
Nether Swamp Realm

At this time, unaware by all the young geniuses shuffling through corridors that led to the training realm's teleportation array, a person was perfectly concealed from everyone else. 

This person was the one causing the stormy stir of noise through the sect. 

Naturally, it was Lin Xiang in his semi-shadow state. 

He took a brief amount of time to hear about the reaction to his group. Only because he at least wanted to make sure nothing substantial was known about them. 

It could be likely that the Great Elders or ancestors may know something slightly more concrete. But, with what he's hearing, none will even be able to know that Lin Xiang came from the Divine Pillar Planet. 

He once again took the unconventional way to ascend to a higher plane. That exalted envoy truly was useful in keeping their origins a secret.