In an era when knowledge was banned, the physician Lyle had to be extremely cautious even in academic research, an invitation from the Andrei Academy materialized before his eyes. The Andrei Academy of Cassandale? Lyle peered closely at the tombstone before him, hissing, "Ah, the scholars here really know how to pick a spot."
"The third is Mr. Fear. He studies memetics."
You decided to greet this seemingly affable research mentor.
"Peace, Mr. Fear."
He performed an act of removing his hat, "Peace, sir, I am the apprentice of Mr. Fear; I am Brave. Mr. Fear is in this box; he's not too fond of going out."
You looked at the one-meter-wide box, finding it hard to imagine what the person inside looked like.
"May I see Mr. Fear?"
"Certainly, seeing the mentor isn't dangerous, probably. By the way, for your own good, please don't believe anything he says."
Mr. Brave opened the iron box, and you saw neatly arranged human bones. The skull burning with a soul flame started to yell.
"Don't open the box! Don't open the box! Don't open the box! They will find me! They are coming to get me!"
Mr. Brave closed the box, and Mr. Fear's screams stopped.
You felt he should be thrown into some psychiatric hospital rather than serving as a mentor.