
Awaiting The Dawn.

Shi Lang dismissed everyone under the premise of reading the book. He did not tell them that despite all this information, they had nothing substantial. This information alone was not enough to act against the Zhu Family. It was only normal in the Immortal World for people to strive for power and control. 

If they used the fact that this power struggle would cause problems for them, then they would appear even more shallow as a force. Shi Lang needed to know more and suddenly thought of something. He folded the corner of the page he was reading and closed the book before he took out the spiritual communicator and sent a message to Amelia. 

He typed, 'I need as much information about the Titan Sect and how they formed a connection to the Zhu Family of the Forger City. Something is happening in the shadows, and I do not wish to be caught unprepared.' 

After he sent the message he picked up the book to finish the task at hand. 
