
A World Filled With Adventure

What?! Di-Did I just got reincarnated in another where dragon, demon, elves, dwarves, and other magical beings exists?!! But... Where is the goddess that's supposed to guide me in another world? Where's the system? W-where's my cheat skills?

PritongIsda · 奇幻
2 Chs

1. An Unknown Place


As I regain my consciousness, I found myself in a strange dark cave where the only source of light are some weird glowing mushrooms.

'where am I? And what are these weird looking mushrooms?'

While feeling a mild headache and dizziness, I tried to get up and recalled what happen.

'Did I get kidnapped? No.. I'm sure I got hit by a truck and... Di-did I die?'

As I started to panic, I quickly calmed myself and sorted my mind.

"Hoo... calm down, it's still not confirmed if I really died."

After calming myself down, I explored the cave, looking for an exit.

"But still, looking at the this thing again, this cave sure is big."

The cave that I was exploring is big, it is twice as big as a basketball court. It also has many tunnels, and oddly enough I still haven't seen any kind of living creatures, not even bugs.

'Maybe it's because of these mushrooms?' I thought to myself.

As I was talking to myself, I saw a light in one of the tunnel that I was exploring.

"Ohh! It might be the exit!"

I quickly ran into the light and exited the cave. But to my surprise, what I saw was a forest. Not just a forest, but a forest with big trees.

"What the..."

The trees were as tall as a building with five to six floors. And the leaves of it are almost covering the sky.

"Where the hell am I? These trees doesn't grow in the place where I live."

While getting distracted by the my surroundings, I quickly realize something strange. There were no sound, not even birds chirping.

"Aghh!! This is really--"


As I was about to voice out a complain, I heard a loud howl followed by a light tremors.

"N-now what is it this time?!"