


Hearing what Adi said, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed because he could be said to have been caught joking with his mother, on the other hand, the mother said to reply to Adi, "Why don't you mind anyway, Diah," said the mother, replying to Adi.

"Yes, ma'am, it's okay, how come he's happy too" he replied to his mother, confirming his agreement. On the other hand, someone who saw this just laughed and said again.

"I just met it, it fits well, there is something new that the child has forgotten" Adi replied again while sitting on his side of him.

Hearing his mother's words, he just laughed and then replied "Yes, you go to the changing room first. I still want to chat again with Diah, after all, you are the one who tells me that for example, you want to bring a friend so that Mom can get ready, if this is not there, there is nothing preparation is not good with him" said mother nagging Adi

"Okay okay later, when I come back to play here, I'll let you know first so Mom can get ready,," Adi said and then returned to the room of course while greeting him

"Well then, let's continue the conversation again, while Adi is gone, just disturb it, son," said the mother, continuing to chat with Diah.

On the other hand, she just nodded and smilingly confirmed that she didn't mind what Ibu Adi said, so the conversation between her and Ibu Adi started again this time the topic was centered on how her family was and how her life was, of course, she answered honestly and what existence

After hearing that he was an orphan, Adi's mother became more affectionate towards him, it was clear the look in his gentle loving eyes looked at him and then said "you don't think of me as an outsider from now on you can play here often" the mother said feeling sympathy and love for him

Dinah, who heard Adi's mother's words, couldn't help but be happy and on the other hand, she was grateful because in the end she got good treatment in Adi's family, even though it was only her mother but she was optimistic for the rest of the family like Adi's father and sister too. will be able to take it well

"Yes ma'am, her house is also close, how come from here later she will play often?" he said replying to his mother

"Well, that's good, especially later if for example Adi's younger brother has come home, it must be nice to meet you because I've always told Mom that I want to have a sister," the mother said to her again.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but imagine when he met his younger brother Adi and the image of a little sister who missed her older sister inevitably crossed her mind, without any obstacles between the two maybe because of her calm and kind nature on the one hand as well as Adi's mother. the loving one

Made the two closer and from there almost the intricacies of Diah were matched by Adi's mother, on the other hand, the more Mother heard an explanation from her, the more she felt happy because, in the end, she knew that she was not the type of woman who was whiny in this regard. there is a type that is independent and responsible moreover

When her mother also knows her language, her parents work hard to provide for all their family's needs. Here, it can be seen that the good education of her parents did not allow her to be spoiled and gave up easily, this is something that Ibu Adiddatesbbecausee also comes from a simple family

Accustomed to living hard, the mother remembers that when she was a teenager she had several younger siblings, as one of the oldest has a big responsibility in helping her family's economy and when she is married and had a family

The independent traits that exist in him are then passed on to their children, in this case, Adi and his brother, are not treated with spoils but are treated with a lot of understanding where many examples are given by their mothers and fathers in handling things and dealing with all kinds of things. things they will usually face in life

So when he heard that he was an orphan and chose to work part-time and did not complain much and was responsible his mother was very happy because he could vaguely see his figure in him so in this case it could be said that he had won the heart of Adi's mother.

Although it is also undeniable that to go further to the next level, he has to work hard, in this case,e, to convince himself and convince his family, he another hand he also has to play an active role, in this case making his mother approve of their relationship, but think about the nature of his child. Adi who is independent and also mature, his mother is not worried

And especially at this time Adi, who has succeeded both educationally and financially, can be said to be a person who will not lack women so that his mother becomes much more relaxed and more comfortable in thinking about his future, especially now that the foodcourt that Adi has built is complete and ready to operate.

This effort alone is enough to support a family with a simple life, so coupled with his academic achievements and Adi's ability to earn money, his mother is not worried about his future, only as a parent, of course, he is well aware that his language is not the only thing that matters. worth considering but there are still many other aspects he needs to give to adi

As they became much closer, time went by fast,, on the other hand, Adi, who had finished changing his clothes, didn't come out immediately but just hid in his room while listening to the conversation between him and his mother. Dinah and her mother to get to know each other better

Especially when he hears the conversation within t help but nod his head a lot because, in some aspects of their conversation, Adi can feel that his mother is s bfefefeeling of affection that cannot be expressed. Adi hears all the conversations. You could say he was very happy with what he heard

So he decided not to interrupt the good conversation between his mother and him and just waited patiently for his mother to call him out, of course, he was also always prepared when things went in an unexpected direction.