
Book 2 - Chapter 158 – Ocean – Decorating Part 1




With our first major shopping trip for our babies done and over with, I felt like it was time to focus on something else. And that something else was the nursery. I wanted to get that done as soon as possible. And yes, I knew that some people would tell me that I was getting ahead of myself a little bit and that I didn't need to rush anything at all. Well, they would be wrong.

The truth of the matter was that I did need to hurry and rush this. And if I wanted a nursery that was adequate enough for what I wanted, then I needed to get the work started on it almost immediately. What if I needed to have someone come in for construction or painting, or something like that. I mean, I couldn't wait until the end of my pregnancy and then let them come in here to do the work. I would be way past showing by that point in time.