
Book 2- Chapter 197- Epilogue 5





The whole crawling incident happened about three weeks ago. School for me and Ocean was about to start again. We were taking three classes each, but they were significant classes that we needed to move on with our degrees. And, at the moment, we were quite busy.

I knew that we were going to be starting classes on Monday, today being Friday, so we needed to finalize the schedule for who was going to come to the house and help us, and of course when they were all due to arrive.

Ocean and I would likely handle the morning with no issue, since we were used to it all by now as it was, but we needed to have others here for the days that we had classes and labs to deal with. We needed the babies watched and cared for. The house to be tidied up after them. And if possible, depending on the day that we were at school, dinner at least prepped or started. We wouldn't have much time on Wednesdays since that was our late day.