
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · 历史言情
43 Chs

A big enough gift can buy forgiveness...?

The shield was violently shaking from the attacks of the wyvern but Chai Ying looked completely unconcerned. He looked. at the unconscious Bai Mei Li and felt a surge of guilt. It had been such a long time since he'd had a chance to cut loose a little that he'd went little over board. He'd wanted to take his time and enjoy himself so he hadn't used any profound skills or techniques. He'd just been using his earth Qi and brute strength.

Bai Mei Li didn't know him, she didn't understand what he was capable of so of course she wouldn't have a clear understanding of the situation. He was never in any danger. She and the child were never in any danger because he was here. He should of made that clear to her. Now she was unconscious and he had no idea where the boy was.

He sighed and walked up to the wall and raised a hand to touch it. There was popping sound and the ground shuttered as his powerful Qi overwhelmed the shield and shattered it as though it were nothing.

Bai Mei Li's breathing was labored and she was floating in any out of consciousness. Her exhaustion wouldn't allow her to move a single finger. But just before giving into oblivion the blurry image of Chai Ying appeared before her. His back was facing her and she watched through mostly closed eyes as he broke her shield without much effort at all. She couldn't understand how he could do that so easily when a moment ago he'd been near death. Her mind was way to clouded for her to be able to make a decent guess as to what was going on.

Her last thoughts before she passed out for good was her hope that Xiao Jun wouldn't wake up before she could make it back to him. He would be so scared if he woke up alone in that dark place. After that thought there was nothing

The rune imbedded in the ice staff behind Chai Ying broke and the staff fell to the ground. Chai Ying didn't even look back to it instead he walked forward towards the wyvern.

His Qi exploded and the air around him began to visibly condense and then vibrate and soon Chai Ying was stepping on the air. He didn't stop walking until he was directly in front of the heads of the wyvern.

His hands were now behind his back and that malicious, cruel, and unreasonably excited expression on his face was long gone, it was replaced with a look of supreme irritation. He wasn't playing anymore. While he was undeniably battle crazy he hadn't lost all reason. His careless playing had caused harm to Bai Mei Li and he had no idea where that child was.

That last point was what he was most concerned about. That kid had the natural ability or an artifact on him that made it impossible to sense him. While it wasn't be impossible to find him it would be very difficult. It might be faster to wait for Bai Mei Li to wake up.

He was extremely annoyed and instead of placing the blame on himself he placed it on the wyvern. If the shitty beast had of just cooperated with him… But no it had instead unleashed a trump card causing a delay in Chai Ying's plans.

Of course if Chai Ying had of just taken things seriously from the beginning things wouldn't of even got to this point and Bai Mei Li wouldn't of harmed herself to help him.

The wyvern watched the human approach it. It wasn't that it wanted to just sit still and let this damn human get closer and closer. It was just that this human was suppressing it with massive amounts of inner force. It was like the wyvern was frozen in place. It was completely incapable of twitching a single muscle.

The Wyvern just couldn't understand. If this damned human was capable of suppressing it to this level, why on earth hadn't he done this from the very beginning?

The wyvern was of high cultivation and intelligence so it didn't take it long to understand.

That human had been playing with it from the beginning. Looking at the humans clothes which were the least bit torn or worn the wyvern understood that this human hadn't took it seriously from the very beginning. This damn human had been toying with it like a bored predator.

"Human… what do you intend to do?" The wyvern begrudgingly spoke.

A demon beast could learn to speak human language was it reached a certain cultivation most would learn the language but few would be willing to speak it… except in life and death situations like now. If the beast was lucky enough the beast and human could possibly come to some sort of terms that would allow it to preserve it's life.

"Well.." Chai Ying said slowly as he watched the beast, the irritation in his eyes growing. "I had originally intended to kill you, skin you, separate your body part in a very organized manner, and then distribute you out evenly to the people of sanctuary. Your meat and innards would be beneficial to the practitioners in the village. Your scales would have so many make different uses I can't even be bother to name them all."

The wyvern didn't even flinch. Of course it knew all of this. This was one of the main reasons humans hunted their kind. It clearly understood this rationale.

"What do you intent to do now?" It asked in it's snake like deep baritone lisp.

"Now I want you to bond with that girl there. Do it of your free will. Do it and you live."

The wyvern was silent. It's heads turned to look at the girl laying on the ground unconscious. It's couldn't hide the of distain that crept into it's eyes. If the damned human that was suppressing him demanded a bond the wyvern could more readily accept that. But the human laying of the ground was so weak that the wyvern could get rid of her with a casual flick. The idea of a spirit bond with such a weak human left it feeling extremely unsettled.

Yet on the other side of this equation was death.

It found itself conflicted. Would it really have to trade it's dignity for it's life? It looked back at the human standing on the air with fear and hatred. If this human had of shown that he had the ability to fly the Wyvern would of never attacked in the beginning. This damned human had really hid his abilities well. So well that the wyvern had made the wrong decisions at every turn.

In the end the beast understood it didn't really have a choice. It wouldn't choose death of this humiliation. It wanted to live!

How long had it taken for it to reach its currant high cultivation?!

"Very well." It continued to use human speech. Then it looked to Chai Ying waiting for the human to release it.

Chai Ying Snorted and then lowered his core Qi pressure enough for the wyvern to move. He moved to Bai Mei Li and got down to one knee. He helped her into a kind of sitting position by allowing her to rest on his chest.

The Wyvern approached as well. It's face was dark and gloomy. It clearly wished it could just eat these too humans whole. How had things ended up this way?

It had worked so hard to find the trail of the human girl. It had wanted vengeance and yet in the end it was reduced to this state. It sighed inwardly. It would have been much better off it had of just let the plant go. Now it was about to accept a master that wasn't even worth calling a meal.

After another moments hesitation the Wyvern coughed up its beast core. The milk white core hovered in front of it. The beast sighed again and lowered it in front of the humans.

Chai Ying grinned at the Wyverns reluctance. He didn't care what the beast thought. The wyvern was his 'I'm sorry' gift to Bai Mei Li. This was how he intended to make amends for his blunder. The wyvern had no right to object.

Chai Ying believed that by preemptively gifting her such a powerful beast he could head of some of her anger.

He thought he was quite clever.

He took hold of Bai Mei Li slender and pale hand after turning it over he cut her palm and allowed her blood to be absorbed by the demon core. It took a full minute of continuous blood flow to turn the core from it's milky white to a deep red color.

While Chai was placing Qi, blood, and other replenishing pills into Bai Mei Li mouth the Wyvern was concentrating. After a minute or so it coughed up a drop of it's true beast essence and dropped it on the core.

Soon the core was covered in complicated seal symbol.

Once Chai Ying was finished with tending to the wound he'd created on Bai Mei Li's hand he turned a vicious gaze to the wyvern. "Swallow it."

The wyvern couldn't help but hesitate because once it swallowed the core back down the demon beast binging would be complete and it would be unable to spit it's core back up do undo this. The time to undo it was now. Yet it understood that it had no choice.

Unwillingly it recalled the core and swallowed it.

It felt the change in it's body immediately. The chains on the binding ritual tightened around it's soul and the flew out to bind with Bai Mei Li's soul.

She groaned uncomfortably but stoned settled back down.

Chai Ying nodded his approved. "Now get small so it's more convenient for Bai Mei li.

The Wyvern did as it was told and shrank into the size of a garden snake and the slither to Bai Mei Li and coiled several times around her small wrists before growing still.

Chai Ying looked on with satisfaction. He was sure this would earn him some good will. He was absolutely positive that he'd barely be in any trouble when she woke up.

He picked her up and gathered the staff into his spacial ring and then started walking in the direction she'd headed off to when he felt her leaving. He walked in a leisurely pace. It wasn't in a hurry. He was waiting for her to wake up and give him precise directions to where the boy was hidden.
