
Across the Abyss

A story about a young college student who sells daffodils and a second generation chaebol. When their paths cross, a new beginning blooms like daffodils in spring.

Chen_Wynn · 奇幻
3 Chs



"Can I take this sensation across the afterlife?"

*Breeze noise with petals swirling along the wind*

*A bicycle bell rang*

I was riding my bicycle from home to school, carrying daffodil blooms in my basket that I needed to sell to help support my old man with our daily expenses.

Our first day of class is the start of spring, and my old man raises daffodil flowers, which are the first to bloom every spring, so I was able to sell some near the school.

I was close to the school's entrance when a motorcyclist suddenly pulled in front of me, while I was yelling "daffodil blooms!" in an attempt to sell them.

"How much are your daffodil blooms?" The rider asked.

"I don't recall ever seeing a guy like him in town. Is this his first time visiting here?" I thought as I was intrigued by him since he seemed odd.

"It's a dollar for two", I said.

He raised his head, but I couldn't see the rider's face since he was wearing a helmet. "Wow... he has incredibly broad shoulders, an amazing figure, and style. Too bad I can't see his face…" I thought and felt a little disappointed as I was staring at the rider not knowing what his face was like.


The rider caught him off guard because he suddenly asked a question. The rider inquired about daffodils, despite the fact that the rider is aware of their actual meaning and just intends to see whether he fully comprehends what he is offering.

I answered that it symbolizes "rebirth" or "fresh beginnings."

When the rider heard him, he was shocked and took an interest in him since daffodils are not well-known flowers.

"So he does know.." the rider mumbles to himself, smiling beneath the helmet.

"Is he also hoping for new beginnings?" I thought as I was curious. Since the class had already begun, the school bell rang.

The rider bought all of it and quickly left heading where he ought to be. I also left running since I was already late for class, but then rain poured heavily.

As I ran, water streamed down my hair and soaked my clothes. I still couldn't stop thinking about the rider.

"Who was he?" I mumbled to myself since I was curious about him. When I got to our classroom, I peeked through the window to see whether our professor had come, she hadn't yet so I came in and sat hurriedly.

After some time, the professor arrived with a new student, but the professor had something urgent to do, so she let the new student be welcomed by the class president.

"I heard about you from the professor, you're the second chaebol of Corporate Kang, right? Please begin by introducing yourself". The class president said.

The new student did not respond to the class president and instead introduced himself directly.

"I am Kang Shinzo" He said with his voice deep and cold.

Students started raising a fuss over Shinzo, claiming he is company Kang's second-generation chaebol.

"I feel like I met him already somewhere…" I thought as I stared at the new student.

As I kept staring at him, we caught each other's gaze, I looked away as my face went red.

Shinzo, the new student, chuckles.

The class president witnessed their reactions and began to take a hint at potential connections between them, which annoyed him. His face darkened.... The president suddenly changed his attitude toward Shinzo and is planning to keep Shinzo away from his precious friend.

Do you think the president will succeed with his plan?

—to be continued—