
Accelerator Junior Getting Thrown Around In Gensokyo

The same author from fanfiction.net. I'm just reposting my stuff to this website. Touhou SI. Follow around the adventure of me as I'm thrown around left and right by the Quest and by Gensokyo inhabitant, as I discovered how puny my existence and not puny my ability are in this story. Warning: a lot of pessimistic humor, Self Insert(SI) Story. I'm trying to make the story as close as possible with the canon. I'm writing this as a hobby so the update gonna be whenever I feels like it. [Currently in Hiatus]

Ligoya · 游戏衍生
67 Chs

Embracing the Darkness(lol)

-Morning, Hieda's Mansion-

-Me POV-​

Greed can make you blind.

Wise peoples or just old people in general often said that greed can make you blind; you will forgot your real objective, it will kill you, so on and so forth. It past down from generation to generation so that their descendant not fall to their greed and keep become humble.

Well, I have a reason why I tell you people about this, but first, I need to explain what happen just now.

In the early morning, I'm sitting in my room floor, after I came back from SDM, I feel really exhausted with what happen that day so I immediately went to bed. But now that I'm awake, I will spent my points and upgrade all my stuff.

First, my skill.

[Body Enchantment Lv.4 - 5/Max = 48.000 AP]

My muscle start getting firmer, I can sense my power swelled up in my body.

My eyes start getting sharper; I can see great detail from every object in my sight.

My hearing also getting sharper, I can hear faint conversation between other servants in other section of the mansion.

And unexpectedly my sense also getting sharper, in this room, I can sense that I'm the only person in here, there're several something that I sense in other direction, probably the servants that I hear just now, and there's another people that I sense from beyond the Mansion's wall, probably the guard.

'Oh boy, trying to sleep while sensing this 24 hours is gonna be a challenge.' I think worriedly.

I think that's it for the ability part, gonna need to save it if anything unexpected happen.

Also my levels go up from Lv.47 to Lv.49.

Now, it's the item turn.

'I'm wondering for a long time now, System, can the item can be upgrade?'


'…Can I upgrade my Yukata?' I ask anxiously.

[Yes, please unequipped material]

'OMG, I did it.' I think excitedly while taking off the Yukata and put it on the floor, leaving me top naked.

[Upgrade cost: 5.000 IP, please confirm?]

'Yes, upgrade it.'

[Please choose clothes design]

[Displaying design]



I start to stare at hundreds of Yukata design that the system display.

'…Okay…let's choose a cool design but normal for a Yukata to have…you know what, fuck that, Winter is coming, I need something that looks warm.'

I choose a design with long and wide sleeve, a collar that looks like have padding in it, a slit on each side of the leg portion, and lastly black cloud motif.

'Done, with this I can move freely more than the usual.'

[Upgrade Complete]

[Night Cloud, Add-on: +Defense Up[NEW], +Durability Up[NEW], + Air Conditioning, + Self-repair]

The Yukata on the floor starting to be enveloped with light, it start to change it shape, after a few more second it stop shining, revealing a brand new Yukata, just like what I choose in the system.

'Let's enchant and upgrade few more stuff shall we.'

[Night Cloud, Add-on: +Defense Up[NEW], +Durability Up[NEW], +Vitality Up[NEW], +Vitality Regeneration[NEW], +Energy Up[NEW], +Energy Regeneration[NEW], + Air Conditioning, + Self-repair]

Enchant cost: 12.000 IP, with this, I have more confident to battle someone.

'Infinite Space Waist Pouch' turned into 'Infinite Space Waist Pouch MK-2' after upgraded, the name sound stupid but the pouch capability certainly rise. Now, it have red round glass in front of the pouch.. In the past, the pouch can't store any item that's bigger than the pouch itself but now, it can shoot red laser from the round glass toward any big item that I want to store, it will be stored inside no matter what, just like when Pokeball shoot red laser toward its Pokemon.

I tested it by storing my futon inside it, it's working perfectly.

Upgraded cost: 100.000 IP, I can see why it priced that much, point well spends it is.

'Perfect Voice Synthesizer' turned into 'Doppelganger Belt' after upgraded, because it named itself as a 'Belt' it became big when upgraded, but surprisingly the size can be adjusted, so I still keep it as a choker.

The original function is still there but now it can use holographic projection to make me look into somebody else, according to its instruction, I only need to inject the image to the device and then it will project that image as it surround my body to look like what I imagine. Because I have Photographic Memory, the imagining part is easy but I need to be caution with something, it's my smell, the device only change my look, so if I turn into someone and they remember the smell of that someone, they will notice something strange. As for the behavior change, I can just bullshitting my ways out, just like usual.

I pull hand mirror from my pouch and start testing the device.

I first tried turning into Meiling, I touch my choker, I closed my eyes and start recalling my memory of Meiling.

*kyuu-kyuu-kyuu* a digitized sounds start resounding inside the room.

I open my eyes. What I see in my hand mirror is a woman with scarlet hair with a green beret on her head, its Meiling.

I look down.

I see two bumps that covered by green Chinese clothes.

'It's boobs, I have boobs!' I surprised.

In my surprised, I unconsciously tried to grab those bumps, but unfort-*mindcough*-thankfully my hand went through and I can feel my hand touch my own muscular chest.

"Dammit!" I hit the floor.

After I hit the floor, I realize that I'm using my own voice, not Meiling's voice.

'Guess I haven't talking that long to Meiling ever since we first time met.' I'm wondering.

I put away the hand mirror but instead buy [Dress Mirror: 100 IP] from the system and put it in front of me.

I observe Meiling image in the mirror, in a few minute of observation, I feel something strange.

Next, I decided to change in to the Kid that I save from the well.

That's when I understand the strangeness that happen, it's the height.

Meiling is higher than me, that's why I almost not sensing anything wrong with it, but now that I turn into someone who's shorter than me, I notice it clearly.

When I look straight to the mirror, I didn't see anything but when I look down, I finally see the kid I turn into, but he's also looking down, just like me.

It make sense actually, the device only project someone I imagine, but not including their height or their smell.

'Guess that's one thing I need to look out for when I doppelganger into someone.' I think understandingly.

Upgraded cost: 100.000 IP, I also can see why it priced that much, it can become very deadly if it used right.

Now, finally, I think this is the root of what's happening right now.

[Upgrade Cost: 400.000 IP, you do not have enough point.]

'…As expected, I really lucky that I got 'Gaia Tattoo' from Random Roll.'

I tried to upgrade Gaia Tattoo but unfortunately, it's just too expensive for me…for now.

'If it's that expensive, that also mean the effect must be big too…I want it.'

The greed came.

'System, how can I get more constant point beside from the Daily quest?'

[User can choose to be bestowed with a 'Challenge Quest' from the System.]

'What is this 'Challenge Quest'?' I ask.

[User will be given a random challenge by the System, the duration of the challenge varied, and the reward of the challenge also varied.]

'Good, give me the Challenge Quest.'

[Giving User Challenge Quest]

After the System said that word, my vision turned completely dark.

I panic and start scanning my room for an enemy.

For a minute, I'm confused as I don't sense anything inside the room or any Youkai in this mansion but my vision still dark.

Until finally, the system rang.


[Challenge Quest]

[User will be permanently blinded and User must survive with that restriction until 1 month passes.]

And that's why I said Greed can make you blind; BECAUSE I'M PERMANENTLY BLINDED FOR 1 MONTH BECAUSE OF IT! GOOD JOB ME!

Ugh, I'm really grateful that I saved up my point there.

[Energy Echolocation]: 5.000 AP

[Let User send wave of energy that will reflecting back to User when it touch something, User will be able to mental map what the surrounding are from reflected energy]

[Cane of Guidance, Add on: +Durability Up, +Auto Repair]: 10.000 IP

[A Cane that will guide the User to their destination or pointing User destination by let it fall after saying the landmark name. P.S. the cane can only guide User to place that they already visit]

Even though I already spend more point to buy those ability and item, the problem is still half way done, moreover there's another problem I need to deal with.

It's Akyuu, I already have my fake reason why I got blinded, but I'm more worried with her reaction after she noticed I'm blinded for a month.

'…Man up dude, I'm living with her, sooner or later she will noticed what's going on.' I convinced myself.

"*sigh* this is gonna be an interesting months." I sigh tiredly.

I store the Dress Mirror and then proceed to go out from my room…slowly.

-Mansion Main room-​

I finally arrive at the mansion main room, somehow.

Energy Echolocation consumption is little and with Energy Regeneration I can just spam it whenever I want, as for the range, its only 1 meter but I can compensate the rest with Magical Sense to sense any Youkai in the distance.

As for walking, I need to more believe with what I step is what I think it is, because if it's not, then I'm fucked.

Right now, I closed my eyes btw, blind people usually can be seen through their eyes, so we mustn't ruin the surprise won't we.

I sense Akyuu already in the room, and the servant waiting on the other side of the hall, as if they are waiting for something.

"Did something happen Arah-san? You're awfully late for breakfast, I almost send a servant to check on you."

"Breakfast? …Oh yeah, I completely forgot about breakfast."

"…Did something really happen? If you forgot about breakfast then did you searching for me?"

"Well, how about we eat first? I can tell you about it after that."

I then proceed to sit on the side of the room but to be more accurate, I'm sitting on Akyuu right side. She offer me this spot after I hug her for the first time in the past, it's a proof that she's trust me more and I'm happy with it.

Akyuu order her servants to start placing the food to us.

And once again, somehow I succeed in eating all the food, albeit it's slower and messier than the usual, I can sense the rice falling all over the place but I clean it up using my ability in the end. I think Akyuu starting to look at me suspiciously after that.

Akyuu start asking after the servants pick up our eating table.

"Now that we have finished eating, can you tell me what happen? Ever since you arrived in the room, you always closed your eyes and what about that cane beside you?" Akyuu ask impatiently.

"Calm down, calm down, I'll explain it right now." I tried to calm Akyuu.

Akyuu starting to quiet down but I sense she still restless about it.

"This morning I start to redesign and enchanting my Yukata for the upcoming winter," I tap my Yukata to show her that's it's different than the usual. "But there's a little accident when I enchanting some item."

"…Accident? What accident?" She said anxiously

"Well…" I opened my eyes.

I've seen what blind people eyes looks like in the internet, so I think me opening my eyes gonna make her understand that fact, but I'm worried that she never knew what blind people eyes looks like.

"!" she gasped. "Your eyes! Did you go blind?!" she asked me in horror.

She knew.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I did-""Why did you still relaxing?! Come on! We must go to the Shrine! Reimu-san must be knew something that can cure your blindness somehow!" Akyuu's panicking and start pulling my hand.

But I resist her and start pulling her hand instead.

"Wah!" Her body fall backward and of course, I catch her.

I hug her tightly so she doesn't escape.

"Arah-san! Release me! We have to go to the Reimu-san place!" Akyuu start struggling.

"Calm down, it's gonna be okay."

"How?! How is that gonna be okay?! You are blind right now!"

"It has duration."

"…Duration?" Akyuu stop struggling.

"I will have my vision back when the duration is over."

"…When will it over?"

"A month."

"…How did you know it will disappear in a month?"

"Because I said so."

"…" She fell into silent.

Since I don't want to make her struggling again, I opt to silent too, but for precaution.

*pat**pat* I pat her head.

"…Are you still gonna go to the mountain today?"

"No, but I will go to a place that will help me adjusting to this blindness."

"…Then I will go with you." She moved away from me.

"Are you sure?" I ask her.

"Yes, I'm sure you need me to lead you around." She said surely.

-Late Morning, Hakurei's Shrine-​

I arrive at the Shrine while piggybacking a girl on my back.

I turn my head and look at the girl face.

"You were saying?" I ask her.

"…Muuuu." Akyuu's pouting, I think.

Right now, it's just two of us in the shrine, I didn't sense Reimu anywhere nearby, she probably still in her house.

Back in the mansion, Akyuu offer herself to be my guide, to lead me to my destination but I refuse, saying that I can do it myself.

She's no pushover and keeps forcing herself to me.

A man being led around by a girl is really embarrassing, so I make a bet with her, I'm betting that I'm not gonna have any hard time to arrive at my destination, if I win, she will allow me to do my usual activity with no complain, and if she win, I will stay in the mansion until my vision is back.

She approved and start following me from behind.

Energy Echolocation works by sending an invisible pulse of energy to my surrounding, if the pulse hit something, it will reflected back to me, giving me an information about what shape the object it reflected, and finally it depends on me to guess what that object is based on its shaped.

There's also a problem with this ability:

1st, Line of sight, if there's a second object behind the original object, then I can't sense the second object, I notice this problem when a bunch of kids running behind a house, and then I can't sense them anymore after that. But I'm still hoping that my Magical sense to sense any paranormal stuff in my surrounding, Energy Echolocation only for aiding me walk normally.

2nd, Energy Consumption, I was wrong when I said I can spam it endlessly this morning, that time I lazily send 1 pulse as I walk, thinking it's enough and rescan after I, I was very wrong, the servants in the mansion would just avoid me and let me walk freely, but in the Human Village, there's peoples, a lot of peoples, so I raise the frequency into 3 pulse per second to avoid crashing with other peoples. The energy regeneration barely keeps up with the consumption.

But I prevail, I finally made it to my destination; it was the Hakurei's Shrine.

I let Akyuu down.

"How did you know the way to the shrine? Are you really blinded?" Akyuu ask me.

'There's no hint of worried in her voice and that's good.' I think.

I grab my cane that I strapped on my right side and showed it to her.

"A cane? Isn't that the cane you always holding when we walk?" She inquired.

"Yeah, I enchant it so that it will guide me toward my destination, which is the Hakurei Shrine."

"…So in the end, we still went to the shrine." She said tiredly.

"But you're still less panic now than this morning." I reply to her while walking toward the shrine. "Just wait there for a second; I'll go pray for a bit."

I arrive at the donation box and start praying.

I throw in my coin.

*ting* the coin fell.

*SLAM* a sound of a door powerfully opened far behind me.

"A DONATION?!" a girl shouted can be heard after that.

Since I'm praying, I use my ability to sense behind me.

Someone is at Reimu's house door, based on its magic signature and logic, it's probably Reimu, and Akyuu looking at her, probably in shock, I don't know, I can't see anybody expression right now.

I finished praying and walk back to Akyuu location while looking at Reimu direction.

"..Oh, it's just you." Reimu said disappointingly.

"…Why did everyone feel disappointed whenever they saw me recently?" I ask wonderingly.

"More importantly, Arah-san, what are you going to do in here?" Akyuu ask me.

"Well, firstly, Reimu, can we go in?" I ask Reimu.

I sense Reimu moved her head to look at me and Akyuu, "…*sigh* seems like something going on, all right come in." she invited us in.

-Guest Room, Reimu' House-​

"Because you're blinded, you want me to help you adjusting to it by practicing Danmaku battle with me; did I get all of it?" Reimu ask.

"Yes." I nod.

After we got in, we sat in the guest room, offered a tea by Reimu, and then we explained to her what going on.

"…Why you didn't just ask Marisa to cure your eyes, I can't do it but I'm sure she can because enchanting is a from mage craft, right?"

"Firstly, yes, enchanting is from mage craft, Secondly, owing a compensation from Marisa is a bad idea, and finally, I want this blindness be an experience for me so that I didn't do anymore mistake in the future." I explain.

"I see, all right, I will help you with it." Reimu nods.

"Is that really true Reimu-san?!" Akyuu ask for confirmation.

"Yeah, beside, I can't let one of our Shrine donator die." She said while getting up.

"Haha, as expected from Reimu, you really care when money is involved." I also said while getting up.

"…This people, why did you guys not take it more seriously." Akyuu sounds irritated.

"Why do you sound so mad? You also said it yourself right? This guy somehow can walk through the Village to here flawlessly." Reimu rudely pointing her finger at me.

"And I already planned how I will adjusting to this blindness. Just take it easy, Akyuu-chan." I assure Akyuu.

I don't mind with Reimu rudeness, because I think that is the sign of her already familiar with me, or maybe that's just because one of Reimu characteristic is "Don't give a fuck who you are, imma exterminated ya'all" kind of attitude, I don't know, after all, I'm not Reimu.

"…All right, just be careful okay, I know it's a practice, but I'm still worried." Akyuu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I know Danmaku may look intense for normal people, but it's not lethal, at best you will just gonna get lightly burned from Danmaku, but that is all." Reimu explained.

'Yeah right, 'Lightly Burn' my ass, tell that to your rainbow balls of explosion, it hurt like hell if it's hit you. 'I said internally.

"…Did you say something?" Reimu turn toward me.

"I said an open area in front of the shrine might be good place to start." I immediately reply.

"…Yeah, I think you're right, but I need to place some barriers first for mitigate any property damage, I'm going out first." She said before going out of the room.

Reimu left, leaving just the two of us in the room.

'…Your instinct is waaaay too sharp, Girl!' I scream internally.

"…just promise me you are gonna be okay?" Akyuu said to me.

I look at Akyuu face.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" I ask while grinning.

-Afternoon, Guest Room, Reimu's House-​

"A total newbie." Reimu said.

"Well, I'm sorry that I can't dodge the rest of your spell card while I'm blind!" I said irritatingly to Reimu.

"Then what about the basic Danmaku you dodge?! If you can dodge them all then I'm sure you can dodge that spell card too!" Reimu demanded.

"It's the different in size! I can't dodge something of that size while all of them also able to track me at the same time!" I rebuke.

"Then lean how to dodge it! I already used it to you so many times! At least, completely dodge one of them!"

"I said it's a practice! Why do you use spell card in a practice battle!"

"It's because it's a practice that I use it! And repeatedly as well! Isn't that supposed to be your original goal?! To get used fighting while in blind?!"

"Guh! Dammit, I can't refute to that statement." I'm backing down.

"That's what I thought; you are still a total newbie." Reimu said contentedly.

"…" I pinch my forehead. 'My head hurt.'

"W-well, at least both of you are okay." Akyuu trying to completely doused the fire.

We are back into Reimu's house after that clusterfu-I mean, Danmaku training, everything is easy and dodge able, until Reimu decided to use her bomb at me, repeatedly, even after I failed to dodge the first one.

I drink my tea. 'Bitter like always.' I think.

After the training we came back into the house and Reimu make another tea for us.

"Haaah~, even though I complained, training is still a training, thank you Reimu." I lightly bowed my head.

"Um, you're welcome." She nodded back.

*Fuuuh* I heard Akyuu exhale sigh, probably glad that we make up.

After that Akyuu start her conversation with Reimu, they talk about the condition of the village, her new book from Suzunaan, Youkai that peacefully come to the village, etc, etc. I ran away to the porch in the middle of the conversation, again, just like last time.

The view from this porch was amazing; it covered all of Gensokyo, but now all I can see is darkness, it's all because I'm being too greedy.

'I guess this is one of the things that I'll miss for a while.' I sadly think.

"Hey Reimu! I come to play-ze!" someone suddenly trespassing into the room from the house entrance.

Based on the voice and speech pattern, it's Marisa.

I turn my head to look at the room.

"I see you have a guest Reimu-ze. Oh, if it isn't Akyuu," Marisa looking at Akyuu.

Akyuu waved her hand.

"Then that mean," Marisa moved her head, she stopped when she look at my direction. "There he is, Arah, how are you do-ing?" her voice lost its energy at the end and she titled her head.

I waved at her.

"Did something happen to your eyes?" Marisa asked.

"Well…" I scratch the back of my head.

"He's blind right now." Said Reimu.

"Eh?" Marisa made stupid sound, "EEEEEEHHHHH?!" Marisa made louder stupid sound.

-After a few explanation-​

"-and that's how he ended up like that." Akyuu finished her explanation.

Marisa still in her thinking poses.

"I figure you would laugh at him knowing he failed at his mage craft, but I guess I'm wrong about you." Reimu giving her opinion.

"No, I'm just thinking about his enchanting-ze." Said Marisa.

"His enchanting?" Akyuu ask.

I grip my cane.

'Dammit, did my lie have been seen through? I should have known if a real magician heard of my reasoning they will suspect it because I don't know anything about enchanting in this world.'

"Yeah, how enchanting work is that it's giving desired effect to targeted item, even if it's failed it will only damaged the item, I never read about it will gets rebounded and hurt its caster after that-ze." Marisa starting to looks at my direction.

Because she started it, Reimu and Akyuu also starting looks at my direction.

"Arah, what enchant did you trying to put inside your clothes-ze?" Marisa asked.

'Dammit, I should have thinks this through, now it's sink or swim.' I curse internally.

"…it's heat generation…" Intimidation tactic, GO!

I half opened my eyes; I move my eyeballs to Marisa direction.

"…I see…" Marisa still in her thinking poses.

I don't know why but the atmosphere turning tense.

A few second later, Marisa giving an unbelievable statement.

"…Well, you know what I think, I think you are lying-daze! I think you are actually giving seen-through enchantment to your eyes-ze!" Marisa pointed her finger at me.

The tense atmospheres suddenly disappear as it got replaced with questioning stare.

"…What?" I dumbly ask Marisa.

"Don't playing dumb-ze! Based on your personality and the result, that's the only explanation why your eyes turn blind-daze!" she said confidently.

'…What is this girl saying?!' I'm confused.

"Seen-through enchantment?" Reimu ask, confused as I'm.

"Yeah, it's an enchantment that can make you see through object, especially clothes; I think he probably failed to enchant his own eyes to see-through girl clothes-ze." Marisa explained.

"Wha?! See-through girl clothes?! There's no way I do-!" I suddenly feel two killing intent directed toward me.

Akyuu and Reimu, both of them want me dead.

"B-both of you, don't tell me you actually believe what Marisa said!"

"Oh, I think Marisa explanation is really believe able if I think about what you would do. Isn't that right, Akyuu?" Reimu coldly said.

"Yes, just like what Marisa-san said, somehow I feel like Arah-san, I'm sorry, Pervert-san would do that kind of thing." Akyuu also coldly said.

"P-pervert-san?! Akyuu-chan, please believe me, I know I usually compliment girl if they are cute but I would never do those kind of thing!" I hurriedly explain.

"Then what kind of enchantment that can make you blind-ze?" Marisa asked while there's a trace of amusement in her voice.

"I-Uh-Um-Anti-Sun, yeah, I accidently enchant my eyes with Anti-Sun enchantment." I panickly gave my excuse.

The room fell into silent.

'I'm fucked didn't I.' I internally gave up.

"Reimu-san, please take care of him." Akyuu bowed toward Reimu.

"Leave it to me." Reimu stand up.

"Wa-wait Reimu, l-l-let's think about it first." I desperately tried to stop her.

"Seems like you haven't learned anything from our practice just now, how about we do it again, but until you passed out this time." she said casually.

"R-Reimu, please wait!" I beg but it was useless.

Reimu grab my Yukata and forcefully drag me out.

"Good luck-ze." Marisa cheered.

"MARISAAAAA!" I shout at her as I helplessly dragged by the angry Miko.

Author note:

Heyo, Author here. This chapter took longer than it supposed to be, now I understand how some of the Author can just stop writing their fanfic. But fear not, I'm not gonna stop writing this fanfic unless I'm suddenly died or shit similar to that, I'm just gonna change the schedule of the release into NO SCHEDULE, I'm gonna write when I feel like it.

I know some of you might not liking this decision but there's other thing that I want to do beside writing fanfic, also I need to remind myself and other that writing fanfic is just a hobby thing, I do it because I have spare time to write a fanfic of my favorite series or should I say self-insert fanfic in my favorite series *wink**wink**nudge**nudge* but only if they do it right.

Once again, I'm sorry that this happened as I need to this for my own good, and have a good day people.