
Chapter 88

Micheal grabbed Erica's phone and clicked on the articles about stolen identity. According to the article which was from eleven to twelve years ago, Mark Twain was attacked by a man who shapeshifted into him before throwing a toxic substance on his face and stealing his wealth. The news was all over international news and books and Movies were made about the incident.

Micheal looked up at Erica who was now shaking. He quickly forwarded the articles to Brown who was eager to read them. 

To their shock, a man with Mark Twain's was spotted at the cancer fundraiser in Hawaii while the real Twain never stepped foot at the fundraiser. DNA was carried out on Mark to prove he was the real Mark and various investigations were carried out but the Mark that was at the party was never found.

They all looked at each other out of words. 

"This must be fake," Brown broke the silence. "The council must have planned all this ahead.