousin starts getting stupid ideas about her marriage, tell her, in secret, that she is already engaged." He told her.

As soon as the hope bloomed in her heart, it was crushed with the ferocity of a Nagga.

"You're engaged?!" her tone was positively heartbroken.

'What, how did she… Fuck, phrasing!' "No, no! It's not to me. Oberyn and the knight protecting Daenerys and Viserys made the betrothal between her and Viserys. I am not engaged!" he answered hurriedly.

She let out a deep breath of relief before she asked him in indignation. "I'll tell her, if something like that happens, but do you not know how explain things properly? Why are you creating unnecessary drama? Does your mind not function properly?"

He froze slightly at her last question. He had felt slight pain and dizziness but dismissed it so he could enjoy his meeting with her. He looked around and realized everything had started to become slightly hazy, he had not given it much thought because of the calm and happiness he felt with her close by. Even his thought process seemed to slow, and despite their close proximity, he was also feeling a tad bit colder. Emptier. 'Something is terribly wrong right now.'

"I think you're right. Everything seems to become more unclear and slower to me. Something is wrong." He told her in a lethargic tone.

"Aegon, what's wrong? Are you okay?" the indignation bled away as soon as she realized that something was actually wrong. "You've turned pale and… colder." Her panic was visible in her eyes, but she tried to not let it show on her face. She knew from her training with the Maester that she should never show an ill person that she was panicking.

Aegon thought the entire scenario through. 'She has been able to see me consistently in her dreams, but I have only seen her in the one where she healed me… Does it have something to do with death? Whatever Bran the Builder did… Did it kill me, maybe fry my brain, if the pain was anything to go by?'

"Rhae, I think I might know what is going on." He stroked her chin gently with his right thumb as he gave her a small smile. 'It might have been a mental attack or bestowment of knowledge… Just, the bestowment was too much for a human brain to take in at once, which would explain why no Stark King ever exhibited the same knowledge. Bran might have been a builder, but he was not a healer. He fucked the bestowal up…'

She bit her lip harshly as she looked him into his eyes. Her entire body language seemed to scream 'DON'T YOU DARE.' As her little rogue prince had achieved some kind of revelation that she did not care to hear.

"Do you know, what they say about Dragon Dreams?" he asked her gently, as her lips trembled, and her eyes welled up with tears. "No." she whispered.

"They are always a warning. No matter how benign. They are always a warning. It seems your gift is stronger than mine because I only dream when I am about die." He told her as serenely as he could. 'This was not how I expected to die. Of all things, I am killed by my counterpart. What King of Beasts? Sum of old and new? None matters anymore.'

'Why does death always move more rapidly when you know it is coming?'

His body was losing strength, and he leant down to lie on the ground. His breathing coming in soft gasps.



POV | Rhaenys Targaryen

"What happened before you came here? Aegon, please answer me!" asked Rhaenys, even after all her training she could not keep the panic out of her voice any longer. She had just gotten him back!

He answered her between gasps evidencing his impendent demise. "Statue of Brandon the Builder. Looked into eyes. Pain. So much Pain. Passed out. Here."

What would she do with that knowledge? 'I can't heal that, oh no, what do I do?' She started crying as she realized how absolutely powerless she felt. 'It's like being three name days and gagged again.'

"I wish. We had. More time." Aegon whispered as he looked at her. Her whole heart clenched in sorrow.

"I won't let you die." She whispered harshly as she straddled his torso and grasped his paling face in her two hands. "Please don't leave me."

"Kiss him." A voice sounded and she whipped her head around to find it. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes." He rasped. "You said to not leave you."

"No, not my voice, the other voice." She looked into his eyes, but the confusion she saw, told her that he did not hear it.

"You have to kiss the prince. Like in the stories." The childish girly voice sounded out again. She looked around again, but still she found nothing. 'Am I mad?'

She bit into her lips, and this time, her teeth broke skin and she started bleeding a little bit. "Kiss him, quickly. Even the princess can't bring the prince back if he is dead."

'I have nothing to lose. Even if listening to voices is a bad idea in general.'

She still held his head in her grasp, as she moved her face closer to his. Her eyes never leaving his. "Please be okay." She whispered before her lips met his in a kiss of Fire and Blood. Their entire bodies were engulfed in a blazing inferno, as their lips connected, and she pulled him closer.

Despite everything else of him screaming power and strength, his lips were soft and sweet to kiss. She felt her whole body heat up with power and comfort as his arms wrapped around her.

She did not know how long she kept kissing him, but she did not stop until the fire died down.

The look in Aegon's eyes as she pulled back, filled her with such warmth that the scorching heat of Dorne seemed to pale in comparison.

He tucked her hair behind her ear as he gave her a dazzling smile. "You saved me again."

His figure turned into motes of light and started disappearing before her very eyes before she could pull him into her embrace again. She looked at the light disappearing, and she smiled sadly at the sight. "I'll continue to do so as many times as it takes." She whispered to his vanishing figure.

"Thank you, for the advice, little spirit." She said aloud to the room. She did not expect a response, but she figured that she might as well offer her gratitude.

"You're welcome!" it answered happily. "You're the one who brought me here anyway. I had just read a story about a prince kissing the princess until she was well. I figured the princess could do the same thing for the prince."

Rhaenys laughed merrily. "I like that. Maybe I should call him my little princess when I see him next?"

The voice turned more serious. "He is a King now."

She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Unfortunately, Rhaenys was woken up before she ever got an answer.


Winterfell, Brandon's tomb - 289 AC

POV | Domeric Bolton

'I knew this was a bad idea! Places for dead people, are for dead people only! We should never have gone down here.'

Robb was almost crying, as he was trying to wake his brother up. Jon was writhing in pain on the floor, his eyes were bloodshot, and his hands were clenching his head. The Direwolves were growling menacingly at the statue, and the temperature in the tomb seemed to have lowered massively.

He could see his breath as he exhaled, something that had not been visible before his friend collapsed to the ground. He moved over to his side, and the rest of the boys joined the circle.

"What happened?" he whispered harshly. An uncharacteristic sound from a Bolton, but Domeric did not care right now. His friend was hurt.

"I don't know. He was looking around like the rest of us, but then he looked into the eyes of the statue, and he suddenly collapsed." Answered Robb in a panicked tone.

Suddenly, Jon seemed to calm, and he started breathing in small gasps before he bit down into his own lips, hard enough to start bleeding. Domeric tore his belt off and put one end in between Jon's teeth. The others started looking at him weirdly.

"What? Do you want him to bite his tongue of, next?" he asked with a raised voice.

Understanding dawned on their features and after a few muttered apologies, they all started observing Jon again.


Jon sat up swiftly, spat out the belt from his mouth and started inhaling air in deep and greedy breaths.

Relief flooded through Domeric's body as his friend seemed to be fine again. 'Thank The Old Gods!'

He crushed him in a hug along with the other boys and the two large wolves. 'Everything is alright.' Even the temperature of the tomb returned to normal and the suffocating pressure returned.


POV | Aegon Targaryen

After his near-death experience, he was once more saved by a princess. 'First I'm saved by a combination of Queen Freya and princess Rhaenys, and this time I'm saved by Rhaenys alone. Of course, it just had to be blood magic again… And now I am even being hugged by seven dwarves… Or five little guys and two young Direwolves. Am I a Disney-princess?'

""What happened?"" asked Robb and Domeric in tandem.

Aegon tried to gather his thoughts, as the new memories bombarded his brain. All the old magical knowledge of Bran, his bestiary, and his experiences with building combining with Aegon's own and newer memories of the same things.

'This is invaluable. The sheer scope of these runes. First Men runes used to build and enchant. Magic, Greensight and skin changing. Hmm. It seems Greensight will be futile for me, even through the strengthening of my mind. My thoughts are too rigid for it. Must be a fault of my strict discipline. That would explain why my youngest cousin is going to be so gifted at it, considering how free spirited he was depicted as.'

He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. 'My Skin Changing or Warging has been strengthened immensely… He warged into Gere and he almost wanted to shout in jubilation. He tried warg into Freke as well, and whilst it was disorienting at first, he adapted quickly. This ability is the best I could have ever hoped for. He could warg without leaving his own body. I can essentially spy on people constantly or use different points of view when I fight to remove all blind spots.'

Aegon almost danced, but he realized he still had not answered their question. He looked at his friends with a tiny frown on his visage. "I thought his eyes would show where the treasure was." He stated in a low and hoarse tone. His throat sore from his screams of pain.

He stood up and wobbled over to one of the two treasure spots he had identified earlier. His little stint with death and his complete understanding of runes allowed him to see what the magic was now that he had Mage Sight as well as the understanding of a First Man Master Enchanter.

He pulled out one of his throwing knives from his chest and cut into his hand to allow the blood to flow. The blood of the Winter King in him seemed to be strong enough to open the blood-lock. One of his new favourite enchantments. 'I will be using that a lot. Especially for my future crown and weapon. No way am I allowing someone to cuckold my successors, like Cersei did with the Usurper.'

As the blood-lock clicked open, the boys gathered around him to look at what was in the chest that was revealed. "Robb, it's yours." Said Aegon with a small smile.

Robb knelt down and opened the box, where a beautifully crafted pendant of a grey Direwolf with yellow eyes laid. "No, you should take it, Jon."

"It's the pendant of the Warg King, Robb. It can help you. A lot." Rebutted Aegon.

"I don't care. You went through so much pain, you take it." The conviction in his voice was strong. Robb could be as stubborn as a mule at times.

"Warg King?" said Rodrik in a questioning tone.

"Isn't that just a children's tale?" questioned Eddard.

"Aye, what would the pendant even do?" added Torrhen.

Domeric was the only one who did not interfere, but the curiosity was burning in his pale grey eyes.

Aegon looked at the other boys as he answered. "Aye, Warg King. A King of Skin Changers, capable of subjugating animals and beasts alike with the power of his mind. He can shift through the skin of his beasts and see the world from their perspective."

Seeing them straighten up, he continued in a serious tone. "All those with the blood of The First Men and the right mind for it, can develop a bond with an animal companion. A strong warg can develop bonds with a strong animal or a group of weaker animals, whereas a weak warg may only bond with one weak animal."

Domeric's eyes widened. "You're both wargs! Robb with his Falcon, and you with…" Rodrik gasped as he finished for Domeric. "You have so many companions, you must be a really strong warg!"

Aegon nodded at them and followed up. "Correct. The four of you have the magic in you as well." All four seemed to brighten at that. "Yet Robb here is by far the strongest warg I've met besides myself. If he uses this pendant, he could probably have a Direwolf as well as whole pack of wolves around him in only a few years of training."

Robb looked at him in shock! "Really?"

The Dragon Prince nodded. "That's why I'm telling you to take it. It will do much better with a true Stark than me."

Robb gave him a hug. "Thanks brother!" He tightened their embrace. "No thanks are needed."

Aegon looked at his other friends and told them. "We'll definitely help you find a companion as well, don't worry." The happiness of receiving animal companions was visible on all their faces, until Torrhen broke in with a comment.

"Eddard will probably bond with a pig."

The rest of the boys laughed uproariously as Eddard tried to catch and strangle his younger brother.

After the heart-warming scene, Aegon looked at the location of the last treasure in the chamber. 'Star Steel. If Bran the Builder could hide his memories and experiences of magic for 8000 years, and impart them through intense staring, it might just be much more useful than Valyrian Steel could ever hope to be.'

"Let's get back, boys. We'll have to hurry if we don't want others to notice our disappearance."

""Aye!"" They exclaimed in unison.

Hours later, they passed by Cregan Stark's tomb again and Aegon's eyes flashed as he realized exactly what was hidden there. A Cheshire grin split his face and he almost broke out into an evil laugh as his future goals seemed to pan out beautifully.

'Oh, this was definitely worth it. Thank you for saving me, little princess.'

As he started whistling a happy tune, Rodrik asked if he couldn't sing them a song until they reached the top. Aegon happily obliged. "It's going to be an old song from a dead language used thousands of years ago."

"Really?" asked Rodrik with interest obvious on his features.

"Aye, I found the song in a book on songs of dead languages in Castle Black." He told them before he began with a mirthful look in his eyes.

"The song is called Bella Ciao, and it is supposedly about honouring the death of a strong supporter of a cause or person." 'And as a theme for Money Heist…'

♫ "Una mattina mi sono alzato

O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

Una mattina mi sono alzato

E ho trovato l'invasor

O partigiano, portami via

O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

O partigiano, portami via

Ché mi sento di morir

E se io muoio da partigiano

O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

E se io muoio da partigiano

Tu mi devi seppellir." ♫

The boys listened attentively to the impactful song, and Aegon smiled broadly. This was a fine heist indeed.


A/N: Aegon and Rhaenys first interaction. With me being sick and all, I needed the fluff. Also, don't sexualize it. Still kids, remember?

Soooo, Rhaenys' dream powers were further explored here, and Aegon's complete lack of aptitude for that same branch of magic. He can learn it 10 times faster than others would, but he is starting to realize that this is the first time he is starting with a negative aptitude, and learning it would force him to change his entire disciplined mentality. A sacrifice he is not willing to make. Gotta leave the dreams to his Dream Girl.

Also, who was the spirit that Rhaenys dragged into their dreamscape for support?

The treasure hunt was fruitful as hell! Runes and engineering skill from Bran the Builder? Kings Landing will not smell like shit when this king rulez, no sir!

Also, had to add a little Heist theme for proper setting.

Hope you liked it, see ya for the next chap!