
A Witch's Legacy

Piper, a powerful witch, finds herself pregnant by Daemon, a mysterious vampire with a dark past. As she navigates her pregnancy, she faces relentless attacks from witches, wolves, and vampires who all have their own reasons for wanting her babies gone. With danger lurking at every corner, Piper must rely on her magical abilities and form unexpected alliances to protect herself and her unborn children. As the threats intensify, Piper's journey becomes a thrilling race against time to ensure the safety of her family.

Seri_Faw2 · 奇幻言情
22 Chs

Chapter 6

"Alpha" Edward's beta said entering the office. "Alfred and Jefferson are dead" he said before Edward could register he was even there. Edward stood up quickly from his desk, his chair flying back and falling to its side. "Where's piper?" He asked his eyes wide, knowing that if they were dead she was most likely taken or already dead herself.

"Gone, only her friend laid on the ground" the beta, Anthony, replied. "What's her condition?" Edward asked. "She's in transition, from what I can tell" Anthony told his alpha. "Find someone who can help her through it and gather all the hunters" Edward said. "I want everyone looking for her understood" Edward added. "Yes alpha," Anthony replied.

Piper opened her eyes. As she lifted her head, she quickly noticed her wrists cuffed to a wall. Where was she? She wondered, it looked like she was in a cave. "I see you're finally awake," the man said, walking over to her.

Piper stayed silent as she just stared at him. He suddenly held up a cup and a knife. "Do you mind?" He asked. "Do I have a choice?" Piper retorted. "Of course not," he replied before using the knife to cut her arm. He then used the cup to catch the blood pouring from her arm.

As he pulled the cup away from her arm the deep cut suddenly healed. "Well isn't that interesting" the man said. "Who would have thought the traits of the children would carry onto the mother while in the womb" he said before walking away.

"What do you want with me?" Piper asked. "It's not you I want," said the vampire. "It's the children you carry" he added as he poured her blood into a jar. "This however" he said holding up the jar. "Is for a witch I know, he believes with your blood he can kill the children you carry inside you" he told Piper. "I won't let you hurt them," Piper said.

The man walked over to Piper, knife still in hand. For a moment he stood in front of her looking her in the eyes. Piper closed her eyes and turned her head away as the vampire stabbed the knife into the cave wall. "You don't even have the power to stop me" he whispered in her ear, before turning and walking away. Piper opened her eyes. And looked at the fire the vampire had going.

"What's your name?" She asked. "If I'm gonna die by your hand I'd at least like to know that much" she told him. "Marcus" he said simply. "igne clarior et calidior ardere agis circum ac semper ardere clarius" piper whispered and the fire suddenly grew. The fire grew so much it practically reached out and grabbed Marcus, burning him and forcing screams out of his mouth. "Dimitte me hinc ligamen, ut curram ad vitam meam" piper said and the cuffs that held Piper to the wall suddenly opened.

As Marcus continued to burn from the fire, Piper took her chance to run out of the cave. "You fucking bitch" Marcus yelled as he barely managed to put the fire out.

As Piper continued to run she pulled out her spare pocket knife. Everything felt as if it had become slow motion. Survive. That was the only thought in her mind. For both herself and her unborn children she had to survive.

As Piper continued to run she suddenly tripped and went flying onto the ground. Before Piper could attempt to stand Marcus had appeared in front of her. Piper knew she couldn't run from him. And she knew any spell she did wouldn't buy her enough time. Marcus suddenly picked her up by her throat again. "I am going to make you suffer a slow and painful death" he told her before throwing her. Piper hit a tree before falling to the ground and rolling.

She couldn't help but cough as the air was knocked out of her. "tuere parvulos intra uterum meum dole me solum" piper quickly whispered as he suddenly picked her up and threw her again this time farther.

"Ah" she screamed as she hit the ground. Piper couldn't move her body, she was in too much pain to move. Piper just laid on the ground, praying that the spell she had just said would work to protect her unborn children. Marcus now stood above her staring down at her. He suddenly knelt down.

"I wonder what your blood would taste like," he said as he wiped his finger along one of her wounds and staring at her blood, before licking it. "Mmm" he said, satisfied by the taste of her blood.

"How would you like to die like your friend?" He asked her, tears fell from her now bruised face. Witches may have had magic but their constitution was that of a regular human. And with the spell she used to protect her babies the healing that had worked on her before would be no use.

Piper's vision was a blur, she couldn't move, she could barely think. She was so tired and she could tell she was severely injured. But she was also alone. She didn't have the power to stop Marcus and the chance of someone finding her was so low that it might as well have been written in a story.

She knew she was about to die. And she was scared. As Marcus's regular looking teeth formed into sharp fangs, Piper gave up closing her eyes as Marcus leaned down towards her neck then...


she didn't even notice it. Her eyes stayed closed until she suddenly felt her body being picked up off the ground. Forcing herself to open her eyes, she looked up to see someone she hadn't expected. "Daemon" she said weakly. "Shhhh" he says. "Just rest" he told her. "Sierra... is... is she..." "no" daemon told her. "She's alive" he added as he carried her out of the woods. "Now rest" he said. Her eyes grew heavy as her head slowly sunk into daemons chest, and as her eyelids became heavy. The world around her quickly went dark.