
Book 2 - Chapter 19- Ocean – Thanksgiving




Time was moving quickly. Or that was how it had seemed. Before I even knew it, our first semester at college was almost over. We were doing well in our classes and we were already registered for all the classes that we would be taking after the Christmas vacation. It was all going really well. In my opinion at least. And even my family histories project was going well, though I would have liked to learn more about my biological family than my adopted family. That would happen in time though, I had a promise from Uncle Abe about that.

Even with our hectic schedules and all the studying that we had to do, I thoroughly loved being here in the city with Makai. We got to do what we wanted, go where we wanted, and never had to worry about anything at all. Well, we still worried about our grades and stuff, but that was all. It was literally an easygoing time for us .