
A World belongs to the Black

KuroBastard69 · 作品衍生
38 Chs

Aarine and Karine


Over the course of the month following Aunt Andromeda's move, some interesting things happened. The most surprising thing was the discovery that I was being molested in my sleep by two horny twin veelas. The discovery was quite revealing and I didn't care as they hadn't really crossed the line. Just hugs and kisses don't qualify for sexual abuse, do they? Especially when kisses are being given on the cheek and not in other critical places.

Of course, knowing that changed the group dynamics a little bit. Before I would treat them like friends, now I treat them like future lovers. The difference between the statuses was non-existent as I was still petted and hugged in between our workouts.

Anyway I met my cousin Nymphadora Tonks... or now called Nymphadora Black. She still had a complex with her name, but I didn't care and decided to stay on Aunt Andromeda's team and call her by her given name.

Of course I did it to piss off the girl she had decided to act like an annoying big sister.

Anyway, Uncle Ted (or Edward) was duly adopted into the Black family and took our last name. It was an interesting discussion as he as a muggleborn found it particularly humiliating to adopt his wife's name, but the pureblood laws helped in this case... especially when he found out that aunt could, legally speaking, have a harem if I gave permission as Lord Black. Of course, he knew this coincidentally and no one had gone directly to him to threaten him.

I also asked Uncle Ted to be my representative at Wizengamot but the ministry trash said he could only take one of the seats. Ridiculous, because he'd offered the two fucking seats to Lucius Malfoy without my permission before and now that I've chosen someone... Well, just another day of British politics.

Now, I had 1 year left before I needed to go to Hogwarts and put myself in the crosshairs of Assholedore and his Machiavellian plans to control the wizarding world, but I didn't care that much. First, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to Hogwarts as Durmstrang and Bourbatonx were equally good choices. The first option would even give me access to the cursed room that my grandfather left in the castle in his unbridled time.

"Pietro, aren't you tired?" Karine asked anxiously. I had noticed for some time that the two girls seemed to need some daily physical contact. By that time we had been running around the property for some time and she was panting. I imagine she needed a break.

"Sure." I replied. "Let's go back and relax by the pool for a few hours." I suggested it for her happiness.

The previous Black Mansion was a sober, dark mansion. It gave off a clear family surname aura and had dull, depressing gray walls. Since moving, I've basically turned this place into a perfect vacation home.

Large clear glass windows for better access to sunlight. Paintings in varied light tones. Hardwood floors replaced by pure white marble and hanging chandeliers for a refined air.

The garden has also been renovated for my comfort. An indoor pool area was created and water fountains had been added giving everything a much nicer appearance. I also made a point of giving my cute servants their own homes for their own family, should they decide to create one. Memphis was surprisingly devoted to me. After I destroyed Regulus' locket and changed his body that pseudo-magical procedure, he's been growing more and more admiration for me. I didn't complain.

We started walking towards the house and in less than 10 minutes I was lying semi naked, with only a black swimsuit, on a lounge chair with my head resting on Karine's thighs... She got addicted to it, for some reason.

"You've been trying hard these two years, Pietro. You should relax more and enjoy life." She said with a beautiful gentle. I liked that about Karine. She didn't assert herself even when she was worried, but she also didn't hide her worry with fake support. She would clearly say where she thought I was wrong, but she wouldn't criticize me for it. Aarine was the type she silently supported even if she wasn't in favor of something.

For example, if I decided today that I was going to start kidnapping Muggles for experiments, they would both object, but while Karine would talk about her reasons for doing it, Aarine would be silent and help me kidnap guinea pigs.

I wasn't sure which approach I preferred. I admired the older sister's silent loyalty and valued the younger sister for defending her position. Honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without them anymore and that was kind of scary.

"Sorry, beautiful. But I can't relax so easily…lots of new things to see and do…" he said. "I know it sounds like an excuse, butit really isn't. I want to learn a lot about magic and this world... I haven't even scratched the surface of what magic can do..."

"I understand." She smiled. "You are very cute, you know?"

"Ah...I think...Maybe...yes...cute..." She had such a beautiful smile that it confused me. Damn it. "Hey, how about a trip? We could go to Hawaii. I want to enjoy a week off at the beach anyway. Let's call everyone to go as a family trip." I suggested.

"It might be a good idea. Aarine is increasingly becoming a training fanatic and she needs to be taken out of that crazy room you made."

Ah, I forgot that I had basically recreated a magical version of the hyperbolic room of time. Unfortunately it didn't have much to do with the *time* part on her behalf as it only increased gravity and therefore made it difficult to channel magic externally. It was one of my creations to help with training when creating rune tattoos didn't work.

I had the plan to emulate the gravity and suppression seals, but although the seals could be made with a rune arrangement, such an arrangement could not be inscribed on the body, nor would it work if it used adhesives attached to the skin of the body... it was impossible.

With that in mind I basically created a room that could do that and it worked out pretty well. I think the fact that Aarine had a paladin complex wasn't just a feeling...

"Well, let's invite everyone to dinner tonight."


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Aarine and Karine of the Goldstein family had a miserable life for several reasons. Some related to Gellert Grindelwald, others related to Justin Goldstein, her father... and still others related to her mother, who although she loved them both still sensed about them.

Justin Goldstein was the son of Queenie Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski. The muggle-loving American witch who followed Gellert in his not-so-moral goals was months pregnant when she became disappointed in her lover and followed the Dark lord on Ascension.

She had her son, named him and abandoned him in a German orphanage before asking to be obliviated. Gellert knew about the child and kept him under her care until she grew up. After the death of the little legilimens, he used one of her supporters to raise the boy in the hope that he would inherit his mother's gifts.

It didn't take long for him to be arrested then, but by then there was already a contract of allegiance between both parties and the little not so little Justin was his minion. Years in prison later, little not-so-little Justin was caught and revealed the identity of several of Gellert's supporters to Dumbledore who was unaware of the contract.

After this betrayal, the wizard lost his freedom and was forced to serve as a servant to several families who were still Grindelwald's vassals. It took years for these families to decline and he could act freely again.

But his freedom took too long for anyone's good. Despite being the son of who he was, Justin was a bloody blood purist. Ironic, but not impossible since there were many examples of this weird mentality in the wizarding world. During his unsupervised days he began kidnapping and torturing dozens of muggle women just for sadistic pleasure. Many died at his hands, and many more would have died if he hadn't found Pauline.

Pauline was a Veela and lived very well as a courtesan to a noble Italian wizard. She wasn't the strongest in her coven, so being patronized by a pureblood wizard wasn't a bad development for her. It wouldn't have been if she hadn't caught Justin's attention.

The man kidnapped her in 1970 and since then she has been used as a sexual relief. Tied up in a cellar, used as a toy, humiliated and vilified, Pauline wanted to die, but even that was not allowed.

Ten years of constant abuse curiously didn't bear fruit until in 1978, she found herself pregnant with twins.

For the first time, Justin seemed to have begun to worry about her, and her (If not aggression could be called that) care of him relieved the woman who didn't want her children to be hurt. So the two were born. Girls she loved enormously.

Unfortunately Justin loved them too.

If only this love were normal, Pauline wouldn't suffer so much.

While the girls were young, he didn't really intend to use them for his primal instincts, but it would only be a matter of time before it happened and Pauline wouldn't be able to stop it. Then, on the day the girls turned 7 when her Allure first manifested, she attacked the man who had decided her waiting time might come to an end.

It wasn't something that ended well for the woman though. She died beaten in front of two healthy girls who could only cry and beg without being overheard. Luckily for both of them, one of Gellert's followers found the house they lived in and, seeing everything, killed the bastardin a righteous fury and led the two girls to their master.

And that's how they found themselves with Pietro. A boy they never expected to find.

Veelas had access to very interesting lineage information. See, it's common knowledge among mages that Veelas have allure and are looking for a mate to bond with. Everyone usually seeks this, but what no one knows is that they can choose their mate from options.

When they first met Gellert, their magic and lineage resonated with him and they realized the old man was a possible choice of mate. It was like an animalistic instinct that told them that the wizard in front of him was strong and that having children with him would give him powerful babies. They were still young, but still they weren't idiots. Thanks to their father, they matured very early and their mother taught them from an early age never to act on instinct alone. That's why they didn't complete the bond with the old man. They followed their mother's advice at last.

And it was then that they were introduced to Gellert's grandson.


They almost ran towards the boy of similar age. To them he was like a sun. A magical and alluring sun that couldn't be avoided. He was the most suitable of the suitable if they were to follow the baser instincts of their lineage. Again they smother that feeling and just decided to act like the servants they would be. After all, she was a slave to the Grindelwald lineage. This status was absolute and would not be changed.

It didn't take long to abandon such pretensions however. A week after leaving Nurmengard they admitted to being bound to him and accepted it.

Surprisingly the boy did not reject them and after that they were able to better analyze the personality of the person they chose as a partner.

He was very cute in appearance. White hair and blue eyes so pale they almost mingled with white waiting. Soft and white fur, emitting softness and care. Perfectly delineated jaw line. Small nose and rosy, juicy-looking mouth... They felt warm every time they looked at the child. Then they started attacking him in his sleep. They invaded his room and hugged his body lying on each side while enjoying the clean and mystical scent of the boy.

They also started kissing his face over time, sometimes almost reaching his soft lips. The girls knew they were doing wrong things however and never admitted it. Even when they got caught, they just pretended to be doing something and only ended it when he basically gave them permission to do whatever they wanted as long as it didn't exceed the limit of decorum.

In other words "Leave my little brother between your legs alone." and then they just caressed and kissed the top of the boy, who took advantage of the situation as kissing cute girls was not uncomfortable.

Aarine and Karine also had a secret. Like their grandmother, Queenie Goldstein, they were natural legilimens and, most surprisingly, possessed a mental link between the two that allowed them to communicate with each other. Lucky for Pietro to be a born Oclumens, or secrets would be leaked...

Either way, the two twins have long since decided to belong to the boy. They wouldn't go against him and even though Cousin Nymphadora Black was very beautiful and a possible threat to them, they didn't contest his decision. They also came to an agreement with themselves that they wouldn't be against other girls as long as he continued to love them... Even though they hadn't directly told the boy that decision that they didn't even think about having more than one woman in his future adult life. .

But come to think of it, he'd be an idiot if he didn't get a harem, right?