

“Little Ren.” “Yes master?” “I’ve been hearing some things lately.” “Oh, like what?” “For one, an Imperial transport from The Great Yang was surrounded and looted just a few weeks ago. Have you heard about this?” “What? That’s awful! Who would do such a thing?” “Also, I’ve been hearing that someone has been extorting the local businesses on the island. Have you heard about this?” “That certainly is cause for concern.” “Hmmm, someone has likewise been forcing the local pirates to pay a so-called protection fee, they’ve made quite a sum I’ve been told. Have about heard about this?” “These are indeed troublesome times.” “Hmmm, one last thing, apparently all of this was done by one group, they say their leader is quite young.” “Don’t worry master! I’ll get to the bottom of this!” “…..” Shameless! My disciple is shameless!!!

WithTheWind · 玄幻
20 Chs


An ordinary carriage moved swiftly through the city streets.

Inside three people could be seen.

Two sitting next to each other while the other sat just across.

Xueyue and Zhang Wei couldn't help but stare curiously at Li Renjie.

At the moment, his head was buried in a book.

After leaving earlier, Zhang Wei had the coachmen take them to a standard cultivation shop. Usually dealing in the affairs of lower-level cultivators, there were plenty around the city.

After walking around for a bit, Li Renjie only ended up taking three books, from the moment they left he had buried his head in one of said books.

Li Renjie was once again in his own world as he clicked and nodded.

'I see…'

The book he was currently reading was one of the most widely disturbed in the Sapphire Archipelago: Basic Cultivation for All

The book contained general knowledge, but for Li Renjie who knew nothing it was all eye opening.

All humans possess meridians!

All those that can sense even the slightest bit of qi can cultivate, that being said there exists a disparity!

Affinity is key!

Some have such low affinity they may never break into the world of cultivation while others will soar, so is life!

Some will be blessed with profound cultivation manuals and come from powerful families while others may be born in the dirt, so is life!

The first few lines were direct and to the point.

The first realm of cultivation is known as Body Tempering, a total of nine levels, stages divided from low to peak similar to other realms. Enhanced durability, speed, strength were the traits of said realm. The quality may differ depending on the manual the individual is training in, but the trend is the same.

'Pretty standard.' He thought as he kept reading.

Signs of a standard late body stage cultivation, the body shall begin to release a faint qi that appears similar to white smoke.

Finally something piqued his interest.

'I see…hehehe,' he smiled creepily as he kept reading.

Xueyue was becoming accustomed to his strange habits, but Zhang Wei was watching on with a weird expression on his face.

The second realm is the Meridian Establishment, a total of fourteen meridians must be opened. The ability to manipulate Qi outside one's own body is the defining trait of this realm. Qi can be used to perform profound techniques and skills, as well as fortifying the body even more. From speed, power, and durability, they surpass body realm cultivators in every way.

'This book really is basic…still it's enough,' Li Renjie continued.

'The third realm, Mist Condensation, this is where one's potential is realized. Defining trait of this realm is the ability to begin to manipulate elementals.'

'That's it?'

'How can anyone learn anything form this?!'

Li Renjie was shocked by how short the last description was before realizing that he had finished reading the small ten or so page book.

Although looking back, calling it a book would be a gross exaggeration, it was more a pamphlet.

'Still that's enough for now.'

'Going off this book those three were probably at the body tempering realm, ordinary ones at that. Their reflections were clear, so I should be able to hold my own against body tempering cultivators as long as I don't let them get close. But how many reflections can I cast before I reach my limit? Will the number change with each realm?'

'Also, that means the talismans from the system…hehehe,' he suddenly remembered the gifts from the system.

Li Renjie was trying to put all the pieces together, but realized he still needed more data.

Putting the 'book' down he turned to reach for another one, labeled simply.

Blood Lineages.

When he first saw this book he was quite shocked, he thought his bloodline would be quite unique. Even after the system had gifted him the drop, he didn't think he would find a book about bloodlines available to the public.

Not only that, that book had been published recently, about fourteen years ago.

It was quite up to date.

Flipping open the cover the first page had one line.

The world is unfair.

'True,' Li Renjie couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Turning the page he read on.

In this world there are those who are born with mighty powers from birth, this is due to their blood lineages! From birth they can soar in the skies! From birth they can control the elements! From birth they can command ferocious beasts!

They need not utilize qi nor treasures as their powers are a natural part of this world!

The power of bloodlines are unimaginable!

And yet!

Who in the world is lucky enough to possess such noble blood?

In the entire archipelago, only less than twenty percent have any blood lineages to speak off!

Even among those twenty percent there are disparities, amongst those blessed with noble blood there is still a natural order!

Li Renjie read on, captivated.

Bloodlines can be divided into five grades: [Severed], Red, Black, Silver, Monarch, Supreme.

Bloodline grades are hard to determine but there is a trend that can be observed. I've heard that larger sects and kingdoms possess treasures capable of grading blood lineages. Alas, I have not been fortunate enough to encounter such a magnificent treasure.

All findings are from my personal research and observations!

Let it be said, there exists a disparity even within the five grades.

[Those with Severed Blood lineages are at a dead end, their blood shall vanish with them. Yet that doesn't mean they should be underestimated, severed doesn't mean broken. The grade may fluctuate wildly between individuals and can be hard to identify due to weakening of the lineage. Rather than a grade, it can be considered a status.]

Red Grade bloodlines are the most common, common relative to the others of course. The majority are quite basic, commanding small birds and the like. Yet there exist a few that are said to be able to fight equally with body realm cultivators without having cultivated even once. Their bloodlines while magnificent are limited in power. Although, a few, should they cultivate have the potential to be supreme in their realm!

Black Grade bloodlines are on average just a bit stronger than Red Grade, yet they are special enough to get their own rank! There a those possessing Black Grade bloodlines whose strange powers don't align with our understanding of the world. Some possess such profound abilities that they have the capacity to fight beings an entire realm above their own!


Silver Grade is far rarer, their powers can be differentiated from those of Red and Black grade with one word.


Those with silver grade bloodlines are capable of grand feats, effecting elementals or beasts within a ten, twenty, or even thirty-mile area! Their body can be as hard and dense as mountains or formless and without substance! I've heard some are so powerful they can fight cultivators two realms above their own!

They are blessed!

The following two ranks are so uncommon that I, in all my travels have only verified two belonging to one grade and only heard whispers of the second.

Monarch Grade bloodlines are so rare, that within the entire Sapphire Archipelago there was only ever one confirmed case, that was…until that fateful day.

It is known to all that during his birth two hundred and twenty years ago the current Emperor of The Great Yang was blessed with a Monarch Grade Bloodline! As luck would have it, on the day of his daughter's birth I was present and witnessed the true grandeur of such royal blood.

The young princess had been blessed with her father's bloodline!

The Vermillion Bird's Ember!

A True Monarch Grade Bloodline!

When the young princess was born all the fire elementals within a hundred miles began to burn with frenzy! The sky turned red and a vermillion bird's cry pierced across the entirety of Golden Sands Island!

The Heavens themselves seemed to be celebrating her birth!

I can still remember when I first saw her, on her head was a clear symbol of her noble status.

A magnificent scarlet flame that seemed to dance and flicker could be seen on her forehead.

It shone with a rich and captivating light.


Li Renjie couldn't help but mutter as he reach up and touched his forehead.

But he couldn't help but remember the systems words…Supreme Physique.

Could it be…?

And what of his eyes then?

Just as he was about to continue reading the carriage suddenly swerved hard to the right!

The three caught off guard almost slammed into the door.

"What the hell?!"

Li Renjie shouted, unable to hide his dissatisfaction!

He was getting to the good part!

Kicking the door open he was about to lash out at the driver when he saw a strange scene.

A man in purple and white robes was soaring through the sky.

He seemed to be at peace as his body looked incredibly relaxed.

Before he could take in the sight, he noticed something else following right behind the man.

It was a woman this time, she wore similar white and purple robes, she too seemed incredibly relaxed.

So relaxed indeed that her body flopped around as if she had no bones.

'How bizarre…is this how cultivators fly? It's not very elegant.' Li Renjie raised his eyebrows before noticing that the two figures were actually heading right towards them!

Looking forward he saw that the carriage had stopped on a beautiful street lined with all sorts of shops. He had been so distracted with his reading that he didn't actually pay attention during the trip.

Just in front and left of the carriage was a body of a man in white and purple robes, he seemed young, about twenty.

'Ah, so he swerved to avoid getting hit. I was too rash…'

Looking up he saw the two bodies nearing.

"Disrespectful, how dare you interrupt our shopping trip," he said as the pupils in his left eye began to turn clockwise!

Advancing Tides!


A strong repulsive forced suddenly surged from his left eye.


It crashed in to the two bodies as if a raging river!

The two slowed down for a moment before suddenly flying in the direction they came from!


The surrounding bystanders as well and Xueyue and Zhang Wei's mouths hung wide open.

This little guy was quite ruthless.

Just as Li Renjie had turned to walk away he noticed two figures flying back at him.

It was the same two from earlier.

"Huh? Once not enough for you?"

Again his left eye spun and knocked them flying back!

The surrounding people were shocked as they watched this bizarre scene unfold.

Li Renjie suddenly heard a scoff before two figures came flying back at him!

"What the hell?! Am I that charming?!"

His eye spun once more.


They were sent flying again!




Back and forth!

The hairs on the spectators' hairs stood on end.


This kid was brutal!

These two people were being used like a tennis ball!

It was a rally!

Just a few moments earlier at Red Silk Apparel, Yun Sheng was about to engage with the middle-aged man when a young man in his twenties suddenly stepped forward, an arrogant look on his face.

"Azure Island trash how d- "before the young man could finish a slap landed on his cheek!


His body accelerated out the store, shattering the window and the heavens!


Two more people, a man and woman suddenly launched towards Yun Sheng, the man he had just struck was their brother!



Two Slaps!

Two more stars in the sky!

The middle-aged man was fuming! They've never been treated like this! Did these people truly not know who they were?!

"Little brats, how dare you speak to your elders that way," said Yun Sheng as he shook his head.

'You're almost the same age as them!' the crowd of onlookers could help but shout in their hearts.

The young man encircled by the snake seemed all too amused by what was happening, almost as if it didn't concern him at all.

Just as Yun Sheng was about to turn and face the middle-aged man he noticed two figures flying back at him.

"Huh? Back for more?"



They were sent flying again!

The spectators in and out the store had their mouths hanging wide open!

Yun Sheng was far to cruel!

Also, how did they fly back?!

Before they could understand what was happening.

Two shadows appeared in the sky once more!

"The fools!"

"What are they thinking?!"

"I don't think they're thinking anything! They're totally out cold!"

"Who's hitting them back then?"

Yun Sheng, scoffed before slapping out twice more!





The onlookers on both ends of the tennis court couldn't help but shudder!

S-Stop! Stop! They're already dead!