
A Voyage Towards End

I, Eren Samus was a unsociable man ,whose entire life based on pushing limits. No he wasn`t a born shounen protagonist, he was a just a paper pusher in his old company. The only good sign in his life was his parents who always supported him, as they knew there son wasn`t talented rather was a hardworker. Things started to change when his parents deceased in plane crash. He became a shut in and indulged in novels and anime to appease his heart. But he was naive , who would have thought that at the last momen- "ITS ISEKAI TIME BITCH" This a work of fiction. ----------------------------------- Eren tried but he wasn't the "TATAKAI" one. ----------------------------------- Cover is not mine found it on pixiv. ----------------------------------- My grammar can sucks sometimes. ----------------------------------- This is FF about Supreme Magus novel.

NoThigh_NoLife · 奇幻
27 Chs



{ I run from the liars, the fuel on the fire

I know I created myself

I know I can't fight the sad days and bad nights

But I never asked for your help

You got hurt

No, we don't belong together

So you took the love from my arms

Into the arms of yours

But I don't need a cure for me

I don't need it

No, I don't need a cure for me

I don't need it

No, I don't need a cure for me

I don't like the tension, the misapprehensions

About our nature in love

The glorious teachers are no use for creatures

Who knows how to play with the gods

You got nerves, but they never show

Unless they hurt, so you blamed it all

On my love, the moving

Heart I got

But I don't need a cure for me

I don't need it

No, I don't need a cure for me

I don't need it

No, I don't need a cure for me

I don't need it

I don't need it }

[ Cure for me by AURORA ]




Lith spent his next few days familiarising with the changes in his body and mana core.

True magic was different from the on-off feature of fake Magic.☝🏽👇🏽

It was a slow day, when two hunters barged inside, bringing another two hunters on their shoulders covered in blood.🩸

"A magical beast! A magical beast is rampaging in the woods! Please, you have to save my men, that monster almost ripped them apart." The hunter in lead shouted.😥

People in the waiting room made space for the injured hunters. They were so desperate, that no one complained about Lith's age.

Before the two hunters can say anything, both healers said at the same time.🤕

"Close the certains, and let me do my job."🧐

They performed the "Vinire Rad Tu" to check the cause of affliction. Lith didn't even had the time to activate Invigoration, when he found that the woman was already cold dead.

{ Omae wa mou shindeiru }🥲

"I'm Sorry. She was already dead before you got here" Lith replied, when he heard Nana yell.😞

"Get here quick, we can still save this one when we work together!" Lith rushed to another bed, and used Invigoration to find there was still a weak mana flow. Lith doubted if fake magic can help.🙄

Fake healing magic spell, would spread around the whole body and later work on the wound. Even worse, the spreading and focusing would cause the spell to lose some of its effectiveness.😓

True healing magic spell will directly affect the wound, through Invigoration send light mana with a surgical precision, maximizing the the potency of the spell.🤩

"Screw it! Sooner or later I will have to reveal my spells. I want to believe in Nana and give

'blessed by the light' cr*p a go. Play scared, die scared." Lith inwardly grumbled.🗿

Lith soon performed his misleading jutsus which he learned from a anime of previous life.🥷🏽

"Vinire Datebayo!" 😼 The light magic flowed

straight through hunter's blood vessels, repairing them and stopping the blood loss.

While, Nana focusing on keeping the body stable, Lith was able bring the hunter to the point, where fake magic could save him.😺

After, finishing the spell. He had to act like he was tired, so he leaned on the wall.😪

Luckily, Nana took the credit for the success,

relieving him from any questions about his spell.😇

After taking forty copper coins, she warned the Lead of the hunter's.

"He's alive, but barely. I don't know he will make it or not. His injuries were too deep, we did the best we could."👩🏼‍⚕️

"Forty coopers coins, almost half a silver and you talk about ifs and wishful thinking?" He yelled.😠

But Nana didn't give a🦆.

"Listen here young man, I dare you to find a village that hosts not one but two capable healers able to cast Tier 3 spells. And if you want certainties, go 🦆king find Krishna Manohar, the God of Healing in White Griffon academy just five hundred kilometres from here! And now get of my house or I will make you!"😤

The two surviving hunters had to comply

After putting off the exhausted act, he went towards the hunter's to ask about the monster.

Cuz, Trawn Woods was near his house.

"Sir, hunter please wait!" They were already halfway in the tavern.

The hunter's were already scared of Nana, they didn't want to provoke anyone.😰

"No need for honorifics, young man. My name is Ekart Longran and this is my sworn brother Flek Irotia. The one you saved is my little brother, Otum Longran. If I can repay the favor, you just need to say the word."

"Could you please tell me more about the Magical beast?"🐻

Ekart shivered just by the memory generated in his heart. With every passing second, he was recovering his spirit and courage.

"It's a huge byk, do you know what it is?"

{ Hai_____Kuma desu! 🐻}

Lith nodded, according to beastiary a bear which evolved into a magical beast was termed as a Byk. They were attuned with earth magic and some rare with fire magic.

"It all started around a month ago. The farms on the east side of Trawn woods were being attacked by a mad beast. At first it was only cattles were attacked, but things started to change. 🐻

When harpy of Baroness Rath💃 put on a huge bounty over the head of Byk, in hope to avenge his dead son. She believes he has fallen prey to the beast month's ago."

"Rath that's sounds familiar." Lith inwardly thought.

"Eren, you remember that psycho who was trying to rob you from bunnies" Mikasa reminded him.

."And that was beginning of the end*🤨 the hunter's who lured over easy money. 🤑Byk got a the taste of human flesh, it started to hunt down his pursuers with elaborate plan.

"When we understood how smart the Byk was, we were already too late. We managed make to out, cuz the Byk was busy in his last meal to chase us."

Lith bowed, "Thankyou, I live near the woods. Your information may have just saved my family.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Before he could turn around, his shoulders were grabbed.🖐🏽

"I have been long enough in business to recognise a fellow hunter when I see one.

Listen to my advice, don't go after it. That beast is unnatural, not only it's smart it also moves through at unbelievable speed." The hunter adviced.🧐

Lith thanked him again, before going back to help Otum in one of the Tavern's rooma and to clean the blood on Nana's room.

When he got back Nana handed him 20 copper coins, half the pay.

"You can rest now, your spell is too draining for you. I recommend you to only use it on emergencies."She ruffled his hair and said.

Lith nodded, but before going back home. He made a plan with Mikasa.

Facing a monster without a plan was plain suicide.

{ Sees Dinosaurs*

Make uhngaaa! noise to proveke it.

Get gulped down.😈

After warning Selia he took rest and used his breathing techniques to stay in peak form, when he gets out for hunt.

Lith organised the task of sensing and healing to Mikasa. He would use 'shroud' 'Mirage walk' and 'manaskin' for precaution.

That night, he slept for the first time after two months. He woke up before dawn and left a note for his family.😴

He wore his brand-new leather hunter set, with metal protectors in his forearms, chin and heart. So he casted 'Shroud' and 'mirage walk' and used Kokū shundō to walk on air.

{ Always use protection!🤣 }

Trawn woods was too big, and moving on foot was slow. Using life vision and Mikasa mana sense he started to look for his prey.

Then Mikasa informed him about she found out. "I can feel two Ki's around here one is full of Malice and another's of confidence. This is full blown trap, there's two byk around here."

"That's the reason why the Ekart seemed too scared like he saw ghost😰. The possibility of two byks mustn't have crossed his mind. We have to revise our plan, I will take out first one and you will deal with second one sneaking around.

Or we could use items in the inventory of system. Let's use the flash Grenade and throwing needles. When I deal with the first one, you would be ready to pull off the grenade if the second one sneaks behind which would make it temporarily blind. I will use shundō to arrive near it and you will finish it."

When we found the trails, it wasn't even trying to hide. Like the Byk was too confident with his ability.

The Byk was on the ground around 33m and Lith was on air. He sent a huge wave of mana, followed by 'reinforce' needles.

The Byk instinct was sharp, like it could feel the hunter nearby.

It infused his whole body with earth magic, when two mana clashed, it diminished the protection of head area. It was trying to make his whole body covered up again, but it didn't expect there was a follow up attack, just behind the huge wave of mana.

{ Suprise moda🦆

A needle penetrated his head, the last moment he saw was a kid floating in air. It happened too fast, she didn't get time to even regret when her life was sucked away.

{ Am way too fast boi! fast as🦆 boi! }

After her death, another Byk appeared suddenly. Mikasa was already prepared she threw the Grenade at its point blank. Bro wanted to chat something when he got temporary blind.

Lith used shundō and arrived at its back and Mikasa used dark magic at point blank to kill it .

Nig - - -,didn't even got the time to think in that time frame when he left the material plane.

"HAIYAAH! TOO WEAK! x2😐 , it was too easy.

I couldn't even understand the hype which those Byks created. Were the hunter's were too incompetent or we were strong cuz of plan?"

Lith was disappointed.😒

"No it was strong, but luck and planning was with us. We were stronger and faster than it. The plan was good, but we can't make those plans in all times. You have already heard Madara preachings ;

[Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this world. The longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering and futility exist.]"😞

"OMG! My Mikasa has become a Madara geek, now I am too jealous right now.🥲"

____cries crocodile tiers*🥺Lith teased.

"Yah___yah I know how jealous you are😒. You think I will believe in you, Humph!"

She pouted.😤

Then our Ry appeared, lith already knew about it through the change of Ki in the surroundings, but he acted as scared.

"Bro! Legit Bro! You scared me there rn!,

Bro seriously do you have Ligma*¿"🤷🏽

Lith asked.

"Sorry scourge, and what's Ligma? Is it a disease or wot. I don't remember catching any symptoms of anything or this Ligma?"

The Ry replied.

"Ohh____ Lig mah ba🏈🏈s! hahaha!"

Lith and Mikasa laughed out loud.

"You! It's the second time you did the same type of joke. What it was sugma*?

"Ohh___it was sug mah ba🏈🏈s! Bro are you a M or wot? Anyways what made you came here though. Is it related to this Byk righthere? And what's with that deer, were you eating rn?" Lith asked.🧐

"Not the contrary, I came to give you my thanks. It was my duty stopping Irtu and Gerda, but you managed to precede me."

It threw the magnificent deer towards Lith feet. Both the skin and antlers were in prestine condition aside from a single bite in the neck, where it had been clearly broken.🦌

"This a gift, you humans prefer them like this.

Since after eating the meat, you can sell it for what you 'money'?"Ry replied.

"Thankyou, but why do you call me 'Scourge'? Isn't that kinda offensive? Lith didn't like the name he was being referred.

"It's no offense, you killing the King in west and with it's life you claimed his title. And I am the King of East and my title is Protecter if you wanted to ask."🤑

"The Protector. My role is to keep both humans and unruly magic beasts at bay."

"Well the title is good, but why your's so cliche. Don't you got some name other than the title. It's silly to always call you Ry, why not I name you. Hmmm___how about Ryman,

sorry my sense of naming is legit 💩. But what do think about this name."

{ Bro literally have called him X AE A-XII* the urge ufffff😐 }

"Well, it's a nice name other than the title. It has a nice ring* on it. Well, I am going back to my cubs, we will meet again. You can do whatever with your territory."

Then he left.

"Well Ryman is a nice name, lamer than

X AE A-XII though, Elon must be on some nice stuff* to come with the name."

Mikasa joked.

"We should announce credit, we could get a lot of merits and the bounty too. " lith said.

. And We should keep Irtu's corpse for experiment purposes and sell the

Gerda's corpse." Mikasa reminded.

Lith get back to his house, cleaned himself and started practicing Silverwing Hexagram.

Nana explained him to use this array on entrance exams for easily get listed.


Silverwing Hexagram is one of the legacies left by Lochra Silverwing to future generations.

It is an exercise that demonstrates mastery over all the elements as well as a deep understanding of the flow of mana. It emphasizes the mental strength and focus of its caster.


It was difficult but we found a hidden meaning of this array, it can selectively negate all of the enemy's spells. But there was a cons too, the greater it's area of affect the harder it would require to keep the harmony of all six elements.

But it took only few seconds to activate it with spirit magic.

Mikasa and me were practicing to increase our reach, so that our control of six elements would increase progressively without using spirit magic.

And later used breathing techniques to refine the core. He was thinking about how to announce to his parents about the treatment he devised for Tista.


A perfect 2400. Lol, I was watching the documentaries of Ghost Adventures.

I suddenly woke at 2:57 am. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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