
In the depths of the mine [3]

Tak, tak—

Leon's footsteps drew nearer again. 

He was close. 

But I couldn't react at all as my eyes remained fixed on the liquid within the chalice. 

'My blood...' 

I licked my lips. I struggled to come to terms with the reality of the situation, but there was no denying what I saw. 

This really was my blood, and a realization suddenly hit me. 

'No wonder people worship gods in this world. Just like the blood of... Mortum. There's the blood of other gods scattered throughout the world.' 

The religion most likely stemmed from those who consumed the blood of one of the gods.

 And in this case... 


I reached out to grab the chalice. 

The surface was cold beneath my fingers, and as I glanced down, my reflection stared back at me. 

Tak, tak—

Leon's footsteps drew nearer to me. 
