Aegon Targaryen is alive, by the time the mountain arrived Ella Martell had already deserted the Castle with her two children. Even then things didn't go well Aegon was split from his family what happens when the pirates that kidnapped him deliver him to the Dothraki.
6 months Later
Drogo and I stood before the largest Khalasar the Dothraki had ever seen, it wasn't as large as the army that followed Daenerys but it was getting close. The way we had accomplished such a feat was pretty simple, Drogo and I would set a meeting with other Khal's. The meeting would usually go one of two ways their Khal against the newly named Khal Drogo, one on one fight whoever wins takes the other person Khalasar. The second route would usually just be an open fight between both armies something I did my best to avoid.
Luckily most Khal's knew of Drogo's inexperience and took him as an easy challenge. Soon word spread Drogo had already killed 3 Khal's meaning very few Khalasar's had the ability to match up with our numbers. Soon the negotiation's went a lot smoother either we would overpower them with pure numbers or they would choose the one on one fight losing to Drogo in the end.
We still had a long way to go before we conquered the rest of the Dothraki but today was a special occasion. Drogo was getting married, I had convinced him it would be best if he married while young that way he could teach his children. His father rarely taught us anything, The Khaleesi had done most of that for him.
Drogo agreed and his love for exotic women shined through, he soon found a woman fit for him. She was 100% Dothraki and the complete opposite of Haffi, if Haffi was soft and quiet this woman was chaotic and loud. She was an amazing fighter she was hoping to become a blood rider instead she became a Khaleesi.
Khal Drogo sat where his father once set looking down on the festivities, his beard was growing longer and he had even begun to get tattoos for each Khalasar we conquered. To his left sat Nethimi, a beautiful brown-haired woman, her skin was lighter than most Dothraki reminding me of those from Westeros. She sat with a hard look on her face but I could tell today was, in fact, a day she had once dreamed of.
"Nethimi you may not know it but the last Khaleesi raised both Khal Drogo and myself. The Khalasar loved her she commanded respect but she didn't abuse it. She was kind when she needed to be."
"You loved her?"
"I think we both did," I said looking to Khal Drogo who simply nodded in response we still had no idea where she had disappeared to I just hoped she was alive.
"I'm not asking you to be her, I just want you to know that being Khaleesi means more than just marrying Khal Drogo. You'll become the backbone of this Khalasar and they'll love you as long as you don't give them a reason not to."
Nethimi only nodded in response I could tell I had given her a lot to think about, she was going to be the Khaleesi to the largest Khalasar that had ever existed.
"You've chosen well brother," Drogo and I had been through thick and then especially in recent months. I was sure he wouldn't die as he did in the T.V. Show mainly because each cut we suffered was not only cleaned but sterilized with alcohol.
We began to watch the women dance as the festivities continued on a comfortable silence filled the area around us.
"You have my blessing," Drogo said in English.
I raised an eyebrow turning to Drogo if anything I should be the one giving my blessing so why was he.
"You're planning on leaving."
"I'll return before your first child is born," I don't know if he thought I was leaving forever but I couldn't. Not when there was still a chance for Daenerys to show up here and even if she didn't I already had a couple of people tracking their locations courtesy to Rabi. Since he was free he could leave the Dothraki whenever he wished so I had him start gathering people. He had created a company similar to the golden company only they would lean more towards espionage.
"I'll start searching for you a wife," Drogo smiled before calling for more pepper beer seems he had taken after Khal Bharbo in their love for horrible tasting beers.
"Just make sure she's beautiful," I smiled in response although I wouldn't marry just anyone she needed more then just looks.
Soon Drogo descended the steps alongside Nethimi before he helped her onto a horse and they rode off into the night. On the other hand, I journeyed back to my tent, Kyra stood outside playing with a flute.
"Come in," I said ducking inside my tent lighting a candle I kicked off my sandals before taking a seat among my wide selection of pillows.
"We leave tomorrow notify Rabi to meet us at the location," I had been planning this since Drogo became Khal. I was finally going to the one place I always wanted to go. The old city of Valyria, Kyra simply nodded before walking outside I was sure she was sending an owl something I had traded for in the free cities.
Alone, at last, I raised my right hand as a golden coin shot through the air stopping above my palm. My control over my ability had grown over time, I watched as the coin began to twirl in the air ever so slowly. I wasn't sure I could send an average human being flying but with the speed I could send this coin flying I was sure one hit to the head would be a sure kill.
As Kyra entered the tent I was still wondering if I would be able to trust her in the long run. There were subtle signs of her already being under someone else's thumb my uncle Doran no doubt. I wondered how he was able to command such respect from her, she was guarded around me. It didn't matter now we weren't in Dorne and her respect for him meant nothing half way across the world. I was sure she wouldn't do anything to betray me because that would mean betraying my Uncle. I know letting her go would be a lot easier but she had been here for years already she understands what kind of person I am as long as I controlled my uncle I knew I would control her.
"Rabi will meet us at the planned location in the morning," I nodded resting my head against my pillows I could rest now. It wouldn't be that easy though before I sleep I had to check one thing the second picture. It was still a blur I made a habit of checking it each night before I fell asleep. I didn't even understand what opened the first one but I was excited to see what the second picture would reveal.
I fell asleep wondering what the future would be like.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 months Later
Old Valyria
The Sun blazed above me as I walked the ghost lands of old Valyria, behind me were Kyra and Rabi. We had been here for close to a month now dealing with the greyscaled lunatics that frequented the city. I always wondered why they swarmed here like bees to honey, although they had nothing to do with my search of Valyria city. I was a Targaryen by blood and where else would I search for Dragon eggs. Kings landing? I had always hoped one of my ancestors was smart enough to hide a dragon egg or two in one of the hidden chambers in that castle. Sadly I was halfway around the world I had a better chance here.
Besides it's not like the greyscaled people are smart they reacted to people with the need to infect them with the very curse they were plagued by. Staying out of their sight made this whole journey a hell of a lot easier. I had never heard anyone talk about the pure size of the city. Most of the buildings were in pure ruins and I was beginning to lose hope.
As we walked past yet another ruined building up ahead I spotted the impossible, the only building looking even a bit intact. It stood out above the rest due to it being the only standing building in the vicinity. I wasn't sure what natural disaster had hit Valyria or if it was even a natural disaster but whatever it was had done a number on the city most of the buildings were in shambles and yet the only thing wrong with this building was its stairs. I was guessing it was the old age that had caused that though.
"I'm going in if you two can make the climb follow me if not stay here and out of the sight of the greyscaled."
I began my climb ignoring whether they were following me or not, I was sure this building held something. I took my time climbing not sure which part of the wall I was climbing up was stable or not once I reached the top I turned around surprised that both Kyra and Rabi had followed. I helped Kyra up first it seemed she had some kind of climbing experience Rabi, on the other hand, struggled on his way up.
"You made it," I laughed as Rabi took a deep breath before turning around to see how high he had climbed.
"I think I'll take a breather before we go in," He plopped down on the ground pulling out a leather bag of water.
"Rest well," I waved as I headed inside, excitement filled my very being I was sure I would be the first to journey inside of this building since the destruction of Valyria. The number of greyscaled people proved that not to mention the feeling the threatened to jump out of my body as I stepped inside.
Darkness was something I expected, Kyra stepped forward lighting a torch she handed it to me before returning to her position behind me. The Torch burned brightly even as sparks of fire hopped off of the torch it didn't bother me Targaryen blood burned hotly inside me. I had never mentioned it but my adverseness to heat was similar to Daenerys I would never have to worry about fire burning me.
I raised the torch in front of me lighting up my immediate vicinity, the inside of the building looked just as run-down as the outside. Each step I took brought me closer to something, what that something was eluded me.
As we journeyed closer to the center of the building there it was, A red dragon egg the size of a pineapple rested on a platform.
"Is that?"
"A dragon egg," I smiled turning to my left I placed the torch on one of the holders that hung on the wall. Stepping forward I slowly reached out placing my hand on the egg but to my surprise, it turned to ash.
"What does that mean?" I frowned hearing Kyra ask such a question. Stepping closer I noticed a hole where the Egg once was looking through it I another room one dimly lit by a flame. In the Center of the room rested an Egg one as dark as obsidian, It wouldn't fit through the hole even if I called for it. The subtle sound of creaking filled my ear causing me to raise an eyebrow.
"Run!" I said causing Kyra to take off in the opposite direction I took one last glance at the room before following after her making sure to grab the torch on my way out.
The sound of creaking could now be heard all throughout the building another sound overpowered it. The sound of rocks rolling and crashing into another forced us to pick up our pace. I was so close to an egg and now the building was crashing down I cursed my luck as I followed after Kyra.
Light filled our vision and yet the door out didn't seem any closer as Kyra stepped outside the ceiling crashed down blocking my escape. I took a deep breath as I watched the rocks destroy my only chance at escaping.
"What happened?" Rabi asked as he saw Kyra exit the room only to be surprised as the way out was blocked by rocks.
"Prince Aegon? Can you hear me?" Kyra called forward a bit of panic in her voice.
"Kyra, I'm heading back to look for another way out wait for me there."
Who was I kidding I was sure there wouldn't be another way out but I couldn't wait here not when I could literally hear the rocks tumbling up above. I took a deep breath full of dust and dirt before heading back in the direction I came from getting out of here would certainly take a miracle. It wasn't too long before I was back in the room where the egg once was. I had a feeling the ceiling wouldn't fall in here not when that egg rested in the room right beneath me.
I took a breather catching my breath before looking for another way out, when we had first entered this room I was so enraptured by the egg that I hadn't noticed another door. I wasn't sure how long I had before this path was destroyed as well but I didn't have much of a choice it was either find a way out or starve to death in here. I wasn't sure how long Rabi and Kyra would wait, steeling my resolve I stepped forward I walked the path carefully ready to turn back full sprint at any second.
I listened closely for the sound of rocks rumbling and yet It never came as I walked the path I soon reached a room. Not to much bigger then the room I was in at first on the wall hung a sword. It was thinner then the swords I had seen in the memories of the former Aegon, and yet it seemed as if it could take on even the largest of swords. It was definitely Valyrian steel at the edge of the handle rested the head of a dragon. It was definitely the most beautiful sword I had ever seen in my life. I knew picking it up would be dangerous but something inside of me gave me no choice. Grabbing the sword I felt completely at peace, at least until the sound of rocks tumbling filled me with dread. I dropped the torch before heading back towards the only safe room there was in all of this building. (Geralt's witcher sword only instead of a wolf's head we have a dragon's head.)
It didn't matter though no matter how fast I ran it wasn't fast enough, I could feel it this sword meant a lot more to whoever built this trap. Just down the hall, I could see the doorway there was no making it as the rocks began to fall from the ceiling. At that moment I wished nothing more than to be somewhere else somewhere where the ceiling wasn't crumbling. Gripping the sword I felt at peace for one final second before tossing it in the direction of the dragon egg. I hoped that one day someone would be able to find it such a sword was meant to be seen by the light.
As I watched it fly away I felt it, it was as if I was being sucked into a pool of water. Or the feeling you get when you've been spinning for too long and your head hurts because the world spins with you. I closed my eyes hating the feeling unaware of the passageway being opened as my body was pulled through rocks began to tumble faster as the place I once stood crumbled upon itself.
Traveling in GOT is so difficult even with dragons it'll take hours to get somewhere.