
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · 奇幻言情
33 Chs

The Drive pt 2


We are getting close to the gas station that we need to stop at. Natalie has not woken up once since she has fallen asleep. She however, does talk in her sleep. But I do not think she knows that. It socks, but I am going to have to wake her up.

"Natalie, babe, it is time to get up. We are close to the gas station." I said while patting her leg.

"Mmmm, okay." She said with a yawn, which I thought was fucking adorable. "It is a good thing we will be there soon, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Yup, we should be there in five minutes. Once we get there, pick out anything you want to snack on or to drink." I told her giving her a smile.

"You are already trying to buy me a pillow, you do not need to get me anything else."

"Oh no, you are getting something to eat and to drink. Besides, you are my mate. What belongs to me now belongs to you and vise versa." I told her.

"Well, I don't have anything other than what is in my backpack. Which by the way is clothes and my phone." Natalie said while fiddling with her fingers. I have come to realize she does this when she is either nervous or embarrassed.

"Hey, it is okay. You went through some rough shit, and I am sorry you had to go through that. But, I am going to spoil you so get used to it now." I said with a chuckle, which in turn made Natalie giggle. "Do you want to mind link the Morris's and let them know we are coming up on the gas station please. I think Kaden passed out."

"Yeah, just a second." She said, and then her eyes glazed over while she was talking through the mind link. "And done. Mr. Morris said that Kaden is fast asleep, and that Mrs. Morris is starting to do the pee dance." Natalie said while laughing.

I just look at her in awe. This is the first time I have heard an actual laugh come from her. And it sounds like music to my ears.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked getting a little worried.

"No, it is just that that is the first time I have heard you laugh. Definitely my new favorite sound." I told her causing her to blush and look away.

Once we pull up to the pump at the gas station, I hope out of the car and make my way over to Natalie's side to open her door. As soon as her hand is in mine, I close the car door and we make our way inside. While she went to go get food and drinks for her and I, I went to find a travel pillow of some sort.

Once I have finally found what I was looking for, and Natalie had everything she wanted, I paid for the gas for both cars. I see no reason why the Morris's need to pay for gas right now. Especially considering they are Natalie's adopted grandparents.

"I am going to go talk with Mrs. Morris. I will be back in a second." Natalie told me, but before she walked off I tugged her towards me. I wrapped my as around her, giving her a hug when she put her arms around my waist. I then kissed the top of her head.

"Okay, sounds good babe." I told her, and let her go.


Lucas is definitely not what I was expecting. He is a gentleman and has even started spoiling me. He better watch doing that though, he could create a monster.

"Well look at that smile. It has been a long time since I have seen you smile like that." Mrs. Morris said to me as I was approaching her.

"I am finally starting to feel happy. Lucas has been nothing short of a gentleman. He even made sure I got everything I wanted out of the gas station." I said with a small giggle.

"That is great to hear honey. Now, Mr. Morris and I have talked. We would love it if you would consider calling us grandma and grandpa. I know we are not Blood related, but you have become such a big part of our lives." She said getting teary eyed.

"I do not need to consider it grandma, you and grandpa are the only family I had in River Rock. I am honored enough that you consider me your grandchild." I said giving her a big hug. Just then grandpa comes around the car.

"What is this I hear? Did someone call me their grandpa?" He said with a big smile.

"That you did grandpa." I said, and then gave him a hug as well.

Midnight: everything seems to be looking up

Me: I know, but why does it feel like something bad is going to happen soon? Like someone is going to be taken from us?

Midnight: I do not know, but I have been having the same feeling since we left River Rock.

Me: should I run it by Lucas? Do you think he will believe me?

Midnight: it doesn't hurt to try

Once grandma and grandpa were in their car, I started walking back to Lucas. When he saw me coming, I saw happiness in his eyes, but then I saw confusion. He must sense there is something on my mind. Hopefully he won't think I am crazy or something.

Me: Hey Midnight, could you kind of let Dom in on what is going on. And while you work on telling him, I will let Lucas know.

Midnight: you thinking that if they both hear it from either of us it will help?

Me: Yeah, I am hoping it will. I just do not want to seem crazy, and I know you don't either.

Midnight: that is true. Operation double team active.

With a chuckle she closes off our link. I know she is working on telling Dom. Now it is my turn to tell Lucas, Goddess be with me on this.