
Abyssal Greed

Park was an orphan with parents. His parents sent him to a mysterious institute known as the Dead Men Academy. It was all normal so far till something happened. On one fateful night, everything changed. He now has a tenant. Very dark, very hungry and has amnesia. Such a nice thing. Isn't it? Hah... Ridicul... Join Park on a wonderful journey across mysterious lands as he battles supernatural entities, tries to understand who his new resident is and to top it all, Survive. Author's notice: Warning! Warning! Enjooooy! bye:)

Pixi3s · 奇幻
33 Chs

As Brave As A Lion II

He couldn't even react to it.

Blood sprayed all over them.

Jeremy's body was hoisted up by the beast's teeth and tossed aside.

"Thank you for the beautiful presentation, Jeremy."

He turned to look to the students.

"Now where were we?"

Jeremy wasn't moving.

"Ah, yes."

"This will be your new reality."

Jeremy wasn't moving.

"Thats why I'm urging you to eat them."

Everyone was mute.

"Y... Your M... Mark, W... Why..."

Baxter's lips quivered.

"Ah yes, you've been looking at that spot for some time now."

"How did you know?"

"Do your parents have any affiliations?"

Solomon was busy licking blood off his lips.

Jeremy wasn't moving.

"I'm sure it's already in his system. Surely it won't matter if he shares some of it right?"

He spoke to the students smiling.

Jeremy wasn't moving.


"Relaax. He'll be back in 3, 2, 1..."

A huge gasp.

"Hey look who's up."

He didn't even look at him.

"You were asleep for quite some time."

Jeremy struggled to get on his feet.




"So back to you, Mr. Baxter..."

"How did you know?"

"This is closed off information."

"You could suffer the same fate."

He was pointing at Jeremy.

Jeremy's legs wobbled as he walked. It took him great effort to walk back to the crowd of students.

"So, how?"

"B... Black..."


"You look more of Ignis?"

"T... That's b... because..."

"Ah wait..."

Solomon cut him short.

"I heard a funny story that happened..."

"Are Rouge and Henessa your parents?"

Baxter swallowed hard.

There was definitely some history that he wasn't comfortable to speak of.

Solomon continued.

"Do you know how many orphans there are now?"


"And that necklace... Smells like him."

"How dare you."

Baxter's hairs stood on their ends.

"I really hope to have a wonderful time with you."


There was definitely some history between them.

"Now everyone..."


The room was tense. Solomon's behavior had changed. He was still the usual calm, but his feral nature was trying to break through. He silently stood there.

The metallic scent amped up the disgust of scarfing down the little disgusting balls.

With great difficulty all of the boxes were emptied.

The fear of death trumped all.

The room was a mess.

"I don't think we can have our class today."

"So, we're going to call it a day."

"But I still need some people to clean up the class."

A student raised their hands.


"...where are the manuals?"


"There are no manuals in my class."

"I prefer tempering to teaching."

"I told you this class is physical."

"But don't worry."

"Those orbs will save you if shit does hit the fan."

"Any more questions?"


"Ok, good."

"So, I need to start choosing the cleaners."


"Detective, Freedom fighter..."

"...and you."

He was pointing at Charles.

The green haired kid could not believe it.

"Everyone else apart from those that I've called..."


Solomon took the lead and the rest followed.

"Remember me, Charles?"

Baxter rested his arm on the kid's shoulder.

Solomon locked the door on them and slid the keys inside.

"When you're done, give the keys to Becca."

With this he walked away.


"I hope they don't chew him up."

He murmured to himself.


Park was in the library.

"I really miss them."

"You know they had to go Gerena."

{Shadow has successfully fended off the attacks]

{Shadow will continue to reside in the darkness till when the User wishes]


"There you go again..."

"...staring off into deep space."

"Oh this..."

Park was pretending to wipe something away.

"Worry not."


"Uh huh..."

"...Anyway, I'm really glad that Yelenith was here."

"With just a wave of her hand. It was all gone."


"But seriously..."


"What were they eating?"


"You know the Magical beast's professor was being interrogated..."

They looked at each other.





{Read all of the books in the library]

{Time Limit: 6 days]

{Rewards: Further development of the Third sector]

{Additional information is being revealed by ink]





"I need to go Gerena."

"Why are you sweating?"

"I'll see you later."


"Ok then"

Park looked distraught.

He mumbled to himself as he disappeared into the intertwining bookshelves.

"Must be the exams."


"Anyway, best of luck." 

He turned to look outside.


"They all look so free."

"Maybe I shouldn't have done it."

Gerena sighed.

"This sucks."

"Excuse me, sir..."



"We clearly agreed that I'm not doing anything past midday."

Solomon huffed as he walked to the front desk.

"You got the keys Becca?"

"Here they are."

There was a jingle as she retrieved them from a drawer.

"Was it Green, Grey or Red?"

"Green, I think."



"But he looked out of it."


"...So, no grey..."

"...or red."


"All I saw was green."

Solomon didn't believe his ears.

"Who are grey and red...?"

Becca was mumbling to herself.

"Maybe they didn't submit their papers personally..."

She turned to look at Solomon.

"Anyway, yeah I definitely saw green..."

"...and he's gone."


"Who are you shouting to...?"





Becca tightly held her chest. She was heaving loudly.


"You still haven't fixed that attitude of yours!!"

"You almost killed me!"

"Please don't that's just more work for me."

Anu smiled.

"If that was humor. You. Need. Help."


"What do you want?"

Anu reached into his pocket and pulled out a fang.


Becca squinted her eyes.

"Thats unlike any fang I've ever seen."

She sniffed it.



"Is that ours?"

"I thought so too."

"But why does it look like that?"

"Body dropped in today."

"How does it look like?"

"I'd rather you see it for yourself."

"I really want to but its during my work hours."

"Don't worry that could be taken care of."

Another Becca appeared.

She yelped.

"What's wrong with you people today?!"


"And also, who is that?"

Her clone waved back at her smiling.

"Just a favor I called in."

"Does "She" know how I..."

The clone rapped all the details.

"...The one called Becca also admitted that she loves..."

Becca held her mouth shut.

"Mmmph!... Mmmph!" 

"Ok she might fool them."

"Now how do you get her to shut up."

"Just tell her to."



"...Shut up?"

Her clone stopped talking.

Becca took a step back and closely inspected her.

"From the Ears down to the fur..."

"...It got everything right."

"So can we go?"

"A lot of bodies are waiting."



"Yeah, you'll see."


"What now?"

"What if someone sees me?"

He sighed.


"...hold my hand."

Immediately Becca held his hand they were whisked away.

"Looking at something there?"

Her clone turned to look at the guest.

"Hey Norma, What's up?"

"What's up...?"

"Are you okay?"


"Feels good to be back."

Jessica took in a huge gulp of coffee. She looked at the steaming cup.

"Oh, how I missed you." 

She walked to the window.



"...not so much."

The gate rumbled in a low hum below.

There was a trail of blood below.


She almost spilled her coffee. The harrowing images flashed once more. She hit a switch.

The lights turned off. She was now in the dark.

"I should just go..."

"My son died because of you..."


Something knocked the wind out of her.

She crumpled on the floor.

"Now die..."

"No, you die..."

There was a bit of struggle.


Something snapped in the darkness.


"I'll always watch over you Jess."



"I see you're still reading?"

"It's already dark."

Park was buried in a mountain of books.

"A lot of blank books here."

Gerena flipped through some of the pages.

"The improved ones are already back on the shelves."

"Hey Mr. Gerena."

One of his clones waved at the librarian.


"Did it just talk?"


Park didn't even look at Gerena.

He pointed to another neat stack of books.

The clone picked the large tower with ease.


"Excuse me."

The clone passed by the librarian.

"...When I got to the 1000th mark..."

"...And done..."

Park looked at Gerena.

"...that's when."


The interface popped up.

"Still got a lot left to read."

The shadow came for the last batch sometime later.

"Done and dusted."


The librarian cleared his throat.

"...And yes, they're all better now."

Gerena smiled.

"I need to go now."

"Wait I have a question..."

The door was shut.

"No doubt he'll be the one."


Gerena began to whistle a tune.

He sighed.

"Brings back memories."

He continued to whistle throughout the night.