

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · 奇幻言情
18 Chs


Daniel Cole

I should have given her a chance,a chance to explain things and all that stuff.I know I should have.

But,I just can't stand the thought of my mate liking someone else...well liked..whatever.She is mine and she should have eyes only for me.I need to find out who the hell that Jamie is.

Daniel,you made your mate cry.I can't help but feel guilty.

I know she hasn't  had it easy and she is just getting a hang of all the werewolf stuff but I just couldn't  help the anger and jealousy that I felt.

I don't  even know what she and that guy talked about.

What if he tried to do something?. How could she be so stupid to meet up with him on her own. Okay, maybe I could be overreacting but she is my mate and I love her.

And I can't  stand the thought of her being alone with another guy.

As werewolves,we have sensitive hearing,her whimpering and sniffing just made my heartbreak.

I can't talk to her now.I just really need to clear my head.

Time,I need time.

And I need to go for a run.I shift into my black furred werewolf and then I race through the woods.



"Honey,what's going on.You haven't touched dinner",mom says as I shrug.

Currently,we are having dinner.

It's been two days,two days since I last spoke with my best friend,Jamie and him.God,I miss Daniel so much.

He obviously is still very mad at me.He hasn't been in school either.

School has been miserable too.Lumi and the guys try to cheer me up but I can't focus..I can't focus on anything.

"Baby girl,you know you can always talk to us.What's wrong?",my dad asks concern in his voice.

"Mom,dad,nothing is wrong.I'm just not  hungry",I say plainly as Mace stares at me.I have been posting him about the talk..the whole thing with Daniel and all..He still doesn't know he is a werewolf..how would he understand the mate thing.

"Mom,can we talk?",I ask over dinner as mom looks at me softly and nods.

"Well,you big boys finish up.We are gonna go have some girl talk",mom says with a grin.I couldn't help but smile.

We make our way out of the dining,straight into dad's study.He got himself a study as soon as we moved here,he has always wanted a study. Mom shuts the door immediately we are in.Not that it would do any good,maybe for Mason.Dad is a werewolf,he could hear us.

"So,what's going on baby?",mom asks as I sigh.

"Mom,I found my mate.It's Daniel Cole,the alpha's son",I say as my mum stares at me like have grown three heads.

"Mom?",I ask not knowing what to think.

"OhhhhhmyyyGod!...he is your mate!,he is your mate!",mom screams as she starts jumping and squealing.

I'm in total shock like literally.I wasn't expecting such a display,even I wasn't this happy when I found out..but still,God,Daniel is sooooo hot.

"Mom,calm down!,I scream back grinning as she hugs me.

"Oh my baby,when did you find out?.Oh praise Jesus we moved here!",she squeals again,jumping while hugging me.

"Gee mom.You are making me feel like I hit a jackpot or something",I say with a shrug as mom finally pulls away.

"I smell something",she says.

Well,finally!."Sit down,talk to mummy",she says as I smile a little.Mothers!,they have a way.

________"so he was pissed,really pissed.He didn't even let me finish explaining things to him.And on top of that,I haven't heard from Kate after I told her the news.Oh,mum,I feel so lonely",I say fighting back the tears that wanted to be seen.

"Honey,calm down",she says hugging me"things don't always start off perfect", she starts to speak but I cut her off.

"And I also feel like I cheated on him because I let Jamie kiss me. And I haven't  even told him about that", I state in confusion. My mum let's out a loud sigh and goes on with her speech

"My baby. Love can hurt, there has to be some sacrifices,a few bumps along the way.As long as there is love,you will make it",she says patting me.

"Mom,you didn't see the look he had.He looked so furious,broken and hurt.Ever since we found each other,he has been nothing but considerate.I asked for space,he gave me space.I felt miserable though and now I feel totally broken",I say as the tears start flowing.

"Oh my poor baby.Come on,let it all out",she says as I cry...like I full on start crying.I miss Kate.I miss her so much."Mum,what am I gonna do about Kate?",I ask.

"You started it so you have to finish it.You will call her and talk things out.If she really loves you then she will get over it",she says.I nod my head severally anf sniff.

"I also feel Mace needs to know",i say as she nods."We will talk to him.Family night,it's tomorrow",she.says as i give a tight small.I totally forgot family night.

We used to have family nights,everyone would cook a dish,we would all try it out...sometimes puke...i used to puke at my cooking..then watch a movie..basically quality family time.I guess that hasn't changed especially since i found out we are a family of werewolves.

"I love you mum. And thank you for listening to me" ,I say as she smiles."You are my baby. Of course, I would always be here for you",she says smiling.


Six missed calls

Two messages

Who could have called that much?.I check the caller Id while sitting on my bed.Kate?!,kate called.I hurry to check the.messages.I smile when I see they are from Kate.


Adrianna..please don't kill me.i screamed ..yes I freaked out!...but i just realized you are a werewolf!!

Well,any.normal person would freak out.I click on the second message.


Babe!!...I love u and i don't care if u are a werewolf..or a vampire..werewolves are way cooler tho.Adri,are you mad at me??...please pick my calls...

Your loving bestie💚💚

My bestie is definitely back.Time for some face time.

"Adrianna!,ohmygod.Are you pissed?",she says immediately her face comes into view..she looks like a mess.

"What is wrong with you?.You look like crap",I  say as she laughs."i missed my  best friend",she says as i grin.

"Babe,I'm really sorry,I was so.stupid but Adri,i.thought werewolves only existed in movies?",she asks as I shake my head.

"You know.what?.I need to see you,we need to talk.I'm coming over soon",she.says.as I make a tight smile.

"I guess.We really need to talk",I say as she nods."Now that's settled.What the hell happened with Jamie?!.He has completely changed since he got back from the visit.Now he is mean and rude",she days as I sigh."It's a long story",I say as she grins.

"Momma isn't busy",she says as I smile.Oh Kate!..I missed her a lot.

"He basically confessed his feelings for me and I told him I didn't like him back",I say as her face widens in realization.

"Ohhh,he got rejected",she says as I nod."I understand since you have got a new guy!",she screams as I blush.Daniel,I really need to find a way to talk to him.

"Kate,we will talk later okay?.I can't wait to see you tomorrow!",I say as she smiles"Same here baby,muah",she says as I disconnect the call.

I get up from my bed grab,my grey pant trousers and sweatshirt along with a crop hoodie..does this dressing even make any sense?..it.doesn't but my mate has.to know how.miserable I have been without him.He.has.to see it.I have to look miserable!.I tie.my hair.in.a.messy bun before grabbing my phone.and.racing to Mason's room.

"What's up sis?",he asks with a smile looking up.from the.screen.of his iPhone.

"I need your help",I say as he nods."Do tell",he says flinging his phone.on.the bed.As usual,he is shirtless and his dirty blonde hair is all messy, green eyes focused on mine.

"So.I want to.sneak out and I.need you to.cover for me",I say as he smiles.

"Where to?.Lover boy's mansion?",he.asks as I gulp."He..well..lover boy?",I ask as he grins.

"Why else would your reject Jamie?.I saw Daniel the day you disappeared,he was damn worried almost as if he couldn't function without knowing where you were",he says as I blush.Awwwwwwwwwwwn.

"So you will cover for me?",I ask as he nods."Sure.But you my dear sister will return the favour",he says as I roll my eyes.

"Whatever dickhead",i say as he laughs and I laugh too.Siblings.


I really should have given Lumi a call beforebdriving here.I don't even know Daniel's room.That day Lumi brought mebhere,I don't think we were in his room,more like a study.

How the hell am I even gonna get in without Lumi's help.I really need to call her.I grab my phone from the seat beside mine...dialling Lumi's cell number.She picks after a few rings.

"Adrianna,what the hell?!",she questions as I cringe."I'm in front of your house",I say as Lumi exclaims.

"What...ohhhh..you are here to see my brother,aren't you?"."Yes",I answer as she sighs."This mate bond I swear.I'm coming to get you",she says as I nod thankfully.

"Adrianna",Lumi calls walking towards my car.That was super fast,well she is an expert werewolf.I get out of my car the instant I see her.She is wearing a short oversize shirt exposing her long legs.How can she be so flawless?!..unlike someone I know.

"Adrianna. I swear if you and my brother don't make up tonight I'm really gonna lose it",she says as I laugh."I understand.You were with Danny when I called right?.Naughty children",I say as she stares at me and then shakes her head."You really are sick",she says as she grabs my hand and pulls me into their mansion.I think they also call it the pack house.Where all the werewolves stay.

"So I will take you to my brother's room and you are on your.

own from there",she says as I gulp."I can tell you are nervous.Don't be.He is your mate.You have an influence over him",she says as I nod."What if he really doesn't wanna see me?",I ask as Lumi laughs.

"Trust me,he really wants to see you.His ego is stopping him tho",she says."Here we are",right now we are in front of a wooden black door."Off I go.I wish you luck",she says as she races out of my sight.God,I'm so nervous.What do I say really?.I can basically smell his sweet scent.God,I miss him.

Deep breaths Adrianna.Just knock on the door already,he is your mate.He won't kill you.Goddddd,okay..okay..I'm knocking on the door now.I sigh, I'm about to knock on the door when the lock is opened.

Did the door just open by itself?...I have magical powers?!.Of course not dummy,he obviously smelt you.He knows you are here.I gulp and grip the handle opening the door slowly.I'm engulfed in his rich scent..coffee...herbs...God,I love his smell.

"Daniel?",I call out his name as I gulp and keep walking.

"Daniel,I know you are pissed and stuff.I'm here to talk.Us being apart is killing me".I say...still no reply.I keep following his scent..this is his room,he has to be in here.He opened the door too.I'm not hallucinating.

"Daniel?,Daniel,please just talk to me and stop ignoring me",I say with a sigh.His room is really huge on the inside.I guess my smelling skills are amazing...it works like magic.Really,really?!!...he has been listening to me all this time,ignoring me and all the while he was sprawled on his bed?.Adrianna,just calm down.You getting angry won't solve the problem.You are here to settle things.

"Daniel,we need to talk",I say in a matter of fact tone."Go away Adri",he murmurs.I know he is telling me to go away but he just spoke to me.His first words to me in two days.He just called my name too.

"We have to talk.You can't keep hiding and running away",I say as I hear grunts.

If he won't get up the easy way then I will just have to be harsh.I might just die after I do this.

"For two days,you acted like I was dead.Nothing!.You didn't even come to school.You know what at first I was feeling guilty but then again,I did nothing wrong.I was trying to explain things to you but you being an immature dickhead,stormed off all angry!",I yell as I hear a loud growl.No,I'm not backing out now.

"You just have this very stupid ego,Daniel,you are soooo immature.Why are you even my mate?!.You are only making me cry and stuff!",I yell as all of a sudden,I swear to God,it all happens so fast.

I'm pinned to the wall,a furious and shirtless Daniel pinning both my hands at both sides.Should I be saying this right now but the thing is Daniel is so hot.This body is over hot.

"Adrianna",he says in a low tone and I know that I'm dead.I don't even want to look up.Lemme.just keep stating at his body,his body is HOT..but still I asked for this,now I have to face him.

I'm soooo dead.