

Sora's eyes gazed at his mother's body in awe, roaming every inch of her exposed skin and her wonderful curves.

"Are you ready to eat, Sora?"

Akira's voice rang in his ears, plain but seductive.

Turning his head, Sora looked at Akira's eyes, her head lowered and her eyes focused on his golden eyes. A playful smile on her face as she raised her butt in the air and then the rest of her body, slowly putting herself in a sitting position.

"Yeah… I'm ready to eat," Sora muttered as he looked at his mother's sexy body.

A smile spread on his face as he put on some slippers and stood up.

Taking a step forward with a smirk towards his mother, Sora offered a hand up.

"Let's go eat mom," Sora slowly said with narrowed eyes and a rough voice.

Akira smiled and took Sora's hand before standing up and liking the sound of his voice.

Side by side, Akira and Sora walked towards the kitchen slowly. The shoulders rubbed against each other and they could feel each other's warmth. They subtly turned their heads and gazed at each other, their gazes locking onto one another.

Akira looked into Sora's golden eyes and believed that she was winning this little teasing competition between Sora and herself. The corner of her lips raised slightly and a slight smug look on her beautiful face.

At least until she felt a soft touch on her waist.

Her eyes widened as she felt Sora's warm hand rest gently on her waist. It rubbed up and down softly on her skin. She felt her stomach fill itself with butterflies at the touch.

Akira felt her eyes roll. Feeling like she was going to go crazy from Sora's warm and firm hand on her waist.

She could feel a light tug of his hand as she was brought closer to him. Their shoulders were no longer just touching and to keep their arms from hitting against each other, Akira felt herself be forced to place her arm around Sora as well.

Despite it all, she was loving this little moment she was having with Sora. Their warmth transferring from each other from their touches.

Sadly, all good moments have to come to an end as they finally reach the entrance of the dining room. Their food still warm despite how slowly they walked here.

Akira and Sora released their hold from each other as they sat down to eat. Their seats across from each other and their eyes locked onto one another as they ate.

"Thank you for the food," Sora said as he finished eating.

He stood up, smiling at his mother as he grabbed his school bag and went to the shed in the backyard to continue working.

Akira watched as he left and continued eating as she thought to herself with a smile.

'He beat me today,' she thought to herself. 'I'll make sure to beat him next time.'

Her eyes curved into crescent moons happily as she looked forward to seeing Sora's face full of desire. To tease him and have him beg for her body.

Her big baby boy.

Just thinking about Sora, Akira can't help but feel her waist begin to feel tingly as she began to miss Sora's soft touch on her waist.



Drilling the last screw into the robot, Sora nodded as he looked at the finished robot.

Sora improved and enhanced every portion of the robot as much as he could. He managed to remove the noise the robot makes, the sound of it's heavy footsteps was muffled and removed as Sora planned to have it protect his mom from the shadows.

Aside from the noise, Sora gave it a humanoid appearance, specifically that of a cute woman. To reduce suspicion and awareness of it's targets, such an appearance was necessary in order to complete it's objectives efficiently. That was only it's body, it's head had a wig with long brown hair braided into a single braid that went over it's shoulder.

It's face on the other hand was blank, no eyes, nose, lips, or features. It was plain and polished, allowing one to see their own reflection on the robot's face. (A/N: Similar in appearance to Atomic Heart twins.)

Followed by all that, it's AI was the best Sora could create. The robot was essentially a new lifeform with the wisdom and intelligence Sora bestowed upon it. Apart from the martial arts and basic intelligence instilled in it, the robot can still continue to improve and grow on it's own without Sora's input.

Of course, despite having freewill and wisdom, the robot had three rules it can't go against.

Protect his mother. Follow his every command. No one, aside from her creator (Sora), must see her unless absolutely necessary.

These three rules were to be followed absolutely and in that exact same order.

'Giving it a quirk will have to wait until I can have the necessary resources and equipment to make it,' Sora thought as he went to his computer.

Pressing 'Enter' on the keyboard, Sora began the awakening process of the robot.

[Downloading… (0.001 GB/398 GB)]

[Time left until completion: 3 Hrs]

Looking at the screen, Sora nodded before turning to look at the quiet nomu still bound at the corner of the shed.

Currently, Sora can't do a single thing.

He didn't have the equipment, nor resources, to study the nomu more in-depth.

He already comprehended everything there had to do with this nomu, what he planned now was different. Sora planned to experiment and see what HE could accomplish.

Enhance, modify, alter, reshape… in any way he could to the nomu.

To keep suspicions away from himself and no longer have to grab items from Power Loader, Sora needed to become self-sufficient. For that, he needed to make some changes to the shed.

Turning his gaze, Sora looked at the robot and suddenly smiled.

Sitting down, Sora sat in a lotus position and began meditating to pass the time.

So far, he had done everything he could.

His strength was still increasing thanks to his Great Body Forging Technique and was the best he could do. His talent, still nonexistent like always, without this his techniques can't improve.

Other than that, Sora's intelligence and wisdom is beyond comprehension. There was no limit to what Sora could discover and comprehend.

His only limit would be lack of resources.

Time passed as Sora meditated and immersed himself in his mind studying and comprehending many new things.

After three hours of meditation, Sora opened his eyes, his knowledge having expanded by many times compared to before.

His gaze landed on the robot before him before turning to look at the computer screen.

[Time remaining: 10 seconds]

Seeing the time remaining, Sora quietly stood up and looked at the robot and waited.






As the time reached 0, Sora looked at the robot curiously as the nigh ring in it's chest began to send it's energy through every wire and sensor in it's body. The motors began to turn on and everything was functioning properly.

"Good morning Eve," Sora said, a little excitement in his voice.

His eyes flickered in expectation as he waited for the robot to respond to him. Sora saw Eve lift it's head and turn to him and his face. Despite having no eyes, it accurately turned and looked at him thanks to the sensors and intelligence he granted it.

Smiling brightly, Sora felt like a father seeing his child begin to take it's first steps.

The name he gave the robot represented his hope for it and the future of his robots.


The first of many to come.

"But it's afternoon, Master," Eve said in a robotic, but cute, voice in confusion.

"It is," Sora nodded. "It's just a phrase I wanted to use to welcome you to this world. I hope your future is as bright and fresh as a morning."

"Thank you, Master," Eve tilted her head cutely.

Nodding, Sora calmed himself and gave Eve her first order.

"Eve, I would love to keep talking with you, but we have work to do. Go to the scrapyard and gather materials and electronics for me. I need them to continue with my work here," Sora ordered Eve. "When you return, we can continue talking together."

"Yes, Master! I'll see you later!" Eve said as she stood up and walked out of the shed with her hands behind her back and stepping forward with her toes.

Her steps were rhythmical and steady, her robotic feet stepping on the ground softly and quietly. Eve's robotic body is slim and curvy, her height standing at 5'4" (~163 cm), rather short and making her look cute.

Yet despite her dainty and seductive appearance, her weight was nearly 1,000 pounds (~454 kg). Her body was made up of 90% metal, the rest was of other materials like rubber and plastic.

For Sora to make her able to move silently and be capable of movement was a great accomplishment.

Stepping out of the shed, Eve was ready to head to the nearest junkyard to grab materials and resources for her Master, Sora.

However, she had to do one thing before doing so.

Walking over to Sora's house, Eve scanned the area. Her sensors scanned the entire house and the only person inside of it, Akira. Eve's scanning could scan through anything without being detected by anyone or anything.

Only someone highly sensitive like Sora could possibly feel her scanning.

Eve scanned Akira and information about her appeared in her mind. Using the programs made by Sora, Eve discovered every detail about her from her Blood Type down to an accurate number of hours that she has been alive since she was born.

With this program and another Sora wrote, the Danger Sense, Eve can protect Akira efficiently.

Danger Sense, as Sora had named this program, receives the information that Eve has obtained from her surroundings and the targets within it. Combining that information and running it through millions of simulations, Eve is able to perceive not only the current danger their protectee is in, but any future danger.

Eve is connected to the internet, with all the news and information she can get from there, she combines it into the Danger Sense Program for a more detailed simulation. From that gathered information, Eve is able to put into percentage just how high their target could be in danger.

Of course, all of this information and programs are encrypted in a special way that only Sora and her could read.

In simple terms, nothing could hide from Eve's scanners, not even the future.

With that simple scan, Eve was able to determine that Akira was not in any danger and should not experience any danger in the next couple of days.

[Name: Akanabe Akira

Sex: Female

Blood Type…






Relatives: Son - Akanabe Sora (Master), Mother…


[Danger: None(1.99% Danger)

Safe - 98.01%

> Accidents (Compressed) - 0.34%

Sick - 0.04%

Illness - 0.03%

Stabbed - 0.03%...]

The list went on and Eve knew in an instant that Akira was safe.

As long as any of the Dangers don't reach 5% or above, or the collective reaches 10%, Akira will not be in any danger.

However, even if Eve uses Danger Sense and finds that Akira isn't in any danger, it doesn't mean that she doesn't need to protect Akira. It's only to figure out what she should be most cautious of.

Eve looked at Akira through the countless walls before her and stared at her for a moment before moving and disappearing into the night as she went on her way to collect materials and resources for Sora.

Sora watched her leave from the entrance of the she and crossed his arms across his chest as he thought to himself.

With Eve here, the danger his mom should face will be less. After all, Eve is currently stronger than Sora in every way.

Her raw strength is three times greater than his, and with the martial arts Sora uploaded into her, Eve can double her strength through the use of techniques and efficiently making use of 100 percent of her strength without wasting an ounce of force.

"If I were to compare her to anyone, Eve's power should be comparable to the weaker Top Pro Heroes. If I grant her a quirk, she might be able to fight against those in the Top 20," Sora mumbled as he thought to himself.