
A Weeb's Journey Through the Multiverse

If you like Alpha MC's, this is not the right story for you. This is a fast-paced story about romance and adventure. Tian Yi, a weeb accidently got killed by Truck-kun while trying to save a bird. However, what he didn't realize was that the bird was actually God's pet that wandered into the mortal realm. So instead of passing through the cycle of reincarnation, he was given some benefits. This is my first story, so I may have bad grammar. The cover does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner. Artist: Stu Harrington

Marshes · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Chapter 5: Plans

After the incident, Gabriel realized something, "Mouu~ What was the ominous dragon that came out of your armor? It was very scary and extremely powerful."

Raphael: "Yeah, what was that? It had this ancient presence even to entities like us who are millions of years old."

Michael and Uriel nodded their heads. The pressure they felt was similar to Great Red and Ophis. A concept of infinity, yet not quite.

Tian: "I have no idea." He really didn't know about the dragon since he lost his memories. However, he did know the name of the armor after unequiping it. It was known as Chaos Star Dragon Armor.

"I think the armor's name is Chaos Star Dragon Armor, but other than that, I don't know much"

Michael: "Could it be a sacred gear?"

Tian: "What's a sacred gear?"

Michael: "Sacred gears are powerful abilities bestowed to humans by father. These sacred gears are connected to one's soul, therefore the person can summon and desummon it."

Gabriel: "Yeah, but the only sacred gears relates to dragons are Vritra Gear, Boosted Gear, and Divine Dividing.

Uriel: "It is probably not a sacred gear, maybe something similar to that"

Tian looked at the sky and decided to call his sacred gear, Chaos Star Dragon Armor. Out of nowhere, a roar could be heard as a shadowy figure of a dragon descended towards Tian like lightning. A familar armor could be seen. Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael were still shocked by the dragon.

Tian: "Yeah. I can summon it at will".

Michael: "Are there any abilities?"

Tian hadn't thought about that neither did the other 3 Seraphs.

Tian: "I don't know, maybe it does"

Uriel: "Well, you would find out eventually."

Tian desummoned his armor.

Description: Chaos Star Dragon Armor

Armor created by the God from a small portion of remains of the Chaos Star Dragon, a dragon who lived in the multiversal creation period. Although the dragon died, a portion of the spirit of the dragon was converted as the main source of power for the armor. As a result, the armor is only a weakened version of the real terror known as the Chaos Star Dragon.

Wielder: Tian Yi


1) ??? - Sealed

2) ??? - Sealed

3) ??? - Sealed

Transformation: True Terror Sirius Ascension

Ultimate Power: Sealed

Author's Note: The power of the armor is extremely weak compared to the true power of the Chaos Star Dragon. The current power is comparable with the Kokabiel power because the powers are all sealed. As the story progresses, the power will unseal. The armor is also weak to Anti-dragon abilities.

Michael: "So what are your plans?"

Uriel: "Yeah, what are you going to do now?"

Raphael: "You could stay with us in Heaven if you want"

Gabriel: "YES! I mean yes! Stay with us please Tian-kun" while hugging his arm to her breasts.

Tian who felt the soft sensation along with the look of Gabriel's face laughed. "Yeah, I was planning to ask you guys if I can stay here anyways." Gabriel jumped and smiled happily.

"So from now on, please take care of me until you don't want me to stay in Heaven anymore or until I regain my memories" Tian bowed.

Gabriel pouted, "Mouu~ you are staying with us even if you regain any memories! You understand?!"

Tian, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael sweatdropped.

Tian scratched the back of his head "Uhh sure?"

Gabriel: "No, you have to promise me"

Tian sighed and said "Alright, alright. I promise".

Raphael and Uriel snickered "What lovebirds. Acting like a wife reprimanding her husband"

Michael chuckled while Tian and Gabriel blushed "W-what y-you mean?"

Michael: "Well are you going to stay in the crater or are you going to tour around with Tian-kun?"

Gabriel grabbed Tian's hand blushing a bit and flew away. "Alright bye brothers!"

"Yeah, bye Michael, Uriel, Raphael."

After both Gabriel and Tian left Fifth Heaven. Michael turned towards his two brothers.

Michael: "What do you think of Tian?"

Uriel: "Well, he is extremely handsome, possibly the most handsome man in the universe and he seems very nice."

Raphael: "Yeah. He seems to be very friendly and nice. I think he is good after all even out imouto seems to like or possibly love him."

Michael sighed. "Our little imouto is finally growing up. I wonder when they are going to get together."

Raphael: "Yeah. It is our first time seeing little Gabriel that happy after Father died."

Uriel: "By the way. I heard the Old Satan Faction declaring war on the New Satan Faction. Most likely it would be a civil war."

Raphael: "I hope The New Satan Faction wins the war. The Old Satan Faction is too traditional and strict and it would spell out problems for us in the future if they win the war."

Michael: "Yeah. I hope so too. Maybe in the future, there would finally be peace".

Timeskip coming around next chapter

Alternate Titles: My Little Gabriel is leaving me T_T (Michael's POV)/Chaos Dragon Star Armor/The Promise

Author's Note: The timeskip would skip to 5 months after the start of the Devil Civil War.