
Adventure Through The Multiverse

A young man named Yuuki Sanzo sacrificed himself to save a little girl from being hit by a truck. It turns out that the little girl was the daughter of The Creator. As a reward for saving his daughter The Creator granted Yuuki five wishes and granted him adventure he yearned for. ---------- Disclimer: This is my first Fan-fic so don't expect it to be great. And English is not my first languange so I apologize for grammar mistakes.

Bigby25 · 漫画同人
1 Chs


"Argh... wh-where am I?" Asked a little ball of blue light shining brightly. As the ball of light asked itself this question it began to remember what happened. "Ahh... so I died huh. Well it's ok, I just am worried about that girl. Did she survive?" The ball began to ponder.

While it was thinking a flash of bright white light enveloped the dark space the soul was in. And from the light an old man emerged. He had long white hair and beard. He had golden eyes and looked quite handsome. He was wearing clothing the Greek god's clothing.

"Young one I am sorry to say this but you have died" He said while looking at me with an apologetic look.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked not really processing the information right now.

"I am the one who created everything, life, universe, the whole multiverse. You can call me The Creator." He said while smiling.

"Whoa.. really.. wow" I said dumbfounded.

"Its ok just take it all in." He said

"Can you answer me some questions?" I asked while looking at him.

"Of course, ask away." He said while waving his hand and suddenly a table appeared before us and two cups of what looks like tea.

"Okay so where am I? What happened to the little girl, and what will happen to me now?" I asked while taking a seat or floating above a chair because I am literally a ball of light.

"Okay, so you are in my domain or The Void. I don't know how you can survive here or how you even got here but you are here. The little girl is fine, I just need to say that the little girl was my daughter who ran off to play to your world and it seems she got you killed before your time. As to what will happen to you, I give you two choices, 1) You can go to Heaven and have eternal peace and bliss, 2) I give you five wishes and reincarnate you to a world you want and you can make your appearance." He finished and then took a sip of his tea.

"Wait so the girl was your daughter? *sigh* well its okay as long as she is fine, I didn't have anybody that cares about me either. Okay so I will choose the second option" I said determined to have the adventure of my life.

"Okay so you get five wishes and as a bonus I will grant you the ability to travel to different universes."

"Okay so for my first wish I want to have the best saiyan bloodline there is. For my second wish I want the best system you can give me. For my third wish I want the best time chamber you can give me and a gravity suit in which I can increase the gravity as much as I want without limit, but it won't affect the environment. For my fourth wish I want a body that will be able to contain any energy there is, like if I got to a world of Naruto while being in the world of Dragon Ball then my body will adapt to chakra and the energy will be the best and the purest it can get. And lastly for my fifth wish I want my zenkai boost to boost my power while being in a fight and when I heal my injuries for a battle." I said naming my wishes.

"Okay, well that I can grant, and because even the regular saiyan bloodline has infinite pontential, the one I will be giving you is even better than that and it will contain God Ki but it will be sealed until you get strong enough to break the seal. And the other wishes are okay and the Time Chamber will have time dilation 1:10 000 which means one day outside will be 10 000 inside but you will age according to the outside time. I will give you Immortal Nature Body which will allow you to adapt to every energy and it will be the purest and of the best quality. And I will grant you the zenkai boost you want." Said The Creator.

"Alright so as you can see from my wishes for my first world I want to go to Dragon Ball world."

"Okay, now you need to make your appearence and I will reincarnate you."

As he finished saying that a window appeared in front od me with a blank white silhouette. After that I made my appearence.

"Okay now I will reincarnate you. You go have fun and thank you for saving my daughter." He said bowing his head a little.

"Its okay, I need to say my thanks for giving me all of this. And I will do my best to enjoy my new life as much as I can." I said

"Alright so you may go now. Goodbye" He waved his hand and I started to dissapear.

"Thank you and goodbye." I said while disappearing.

Well this is my first novel so I don't know if it will be any good but I will try my best.

If you find any mistakes or think of a way for me to make it better please let me know.

Bigby25creators' thoughts