
Chapter Two.

As Isabella hurried away from the man that had cheated on her, not just once but thrice, her mind was far away from where she went.

The afternoon sun shined angrily on everything that dared to step under its umbrella of openness but Isabella wasn't aware and she chose to stroll under it.

Even when she bumped into someone, she didn't bother to see who it was or how the other person had been affected. She just tried to walk on but a hand held her by the arm.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

She heard a man ask her. The moment she had the man's voice, all the emotions she had been trying to bottle up inside her loosed themselves and she found out that she couldn't keep them off anymore.

"How dare you touch me?!" She shouted at the man who looked to shocked to react to her words. "If you don't let go of me in the next second, I'm going to slap you hard across the face."

The hold the man had on her loosened instantly and she continued her zombie walk.

"You ungrateful bitch!"

She heard the man call after her and she looked back at him with a wicked smile.

"You fucking scum that would do anything to sleep with anything in a skirt!" She shouted back at him a smiled smugly at the horrified expression the man spotted in embarrassment at her words.

She had purposely said that to him when she saw that there were lots of people already focused on them.

"What?" She chanted at those who kept staring at her like she was crazy. Maybe she was, she couldn't tell yet.

No, scratch that. She could tell that she was crazy. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have given that low-breed man a chance in her life. Not even for a second, talk more, three months.

Then, she had overlooked him after he had cheated on her and she caught him in the very act. If that wasn't foolishness, then, she didn't know what else it was.

Even if she had been looking for stability and she had managed to forgive him the first time, she never should have let the second cheating slide.

Only a fool does that.

That only reminded her of the fact that she was right when she had considered herself a fool.

And she would have continued to be a fool if she hadn't gotten into his car so that he could drop her home on his way to his supposed emergency work.

"Emergency work, my foot." She said to herself in a low tone. "I don't blame him though. I blame myself for ever getting involved with lowly trash like him."

Now that the matter was out in the open, she was sure that he must have caroused with the woman all through the night. Then, he dared to lie to her that he had been very busy with sn office work. Well, it was already clear to her what the office work was. And what had he even said about how important the job was?

That there would have been dire consequences if he hadn't finished the job. That had to mean that the girl would never allow him to dig into her hole again if he didn't satisfy her very well.

No wonder he had dedicated the entire night to helping the lady feel like the slut she was meant to be.

She was sure that he had purposely skipped work because of the slut he had hist discovered and they had spent the morning wallowing about in sin which explained why he was still tired despite all the time he had to rest in the morning. She was also sure that her boyfriend...no, make that her ex-boyfriend now, wasn't going for any important office work as he had claimed.

The woman must have called him to come for another round of hot sex and that was why he hadn't wanted her to follow him back there. Who even knew if they had even agreed to meet at a place not so far from where the two of them were supposed to have dinner earlier.

When she couldn't bare how the sun kept beating her up, she stopped for a while when she couldn't withhold the hot scorching sun anymore. Luckily for her, there was a tree only a few meters away from her and she got shelter from its shade.

When she looked back at the distance that she had walked, she shook her head slightly.

"Taxi!" She called when she saw an empty one going. The driver stopped and she opened the door immediately, getting away from the angry sun into the cover of the taxi.

"Where to, Miss?" The young taxi driver asked.

"36th, Bill Street?" She answered in a questioning manner, already tired of the whole situation that she hadn't bargained for but she had somehow found herself in it.

When the engine of the car coughed to life and the car began to move, she resumed her thought about the cheating partner. She felt hurt and betrayed by him just by thinking about the black pant she had found.

"Would you like me to play some music for you?" The driver asked, interrupting her thought.

"Just focus on your driving, will you?" She snapped at the young man. Not that the man had done anything wrong to warrantee her anger towards him but he was a male and that qualified him for transferred aggression.

"Sorry, Miss."

The driver apologized. The rest of the ride was done in utter silence by both parties.

"We're here, Miss."

The driver announced and Isabella looked out of the window. Sure enough, the car had stopped in front of her battered two-bedroom apartment that looked like it was ready to collapse at any moment.

She got down from the taxi, paid the driver, and walked straight to the house. When she got there, she unlocked the door and went straight inside, locking the door securely behind her.