
Adventures Of A Goblin

In the darkest and most cruelest dungeon is the birth of a specie who lives his every day life trying not to fall prey to the claws of the predators. To survive amongst predators, one most shed off the flesh of a prey and take on the skin of an even bigger predator. P:S be sure to check out my other novel "Lord Of The Sky" Power Ranking Note The numbers refer to existential value, and all lifeforms has it. ADVENTURER GUILD POWER RANKING Lv 1 - 20 = F (1 - 49) Lv 20 - 30 = E (50 - 99) Lv 30 - 50 = D (100 - 499) Lv 50 - 60 = C (500 - 999) Lv 60 - 80 = B (1,000 - 4,999) Lv 80 - 100 = A (5,000 - 9,999) Lv 100 - 200 = S (10,000 - 19,999) Lv 200 - 500 = SS (20,000 - 29,999) LV 500 - 900 = SSS (30,000 - 49,999) LV 900 - 1000 = XS (50,000 - 99,999) SPIRITUAL ENTITY RANKING SYSTEM BELOW ■MONSTERS AND OTHER NON-HUMAN LIFEFORMS ●Apocalypse > 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 ●Armageddon > 10,000,000 - 99,999,999 ●Cataclysm > 1,000,000 - 9,999,999 ●Disaster > 100,000 - 999,999 ■HUMAN ●Transcendent > 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 ●Warlord > 10,000,000 - 99,999,999 ●Mystical > 1,000,000 - 9,999,999 ●Heroic > 100,000 - 999,999 Note The numbers refer to existential value, and all lifeforms has it. Cover does not belong to me, credit goes to whoever made it

Catastrophy_Y9 · 奇幻
322 Chs




He felt a sense of deja-vu as he struggles to keep his eyelids open.

The last thing he remembered was facing the Goblin champion head on.

He had bet his everything, including his last ounce of mana on making the Javelin Crater explosive skill, hitting and killing the champion.

After making the throw, he ran out of mana and had collapsed.

What happened after that is unknown to him, but seeing how he is still alive and back to being chained up, he figured he must have come out victorious from the confrontation.

"It is good to see you have woken up, I was beginning to worry that you might never open your eyes ever again despite all the healing process the Goblin healer had done on you".

Hearing the word worry in this hell hole, he had a thought.

Is he dead?, did he not win the competition against the champion?.

Because he does not believe that the word worry exists in where he was tortured for the sole purpose of amusement.

"I was beginning to feel sad about not getting my chance to work my magic on you"

"but now that you are awake, you cannot begin to imagine how excited I am".

Now hearing this words, he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

He is not dead, and his torturer is only worried for him because he was not able to torture him while he was unconscious.

How great is that?.

There is a saying that goes, the enemy you know, is better than the enemy you don't.

When he first heard that someone was worried about him, he felt like he had died and has once again being transmigrated into another body.

The idea of being in another world with a new body did not sink so well with him, at least not when he is already starting to adapt to his Goblin body.

Transmigrating is only fun when it's done once, any more than that is a recepie for disaster.

Though in his case, he can't even call the one time transmigrating fun.

Being reborn as a monster has no fun in it,

Only a realization that you are alone, and only by relying on yourself can you make it past teenagehood.

At first, it started out hard, with trying to get everything under control and figuring out the how's and do's.

Once that stage is over, it flows naturally like he was never a human to begin with.

Besides, getting another transmigration package without giving the Goblin king a package of his own would haunt him for eternity.

"what is it you are thinking about that has your face looking so serious"


"ho do not mind me, I am just picturing how excited I will feel when I carve out your heart from your chest"

"the despair on your face, you all kneeling before me and begging me for mercy and forgiveness"

"when I think of moments like that, I find the hell you are putting me through very much worth it".

"hahaha. It is exactly as my king and the fourth general said",

"you really are a very amusing character".

"I am glad you find that amusing, just wait until it becomes a reality, then we will see who gets the last laugh"

"how much I yearn for such a time to come".

"seeing how you talk, you must think of yourself as special and untouchable after getting in the king's favor".

"if torturing me is his way of saying he favors me, then I would rather he does not"

"you know, I might not be able to kill you, but I bet I can make you beg me to kill you"

"guess you were not informed. Your fourth general already tried it",

"he made me understand that there was a pain even worse than death, and I have to say, I did beg for death".

"I mean come on, I am not some, I will never beg you kind of guy, well maybe not anymore".

"but when I was first brought here, I did beg for death, I wanted death to find me just so I can escape this hell I have been placed in"

"but now, I no longer invite or even want death to come near me"

"you know why?. Because I have deemed it unfair for me to die while you lowlives get to live on"

"so go ahead, torture me all you want. Cut off my arm, burn my legs to ashes, pluck my eyes out"

"do whatever shit you want to me, but remember to always put it at the back of your mind that I will be repaying the debt in double".

"bold choice of word for someone who could not even win an ordinary arena match"

"what are you talking about?, I am alive, I won".

"is that what you think?. Sure your final attempt to win was truly nothing short of magnificent if I must say",

"that was a skill I had never come across before, it left even the champion in a battered state, but did not kill him"

"while you fainted, he survived the clash with your skill and was about to kill you, but was stopped by the king".

"you know for a second there, I was worried that you and I were never going to get a time to bond because you were about to be killed"

"but when the king stopped the champion from executing you, I felt a rush of anger come over me".

"it was so unlike my king to spare a pathetic loser like you who could not even win a single duel"

"I asked myself, why did he shine his grace upon you, what is it about you that makes him tolerate your nonsense"

"I guess he did not tell you, not that I did not expect that of him considering how much of a coward he is"

"call him a coward one more time and I"

"and what?, come on, I want to know, and what?"

"do not make empty threats with me when you don't even have the balls to kill me",

"like I said, the most you are going to do to me is torture, so get right on with it and stop wasting time making baseless threats",

"you and your king don't scare me one bit".

"you are right, I can't kill you because my king wants you to live"

"but, what I can do now, is to calm myself with ecstacy derived from your echo of pain and misery".