

"Zero, your turn, show your cards" Guy said as he put his cards on the desk.

Zero who was sitting across from him glanced at Guy before revealing his smile initially hidden behind his cards. Zero put his cards on the table and...

*BAM!* "Are you kidding me?! You must be cheating!" Guy slammed his hand on the desk, making the cards fly in the air.

"It's not cheating if you are not caught at it, or is it?" Zero shrugged his shoulders with a smirk, finally finding an activity in which he can destroy Guy.

"It's not a murder if I am not caught at it, or is it?!" Guy grabbed Zero by his collar and asked with an irritated smile.

"Well, as you can see, we are not alone here so forget about it." Zero said with his head held high and one eye closed while patting Guy's hands to let go of his collar.


On the side girls were observing this situation while Green and Najasho were reading a book, minding their own business.

"*It's almost scary how well those two get along considering Zero might become Guy's rival in the future*" Tsukushi whispered.

"*Aren't they rivals already?*" Poney raised her eyebrow.

"*Maybe but not in the area I had in mind...involving Cora*" Tsukushi corrected her.

"*Are you saying that they might become love rivals?*" Akame asked in both a surprised and curious tone.

"*Aaah, now I get it, however, Zero hasn't shown any interest in anyone yet. It's too early for that but he resembles chief a bit in this area.*" Poney said with a blank expression before glancing at Najasho's expressionless face as he was reading a book.


"For real, how do you do it, Zero?!" Guy asked gritting his teeth after he lost another round of cards.

"I have quick fingers, a little perk I have learned during my times in the slums." Zero decided to no longer tease Guy.

"Ooh? I believe I have quick fingers too." Guy said with a strange smile which made Zero frown.

"Why do I feel like Guy is talking about something completely different?" Poney muttered with a helpless sigh at the end.



Gozuki returned after half an hour or so and informed the kids of their mission. He also spoke about the tombs and Gravekeepers. They also have their own hierarchy and the number of skulls they carry represents their rank. The more skulls, the higher ranking and stronger Gravekeeper.

It was already night and the group wanted to capture a few Gravekeepers for the tombs' details and especially the map, however, they decided to wait for the dawn so they could recover their strengths from nonstop traveling.

'I don't feel like sleeping' Zero got up and quietly left the tent to get some fresh air so he could clear his head.

'Hm? What is she doing over there? Oh, right, her sister must be somewhere out there...I honestly admire her strong mentality, if it was my relative out there, I would venture there even on my own. I wouldn't have the patience to wait for the others. Perhaps it's especially because I know how it feels to lose everything that I wouldn't want to feel the same way again.' Zero thought as he spotted Akame's back who was seemingly staring at the city and large tombs behind it.

Zero decided to join Akame on her side but it looked like she didn't even notice him. Zero recalled Akame's words and how she took care of him during his fever and he felt like helping her, unfortunately, he didn't know what to say.

'We aren't even friends for that long, that is if we can even call each other friends. Still, she has shown kindness to me...I ought to return it while I still can and while I am still human...' Zero's definition of human was related to one's morals and he still considered himself human, however, the plans he had prepared for the moment he catches the murderer of his family...weren't very nice. It would perhaps be the only person he would thoroughly enjoy torturing...for Zero, his screams would be music to his ears.

"According to Gozuki's words, Gravekeepers captured some people alive so there is still hope for you. You should be positive while you can." Zero said which made Akame finally glance at him.

"...Is it because you can no longer be positive?" Akame asked with pity filled voice. Her words, shocked Zero as he looked at her with questioning eyes.

"I heard you sleep talk, only I am aware of this so don't worry...I apologize" Akame explained.

"...No need for an apology if I was sleep talking, it's my own fault." Zero nodded his head and calmed down, however, he didn't explain anything contrary to Akame's expectations.

"I know I have no right to suggest or tell you anything regarding your matters, however, revenge is only temporary. If it's truly your only reason why you have survived for so long, you will lose your reason to live once you have exacted it. It also won't make you feel any better or return your relatives. Y-You can consider us as your new family, I have noticed how well you get along with Guy for example." Akame said while looking down, however, Zero's next response shocked her.

"Pff, haha"

"What is it? Why are you laughing?" Akame looked into Zero's eyes with a confused expression.

"It's a bit ironic, I felt like returning the kindness you have shown to me yet you are the one trying to make me feel better, not the other way around, haha. Akame, I am not a little kid, I know what revenge is and what it entails. I have seen enough movies to see what happens with the people who finally get their vengeance." Zero said in a half-joking tone while staring at the city on the horizon with a faint smile.

"Mo-Movies?" Akame tilted her head to the side and repeated with a dumbfounded face.

"Let's go back, we should take a rest for as long as we can, for the sake of possibly your sister and the others still trapped inside the tombs." Zero patted her shoulder a few times before going back while Akame watched his back with a small smile.