
Skip, IV

"Your friend over there is dead, isn't he?" A small fairy the size of one's hand spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"What?" Haruka looked toward the person laying on the ground.

"You… You're lying, right?" A nervous laugh slipped out of her throat.

"There's no way... that Elias can be dead, is there?" Full of disbelief, Haruka continued talking.

"After all, he saved Soobin… And his blood! Yes, his blood is still circulating…" She approached the vessel on the ground.

"No… No, there's just… no way?" A tear streamed down her face as she shifted her neck to stare at Soobin.

"Is this the reason why you were speaking like that!?" Haruka screamed at her while pointing at the dark-haired boy.

Soobin looked away from Haruka, "His lips were already blue when I activated the fire spell…"

"Why then… Why didn't you tell me!?" She screamed at her companion.

Soobin, still averting her gaze spoke in a low tone, "It was useless… you would discover it within minutes too, as you did now."