
A Voyage Towards End

I, Eren Samus was a unsociable man ,whose entire life based on pushing limits. No he wasn`t a born shounen protagonist, he was a just a paper pusher in his old company. The only good sign in his life was his parents who always supported him, as they knew there son wasn`t talented rather was a hardworker. Things started to change when his parents deceased in plane crash. He became a shut in and indulged in novels and anime to appease his heart. But he was naive , who would have thought that at the last momen- "ITS ISEKAI TIME BITCH" This a work of fiction. ----------------------------------- Eren tried but he wasn't the "TATAKAI" one. ----------------------------------- Cover is not mine found it on pixiv. ----------------------------------- My grammar can sucks sometimes. ----------------------------------- This is FF about Supreme Magus novel.

NoThigh_NoLife · 奇幻
27 Chs

Lucky Pervert ?

[Dream Lantern (English Version)


{ Ah, if only our voices speak at night

Could ever reach the very edge of this world and the time

Instead of fading into air and dust

Then what will the words could ever be?

Farthest words from "probably"

Let's make a promise that will never fade

Let's say it together in count of three, oh


Ah, I'm told that some part of every wish will be heard

But lately I've lost sight of the truth in those words

I can't even remember when I gave up believing

What could have been the reason?

Ah, the very moment that the rain will stop

In the place rainbow born and dies

And where the end of this life lies

I've always been insisting there was something that I've longing for

One day we'll reach to emotions unexplored, unprecedented

We'll high-five love we've yet to discover and give a kiss to time

The five dimensions keeps on teasing me

But I will keep on looking at you, dear

Let's make a sign for when we say "Nice to meet you" again

I'm on my way to you, chasing after your name }


Soon he caught a familiar smell.

"Why're you outside of woods, the last thing I need right now is yours head bounty and explain why I didn't want to do it."

"I know but desparate times calls for desparate measures. A monster has appeared which can threaten my cubs and yours too. We need your help." Ryman said.

After agreeing with Ryman, I climbed upon his back as I had a dream to ride on a magical beast. He was very fast and gaining more speed by the second.

"What is that thing that make you came for and is it really needed to be so fast? "

Lith asked.

"Yes, speed is the requirement for facing a Abomination." Ryman said.

I remembered it from the manual* ROB gifted in Birthday. It has a black core and it's sucks world energy continuously for survival.

"So we have to deal it with dark magic, well I have a spell to split the core, but somehow you have to restrain it or you would injure."

"Sounds like a plan, now that you mentioned your aura has changed and why it's so sharp? Is it related to your awakening a mutation?" Ryman asked.

"Nah, that's the aura when you reach when you get very proficient in a sword." Lith didn't want to tell his secret.

After a while Lith could hear sounds of battle.

There was a Gylad, a stag type Magical beast with as shoulder height of 2 metres with his fur light brown with shades of blue.

A Shyf, puma magical beast with shoulder height of 1.5 metres having honey gold fur with shades of green.

"The Gylad is the king in north, Lifebringer, while the Shyf is king in south, Reaper." Ryman quickly introduced his allies that were fighting the abomination.👾

The abomination was odd shaped, it could stand up on it's two legs, resembling a man with very long and thin limbs, or would stand on all fours, like a pig drawn by a kid.

{Long man and long limbs Slender man vibes_☠️ }

Lith used his improved plague arrows adding a bit of spirit magic and fired at the Abomination. Almost a half of the body was destroyed.

"The 🦆, the 🦆 , You should warn human, we could have perished." Gylad growled.

"Less yapping, first recover." Shyf said.

Lith looked at the beast and noticed the prosthetic leg of Shyf and admired his control.

The Shyf noticed his stare at his leg.

"That's what happen when, when wither close enough to touch you. I would be dead if Lifebringer hadn't caught it's attention."🦿

"Wither? Isn't that a abomination?"

"About Abominations you should have knowledge, normally they die failing to evolve. A king can generally kill those mindless creatures. But for a unique one we gather up to kill. That's why we call it wither."

Gylad explained after pointing to remaining forest which was barren now.

( Eren we found a bigger mana reserve than the previous one, this abomination wants to take all the energy for his survival. Wherever it goes it destroys the habitat, just by existing.)

"We are fighting for three days and we can't handle anymore stress, so calm for your help Scourge. Unlike us all the elements obey to you." Ryman said.

"Hory shiet, they have been fighting for three days. Mikasa analysis!"


{Allow Calender to access your calendar?


Kowalski, analysis }🤨


"Yes skipper, Eren all the King's have cyan mana core, but Ryman's the one more likely

to have a breakthrough in a year."

"I can help with the wither but you have to somehow restrain it , and I will take care of it." Lith said as he deactivate his aura hiding techniques. The sudden sharpness in aura was noticed by all of them, even the wither was also eyeing him specially.

(That pig is eyeing for me Mikasa, I think it can sense my awakened lifeforce.)

Three kings and Lith surrounded the wither in square formation alternating attacks with

paralyzing spells, if the wither moved any direction the whole move along with it, trying to prevent it getting closer and away.

Lifebringer was using earth and water magic

to slow it down and later attack with torrent of ice blades.

Reaper used both air and earth magic to restrict wither' movement and Lightning to attack.

Ryman's fire was useless he was following Reaper's lead.

Then Lith used Dark magic :

Dimensional Slash, Equinox 🌚, the entire forest became silent for a sec and the Abomination stopped moving.

Soon a loud glass breaking sound resounded, space quacks occurred and Lith used his space law and gravity manipulation to stabilize it. After there was a clean gash in the ground deeper to almost 50 m.

The world had mended the cracks in space and were stabilized in a blink of second.

"Whooo, what was that? What the🦆 was that? Was it a Tier-5 spell or a Blade spell."

Shyf was shocked.

"Good thing, you didn't use your sharp aura or the destruction would be more huge." Ryman informed.

After the battle concluded everyone dropped down the ground, finally able to rest.

" Mikasa, we would need a proper dummy for applying my sword laws, the destruction it would cause might attract the emperor beasts."

Then he stepped towards the barren land, his mana reserves were low. But he had an idea.

"Mikasa backup me with your mana, I will put a 'ki' seed in the ground, mix it with light magic to make it germinate a bit."

"It would make another combination spell but, we haven't tried using Ki with elemental mana. Well everything needs a start though."

Then Lith streched his hand, soon internal 'Ki'

and external 'Ki' gathered in his palm. He gouge out the soil with the sword and planted the 'Ki' seed. Mikasa used a light spell on it.

Soon a wave of external 'Ki' gather around and started enveloping the Barren land slowly returning it's fertile property.

The king's were shocked, they already knew that humans were lord over all elements but controlling external life force 'ki' purely shocked them. Ryman quickly recovered and replied.

"You should stop the use of that life force or it will slow down your evolution."

"Been there, done that. Well there are side effects but it has many uses . Thank you for the ride and advice."

Then Lith used Kokū shundō and left the place.

"The humans cubs would be scared of Scourge, his techniques are already out of mana system." Ryman thought inwardly.


"Hey, Eren you didn't use your last two gacha tickets, were you saving for something?"

Mikasa asked.

"Yah, let's use it now, system roll!" Lith said.

Random gacha noise. mp3

(Nakama power and lucky pervert)🥲

"Oh, my god! my student life would be over right? Mikasa please don't be angry cuz Lucky pervert can even break the law of physics and casualty."

"I will let you off, but if you attract someone.

You will not play with them__ok, be genuine don't discard them. School life would help you develop mentally. Because of power addiction you had forgotten about living and enjoying the life.

Now, you have started to spend time with the family, you seem genuinely happy. Before, it was like your responsibility to take care of the family.

The marriage of Rena could have turned bad as earlier you don't trust people other than you have interacted with. But now you happily send her to house. The vacation of four years had mellowed you out quite well."

Mikasa said.

"Thank you Mikasa, for acting as my filter of emotions or I would have latched out on anyone who have just acted mean to me. Now let's see the description of abilities."😅

[Nakama Power] (Rank-A)

A energy which closes the bonds of friends.

*Can accumulate emotions of friends using it as energy.

*Possible resurrection.

*Sudden power-up.

*Plot Armour (5%)

*Enemy faceslaping increases Charisma


[Lucky Pervert] (Rank-B)

Some ecchi* things would happen around you_______right?

*Can break law's of physics and casualty.

*Luck increase to (Rank-B)


"This ability would make rumours about me being a pervert.🥲"

"This would be quite fun, watching you fall down like Rito Yuuki. You would have, lot of father's going for your head."😂

"Is that a flag Mikasa, cuz I don't like this."


" As you know the higher you grow, the more

trouble you incur into. A few weeks ago my family witnessed a murder attempt. Thanks to safety measures we have surrounded ourself, it failed. But it didn't pass without consequences.

One of the assailants managed to reach my daughter. Her magical protections took the hit, lessened down it to a pinprick. Because of that pinprick my daughter is cursed now. "

Marchioness said to Count Lark.

"Cursed?" Count's monocle jumped from his eyes in suprise.

"Yes, cursed. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't see it first-hand. When the healer started to heal her, instead of disappearing, the wound became bigger.

I have tried everything, called renowned master potionists, healers, medicine women, shamans nothing worked.

Now the only life support for my daughter is alchemic potions and the help of my personal magician, Ainz.

To make things worse, when the assailants failed to escape they blew themselves up destroying all the evidences."

"This is fantastic." Count thought.

"This is terrible." Count said with a somber tone.

{ My Bro is Nobita legit! Exploiting his Doraemon. }😂

"I know you will call me a fool, but I think I have the solution. "

"If you're referring to your young protege, you must be biggest fool. I have a list how many came for treatment.

Only God of healing, Manohar can find the solution. But no one knows his location. Damn my mother always said right, bachelor's are unreliable."

"Yaah, bachelor's are really unreliable."

Count did his best to suck up at her.

{ Every man have to go through same phase, for making a girl fall. Just suck up to her😅

Count Lark Dating classes. }

"But, I will say you're underestimating my protege. As I told you he's blessed by light. I will share you a family secret, he actually helped my daughter with similar problem."

Count managed to convince by adding some half-truths or lies.

{ Suddenly remembers the shady businessmen coming to your door step to sell you product. }🤨

"What do you have to lose? If I'm wrong, we'll

leave, and you will never hear from me again, outside official business."

"Is that a promise?" It was too good to be true.

"I swear on my ancestors, if he fails, the only thing we will ever talk about are county matters."

After sealing the deal, Marchioness Distar had him contact through Nanaz which in turn call Lith.

When he arrived, Ainz was already there waiting for him.

Ainz had sharp and intelligent features, with a blood red gemstones embedded on his chest.

Ainz gave an odd look, but his eyes didn't betray his intentions. { Gey! }

"My Liege requires your help, young magico. Do you know how to fly?"

Lith nodded he was genuinely curious why did Distar invited him on such short notice.


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