
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · 漫画同人
35 Chs

The Birthday 2

"Alright, I'll summon...Asura or better known as Saiba Joichiro", said Alexander with a smug expression, thinking that this will blow everyone's minds just by tasting the food!

"System, send an invitation to Saiba Joichiro just right after he called Soma from the balcony", Alexander decided to not do a forceful summoning as this will just make the person anxious and wary.

[Sending. 10%...50%...90%...100%...COMPLETE!]

With the almost forgotten system notification, the invitation was sent.






Saiba Joichiro who has just finished talking to his son over the phone was about to head back inside as the people who were eating his dishes were shouting for his name once again.

However, before he could leave the balcony a blue screen appeared before his view. Though startled by the sudden appearance of the screen he just kept on chewing dried octopus tentacles.

"Did I actually get food poisoning from the cocoa powder plus eel combo?", Saiba said to himself and also thinking that maybe he should've expected it to happen one of these days.

'I should warn Soma when I see him', he thought but not before deciding to read the blue screen.

[Greeting Asura or Saiba Joichiro!

You are being invited to cook for the daughters of a Hidden God on their birthday. If you choose to accept the offer, time will stop in your world and will only return once you have returned.

As payment for your service, you will be given 1 wish immediately if you accept the offer and do not have to wait after the job is completed.

Do you accept?]


Saiba reading this was shocked at the content or even more shocked how strong the 'food poison' could've affected him.

Thinking that this weird hallucination will go away during his cooking he tried ignoring it...






"...So you won't disappear?", he looked at the weird screen and much to his surprise...it shook left and right.

He could only sigh while also looking at the two options available... "Yes" and "Yes", "What kind of invitation is this?"

Deciding to just get on with it as he has nothing to lose at this point. Right as he said "Yes", the world around him turned grey much to his surprise as he still had thoughts that maybe this is just due to exhaustion.

After that Joichiro left with a flash of light, similar to those UFOs abducting cows in the middle of a farm's field.






Right now Alexander who was rubbing the back of his needy for warmth daughters, Yin and Hana, was waiting for the summoning to end. While his other three daughters floated elsewhere within the residence.

They usually bother the JAVELIN pilots to fly them in the air, but rather than bothering its more like the Pilots were eager to show that their skills were better than the rest!

As he was about to poke the cheeks of his sleeping daughters the summoning circled started to light up, "Finally!", he shouted which startled the two awake.

"Papa...quiet...please", Yin said in her sleepy voice to which Alexander just bombarded his daughter with kisses cause of cuteness.

"Are you the one who sent the invite?", said the man who came out of the summoning circle.

Getting out of his playtime with his daughters he responded, "Indeed, I was the one", Alexander said in a friendly tone.

"So, why did you choose me?", Joichiro wondered as there were some chefs in his world that were on par with him.

"Well I chose you because you had a different mindset when it comes to cooking and *you were chosen by the people*", Alexander said while mumbling the rest.

Joichiro not minding the mumbling just left it at that and asked the important question, "Are you the hidden God? And those are the children that are celebrating soon?"

Alexander who heard his questioning just remained the same as he thinks that it's perfectly normal, "That's right, though the people of this world view me as a professional Hero and yes these are the children."

After Alexander said his part he decided to continue by explaining what this world is and how it works which just amazed Joichiro to the extreme.

"Would you like one? A quirk? You can pass this down to Soma too if you like.", Alexander offered the man and this got Joichiro out of his stupor.

"I don't mean to be rude, but this doesn't relate to the wish, right?", Joichiro was careful with his wordings as he doesn't want to suddenly use his wish.

"No worries! I am not the Devil who plays with words...we're a family of Dragons and we have our own pride when it comes to promises.", Alexander reassured the man that he isn't being tricked or anything.

This statement made Joichiro thinking and finally agreed after some minutes, "I live as a Chef so the quirk I need is the increase all six of my senses, and I will only give this to Soma once he understands his way of cooking",

When Alexander heard this he was interested as to why he included the sixth sense, "Can you answer my curiosity? Why add the sixth sense?"

"From books, it says that the Sixth sense is instinct, so having an instinctual way of cooking seems amazing in my view", Joichiro explained

'So it's like [Ultra Instinct] but for cooking', Alexander thought and just ordered the system to do as Joichiro viewed it as.

With a soft glow that appeared on Joichiro's body, he now felt like everything was more "refined" to the sensation of his body.

Alexander wanted to test it immediately and manifested an egg and threw it towards Joichiro, and much to Jochiro's surprise his body moved to catch it without him even ordering it.

"Well, this...is new?", Joichiro marveled at the feeling and at his actions.

Alexander began to explain what it is,

"Your body moves on instinct when you want it to, but it only does everything you know how to do when you activate it.

So if you ever want to fight...then you have to learn how to...or else your body would instinctively fight at your level whether it be flailing around and stuff."

"Anyway, let's go and bring you to the place you will be working at and the chefs that will be in your care during the duration of your stay", Alexander then began touring him throughout the residence and finally stopping at the kitchen floor.

"Well, all I can say is that I am surprised at the size of everything...and your floating children", Joichiro was amazed at everything he saw and once they were touring around the other three children saw their Papa and floated to him and joined in on the tour.

Alexander led Joichiro and his children inside the kitchen, and when they entered every Chef dropped what they were doing and bowed out of respect.

Alexander who never liked formalities just told them to immediately rise, "I invited someone to be the Head Chef for my five daughter's birthday that is happening this week.

I can guarantee his skill in my name, so respect him and maybe he might also show teach you something new from his years inside the kitchen", Alexander said so that no cliche kitchen drama happens.

But to really set the respect in their hearts Joichiro went for a different approach, "How about this, I'll cook for you guys, just give me 30 minutes and I'll have it prepared.", he exclaimed.

"Need any specific ingredients?", Alexander asked but was turned down, "Not needed, I will use the ingredients available here", Joichiro grinned at that statement as the variety of ingredients here were numerous.

He soon did his mise en place, wherein he prepared everything he needed. Flour, eggs, salt, and the usual, though what was set apart from the rest were his seafood ingredients.

Air-dried cod, shrimps, and clams, probably being the main stars of the dish. He started by chopping up his tomatoes and added some other ingredients to create a paste-like look.

Next, he deshelled all of his shrimps and clams and tossed them into a boiling pot, boiling it till all the flavors from the seafood's shells were gone.

Removing all the shells from the pot, he added in the tomato paste and stirred it until it turned into a liquidy-transparent broth and allowed it to simmer on low heat.

Next, he turned to the next part of the dish, he made a small mountain of different mixes of flour and a crater in the middle where he dropped his eggs in and mixed the eggs first and slowly mixed with the flour.

When there were barely any eggs left, he began to gather them together and started to knead the dough with his hands.

After kneading the dough he wrapped it in plastic and rested the pasta dough in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes before taking it out once again.

He divided the dough and kneaded them flat, after which he rolled them through a pasta roller. The children seeing the pasta getting longer started going closer to it.

Joichiro seeing the children getting closed asked if they wanted to help to which they simply nodded. The children took turns handing out the ends of the rolled dough which reached 10ft in length after rolling.

Usually, Chef's would cut it since it is easier, but the children were having fun so why should he cut it?

When the dough was thin enough he cut 14 inches in length into the thin sheet of pasta and rolled in inside the spaghetti option, and what came out were long strands of golden pasta.

Little Lokia being the playful child herself asked for one to be cut and rolled, after which she placed the golden strands onto herself and her sisters. Eina being the glutton she is started tasting the strands...and much to her dismay, she did not like uncooked pasta.

The adults in the room seeing this could only laugh at their acts as the pasta did look rather appetizing in the eyes of children.

When the spaghetti pasta was done, Joichiro allowed it to rest and within this time he opened the simmering broth, and when he opened the lid it released an aroma of the sea with strong hints of tomatoes.

This instantly made everyone salivate from the smell alone, and the children smelling the fragrance escaping from the lid immediately asked if they could taste it.

Joichiro gave each of them a small spoon and even the Chefs working for Alexander couldn't help themselves to taste it.

Needless to say, everyone was floored by the taste as during its time simmering it had thickened a bit which concentrated its flavors even more.

Joichiro at this time took the meats from the de-shelled shrimps and clams and allowed it to cook with the thickened broth. After which, he boiled the pasta with it as the moment when the meat of the shrimps and clams cook, the pasta will also be done.

The Chefs watching the art Joichiro was producing were speechless as he was multitasking at an extreme level, almost as if he wasn't thinking anymore.

After a couple of minutes, Joichiro took several bowls out and neatly placed the pasta in it. To which he took a ladle out and poured each bowl the simmering broth he prepared.

And diced up some parsley and placed the heads of the shrimps as presentation and served, "Zuppa Di Pesce, enjoy", he said proudly and staggered a little bit.

Alexander could only laugh at the Renowned Chef for unconsciously using his quirk, "You unconsciously used your new quirk...I mean you played with the kids, talked with us, and multi-tasked on the dish, what did you expect?"

"Well all you have to do is train your stamina", Alexander advised, "Now, let's dig in!" he exclaimed as he wanted to try the dish of a Chef that made the God Tongue love food for the first time.

When Alexander and the rest tasted the dish they were speechless as a second later they were imagining waves from the sea that was filled with bobbing tomatoes while they were surfing on it!

Alexander immediately went outside the room confusing the people tasting the dish, while outside he immediately teleported to where the twins usually spend their time when not with not children.

Appearing in the library he saw Ram reading peacefully, while a few sections over he spotted Rem trying to reach for a book.

Hiding his presence he sneaked behind Rem and grabbed the book for the seemingly short adult who was startled by the sudden appearance of a hand to which she immediately turned around and looked.

"Ah!", she let out a small gasp in surprise.

When Alexander looked down he couldn't help but imagine an image of a rabbit for Rem, just looked so defenseless and easy picking. Indulging himself a bit he gave Rem a small peck on the forehead.

"You didn't have to hide and scare me like that! And what's with the kiss?", she pouted while questioning him.

"Am I not allowed? You upgraded me from head pats remember?", Alexander jogged her memory to which Rem could only stay silent and accept the kiss.

Though she still felt happy that his actions came from warmth and not lust.

"Come, let's get Ram. We invited a Chef and his food tastes heavenly so let's taste it with the children, okay?", Alexander asked as everyone loves food.

"Um.", was her response with a nod but if you were to look closely you could see a small smile form.

Doing the same with Ram but instead hugged her from behind, though this startled her more than Rem. "Relax, it's me", Alexander said playfully.

"Why do you need to startle me like that? You could have simply hugged from the front!", Ram demanded as she was honestly surprised by it.

Alexander apologized quickly and teased her by saying, "I shall give you hugs directly then", Ram who finally realized what she said just turned red and wanted to dig a hole and just hide.

"Haha! Anyway, I came here to get you two to try the food tasting with us for our five daughter's birthday", he chuckled and explained what they were currently doing.

Ram hearing this felt warm inside her as even though she doesn't show many emotions to Alexander outwardly, she still wants a bit of attention from him it's just that she is shy by nature compared to her a little bit more brave sister.

"Anyway, shall we go?", was all Alexander asked, and much to his surprise Ram showed a bit more emotion and smiled a little before responding.

"Um!", she exclaimed and nodded to Alexander who started thinking, 'Maybe I should learn how to cook too so that I could get more reactions out of her? If I am, then I better turn off [instant mastery], or else it will be meaningless'






(Sorry for the late chapter fellas! Had to read other fanfics and stuff to actually know how to write cooking stuff, anyway got some ideas after reading Monkey_Godking's [Monkey In the Multiverse] Food Wars Arc!

Please comment on things I could improve on, Thanks and CHEERS!)